Intergenerational Transmission of Consciousness

Fitness Expert
If you look in the dictionary consciousness is defined as a sense of one's personal or collective identity, including the attitudes, beliefs, and sensitivities held by or considered characteristic of an individual or group. It also is an alertness to or concern for a particular issue or situation.

We actually transmit our consciousness to our children! How we interpret the world each day strongly affects the type of people they will become! We pass on more than eye and hair color and talents to our children. This means that, as humans, it is our responsibility to have as many educational and enjoyable experiences as possible. If we surround ourselves with people who work hard and live fulfilled lives we will tend to take on the values and behaviors of those we encounter on a daily basis. We have the responsibility to continually educate ourselves, take care of our bodies, nurture our family bonds, make a difference in the world, and be thankful for everything we have.

We should always try to improve our lives and personal growth opportunities. We will only find success if we take actions towards reaching our goals. We will find true happiness and fulfillment if our goals involve what we really enjoy doing in life. Think about what it is you want for your life and move ahead with purpose.

Our thoughts affect our children who will in turn mimic our attitudes and actions. No one is perfect and perfection cannot be achieved, but excellence can. If we strive for excellence our children will do the same! You are never too old to shoot for the stars! If we all stay conscious of that the future of our world will be in good hands!