New Trends for Nordic Walking: Does it create joint relief?

New Trends for Nordic Walking: Does it create joint relief?

Once a new phenomenon in the world of fitness, Nordic seems to be sporting more and more new trends as we speak. From machines that take you through fields and meadows; to swimming; Nordic walkers seem to have established themselves in the world of fitness with numerous manufacturers and millions of dollars invested. Now at, we'd like to inform you on new developments in Nordic Walking and how it can benefit you.

Aqua-Nordic Walking:

There is aqua-gym, and aqua-swim, so why not aqua Nordic Walking? This is what Nordic walking trainer Michael Epp, from Altshausen asked. His invention is an ingeniously simple concept. Aqua-Nordic Walking is basically like Nordic walking, only it feels like you are training in water. The 1.35-meter deep basin allows for easy movement, but in reality the floor movements are simulated with a joint- relief and saving method, in the spine, hips, knees and ankles. Other muscles that can be stimulated include the arms, legs, buttocks, abdomen and back. Epp developed Aqua-Nordic Walking in collaboration with a manufacturing company called Aqua Nordic walking sticks.

Here are some websites in correspondence with new Nordic Trends:
Nordic Walking: Why not in the South?
The right step
Mass movement Nordic Walking
Run: The village for Nordic skiers

Nordic trekking:

A second trend in Nordic walking is Nordic trekking. Nordic Trekking is for long distance walking. Since Nordic Walking is more leisurely, Nordic trekking is usually done at a higher pace and with a pulse maker. It is also for those that want more of an adventure with nature. You can choose different tours or treks that lead you through relaxing picturesque environments, and plan it as a day trip or even a period over several days. Nordic Trekking is also a way to connect fitness with a touristic experience.

The Myth of Joint Relief from Nordic Walking:

Some researchers have reason to believe that the theory that Nordic Walking produces joint relief is a myth. In a field study five scientific researchers found after testing that Nordic Walking did not cause any joint relief in comparison to walking, jogging, or running on natural surfaces. The scientists took volunteers of different gender, height, and weight ratios, (with and without walking sticks) to run pressure on the different joints. In doing so, they found no difference between Nordic Walking and regular walking. The conclusion of the study: "The data clearly demonstrates that the widespread opinion of a joint discharge by Nordic Walking by 30-50 percent is not necessarily true."

However, some may prefer walking indoors where they can choose their own room temperatures, but still get the same beautiful scenery of the outdoors. No matter what way you decide to choose, the option is now readily available to you.