HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training

Fitness Expert

A look into the popular fat-burning cardiovascular training program called HIIT

High Intensity Interval Training is a quick and intense program that allows you to burn fat quickly and effectively. This is what has gained HIIT its growing popularity. Because most people lack the time to spend working out, HIIT has created an easy way for people to lose weight without spending endless hours at the gym. And for those who are not looking to lose weight, it is a simple way to keep fit!

High Intensity Interval Training is an anaerobic exercise. It consists of a cardiovascular exercise, where you change speeds within a period of 20 minutes. The point of this alteration from high intensity to low intensity training, is that it makes for an effective fat burner. It can also leave your body burning fat for up to 24 hours after each session, without burning protein in the process.

In order to start your own HIIT program, you must figure out what level you are at. We start by using a scale with levels from 1 to 10. For some, level 1 could be standing; level 2 could be walking; level 3 could be jogging; and so on- up to level 10 where you must put forth an all out 100% effort. The only thing is, you have to decide for yourself where your levels of intensity start. For some, level 1 may be standing, whereas for others it may be sprinting. It is important that you realize where your high points are, so that the exercise can effectively work for you.

Some of the benefits of High Intensity Interval Training focus on weight loss. Although regular cardiovascular work outs in the fat-burning zone may be effective in burning fat in the long run, it is a very slow process. By doing High Intensity Interval Training, you can maximize your heart rate and therefore challenge the energy system of your own body. The difference is in doing a regular cardiovascular work out your heart rate increases, but never maximizes, and therefore reduces the amount of energy and fat being burned. So, instead of spending hours doing the same cardiovascular training, you can spend 20 minutes with HIIT to burn the same amount of fat..

HIIT is also great because it allows for a variety of workout methods. Whether you fancy biking, swimming, running, or any other cardiovascular exercise, you can implement any of these activities with the HIIT program. So not only are you burning fat, you are having fun while doing it.

Finally, High Intensity Interval Training can be used in many different ways. You can use it as a regular work out with 3 – 20 minute sessions per week, or you can use it occasionally when you don't have time to perform your normal 30-60 minute work out routine. Either way, it is a quick, intense, fat-burning exercise program with endless possibilities. <7p>