Bootcamp Style Workout

Fitness Expert

Core Workout Routines

Always consult your doctor before starting a new workout routine. This is a similar routine that I take my bootcamp classes through. Make sure you grab some great music to set behind you! Alternating upper body and lower body and cardio. Make sure to modify any exercise to your own abilities.

Round One - 7 Minute All Body Workout Round.

Squats 1 Minute.
Bicep Curls 1 Minute.
Jumping Jacks 30 seconds.
Push Ups 30 seconds.
Lunges 1 minute right side, then 1 minute left side.
Tricep Press 1 minute.
Burpees 1 minute.

At this point, you can take a break for 2 minutes, or go for it, and repeat Round One again.

Round Two - 3 Minute Cardio Workout Drill

Jumping Jacks 30 Seconds.
Scorpion Push Ups 30 Seconds.
Jumping Jacks 30 Seconds.
Dive Push Ups 30 Seconds.
Jumping Jacks 30 Seconds
Tricep Press Push Ups 30 Seconds.

You can Take a 2 minute break, or start the next round. But, you should drink 3 to 6 ounces of water every 15 minutes during exercise.

Round Three - 4 minute Core Workout round

Wall Sits 30 Seconds to 1 Minute
Planks 30 seconds to 1 Minute
Handstand 30 seconds to 1 minute
Jumping squats 1 minute