How To Establish A Balanced Development Of Shoulders

Fitness Expert
Shock The System

These shock exercises will help your shoulders become stronger and more visible.
Don't use all shock strategies at once, but when you select one shock strategy give a time of two or three weeks so you can actually see results.
Changing this strategies from time to time, your muscles will be forces to grow because of your changes. Even if you have strong and big shoulders, these strategies will give power to your shoulders.

How To Establish A Balanced Development Of Shoulders

Shock 1

Work on your shoulders after two days of rest. Working on your weaker muscles after a longer break, will help you to raise the intensity of training, and thereupon a growth of your shoulders.

Shock 2

Work on your shoulders on the first exercise. Regardless of how many muscle groups you are doing on the same day, your shoulders must be inevitable to have rapid growth!

Shock 3

Exercise your shoulders two times a week, but decrease the volume. Bodybuilders often train one muscle group only once a week and that is not a bad approach, but to get in shape burned-in muscle groups, they exercise it twice a week. Be careful with the volume of exercising so you avoid possible over training.

Shock 4

Establish what better mind-muscle link. If you are more concentrated on performing the exercise during the workout the better connection you will establish in mind-muscle link and encourage growth.


Never think that the weight of build, but focus on stretching and arms how they lifting, you must feel the muscle, feel the pain then you know that you are doing it right. No pain no gain. Simple

Shock 5

Use more weight and reduce the number of repetitions. Relatively bigger weight better stimulate growth in comparison with the small weights. Once you've established a good mind-muscle link perform 6-8 repetition.

Shock 6

Use less break between series. Bodybuilders sin too often rest between series, therefore, reduce the rest to about one minute between all series. Perhaps you won't be capable of raising the same weight as before, but overall stimulation will be greater than before.

Shock 7

Focus to adequate food before training.
Eat copious breakfast and drink more water in time before training, and drink shake composed of protein and carbohydrate and 5-10 grams glutamine immediately before training.