Eat your way to good health!

Fitness Expert
You are what you eat. How you look -- whether you are in decent shape or bursting at the seams, glowing or sallow-faced, sickly or fighting fit -- depends on your diet. You can literally eat your way to good health -- just follow a health food diet and a moderate exercise routine!

A health food diet or healthy diet doesn't imply eating bland foods and boring stews day in and day out. It should make you feel like a million dollars rather than like a starved prisoner!
A health food diet requires you to consume all required nutrients and guzzle enough water. Since a wide variety of foods come packed with nutrients, you definitely have a wide platter to choose from, even while eating healthy! Sticking to a health food diet will also go a long way in keeping obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer at bay.
Let's take a look at some simple steps to eating right.

Eat smart, don't starve

It's not what you eat but also how you eat that matters. Skipping breakfast and long gaps between meals will take your body into fat-storage mode. Have a healthy breakfast, eat several small meals and chew your food well, savouring every morsel. Mealtimes can a pleasurable experience when we are not mindlessly eating in front of the television.

Reduce, remove, replace
Don't ban any foods from your health food diet, especially those you love. The more off-limit a particular food, the more tempting it will be, ultimately leading to frustration when you give in to the craving. Can't give up your chocolate craving? Switch to low-fat, sugar free chocolates! Love your bagels and chips? Scout for fat-free, low-salt cholesterol-free options!

You can simply order health food online to stock up your kitchen. Gradually reduce unhealthy food portions, remove them from your diet and replace with healthier options.

Add colour

Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables to your health food diet – the more colors on your platter, the more antioxidants and nutrients you are packing in! Bright red, green and yellow colored fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as well as fiber.

Get off the couch

Do moderate exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming etc to complement your health food diet. With all those light meals, it should be easier to move around!

Your body knows better

Listen to your body; eat when it says it's hungry, not out of sheer habit. Often when a hunger pang strikes, try having a glass of water. You might simply have been thirsty! Eat slowly and just before you are beginning to feel full. Your brain needs a little time to send the message to your body that you are full.