Home Exercises for People with Lung Conditions

Home Exercises for People with Lung Conditions

Photo by Mikhail Nilov
If you have lung problems, staying active can help manage your condition and improve your quality of life.

Although exercising when you’re out of breath might seem odd, physical activity assists your heart in sending oxygen to your body, helping your blood to circulate better.

But what types of home exercise are suitable for people with lung disease? How often should these individuals exercise, and why is exercising essential for people with lung conditions?

This article provides information on home exercises suitable for individuals with lung conditions. It includes the types of home exercises, the frequency of these physical activities, and why they benefit people with lung disease.

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Top 3 Types of Home Exercise for People with Lung Conditions
Certain lung conditions, including asthma, pleural mesothelioma, and bronchiectasis, can stop your lungs from functioning correctly.

You might feel like exercising is not possible or safe if you have lung disease, but regular exercise benefits you. No need to go through the hassles of working out at the gym because exercising at home may be just as effective.

Still, it is always best to consult your respiratory therapist or doctor before starting any exercise if you have a lung condition. Below are types of home exercises for people with lung conditions.

Aerobic Exercises
Aerobic exercise may help manage your lung condition. This exercise improves your lung’s ability to use oxygen and strengthens your heart.

Walking, stationary cycling, jogging, or jumping rope are aerobic exercises you can do at home. Try walking with your dog or playing music while cycling to make these routines more fun.

During aerobic exercise, you will breathe faster and deeper, and your heart will beat faster, increasing blood flow to your muscles and back to your lungs.

Resistance Training
Another home exercise for people with lung disease is resistance training. This exercise helps improve the muscles you use when breathing, increases your strength, and makes everyday life much easier.

You can use resistance bands or weights for this training. If you don’t have pieces of equipment, you can use your body weight, too. It would be best to ask your therapist or doctor to learn about various resistance exercises suitable for your condition

Stretching Exercises
Stretching is an excellent way to start your exercise or cool down after. Stretching increases your flexibility and improves your balance and posture. You will breathe better with improved posture.

A head tilt exercise is a good start for your stretching routine. Begin by sitting comfortably with your shoulders back. Slowly nod your head from side to side while slowly breathing in and out.

You can also move your head in a vertical direction. Repeat this head tilt exercise a few times.

Another stretching exercise you can do at home is shoulder rolls. You can do this exercise once you’re done with the head tilt routine.

Stand with your hands hanging at your sides. Make sure your hands are resting naturally, and your shoulders are relaxed.

Breathe in and out while slowly rolling your shoulders forward, then relax your shoulders. Then, slowly inhale and exhale while rolling your shoulders backward. Repeat this exercise as long as it feels good.

Calf stretch is also an excellent exercise to improve your lung condition.

Place your feet side by side on the floor and face a wall. Put your hands against the wall. Ensure that your elbows are slightly bent and your arms are at shoulder level. Do not push against the wall.

Step your left foot backward and slowly lower your heel to the floor while slightly bending your right knee. Make sure your toes are pointing forward. You will feel the back of your lower left leg or calf stretching.

Hold this position for about 15 to 30 seconds while inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your lips. It would help to purse your lips and breathe out for at least twice as long as you inhaled during this exercise.

Return to the starting position and repeat the steps, but put your right foot backward this time.

You can also stretch while holding on to the back of a sturdy chair.

How Often Should You Exercise?

Generally, exercising three to four times a week, with each session lasting 20 to 30 minutes, will help you achieve the maximum benefits. For aerobic exercises, you can do them for about half an hour a few times a week.

Choosing an exercise that suits your lifestyle and you genuinely enjoy will help you stick with a regular schedule.

Although it is generally safe to exercise, you may want to think about it if you have a fever, feel nauseated, have chest pain, or are out of oxygen.
Benefits of Exercise for People With Lung Conditions
Those with lung conditions often find it challenging to have an active lifestyle due to fatigue and shortness of breath. However, inactivity may lead to worse symptoms.

A nagging cough or noisy breathing can be mild symptoms of lung disease. Other signs of a lung condition include shortness of breath, persistent mucus production, coughing of blood, and chest pain.

There are many different ways to be active. You can increase everyday activities like walking your dog, gardening, or stretching at home.

The right type and amount of exercise have physical and mental benefits for people with lung disease.

Being active improves your breathing muscles, blood circulation, and heart health, which helps manage shortness of breath. Exercising also reduces your risk of developing other health issues, such as diabetes, stroke, or heart disease.

In addition, engaging in physical activity enhances balance, improves bone strength, and increases flexibility. Other benefits include better sleep, higher energy levels, and lower stress levels.

Regular exercise can also lower high blood pressure by 5 to 8 mm Hg.

Staying active benefits not just your body but your mind. Exercising boosts your self-esteem and confidence. But consult your doctor before you try home exercises, especially if you have lung conditions.


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