Inner City Purpose Network
National Health/Wellness Initiative For Corporate Organizations
Job-Well-Done Program
The Inner City Purpose Network is dedicated to the health and wellness of corporate organizations both large and small. Our company has developed an intense corporate organization wellness drill-down program that evaluates the make-up of your office environment and the health of your employees.
What A Difference A Day Makes
Americans are becoming more conscious of their health and wellness and more employers are participating in this movement. More now than ever, it has become increasingly important for employers to be sensitive to the health needs of their staff. Understanding the dynamic of optimal health, allows employers to retain staff and increase sales. ICPN has designed an extensive "Job-Well-Done" Program that corporate organizations can involve their employees in a program that will bring them personal results as well as on the job incentives and rewards.
On average employees spend 45% of their week at work. The work environment contributes to 75% of the stress that is endured during daytime hours. By working long hours, skipped lunches, tight deadlines, pushes employees; to eat more on the go, (non-nutritional meals/poor food choices), emotional eating/comfort food, exercise less, (no time), and stress more. Just with this example, changing a portion of these habits would be better than doing nothing to change this unhealthy lifestyle.
Healthy Employees vs Stress/Overworked Employees
Stress/Overworked Employees -cost companies an average of over 900 Billion dollars in additional health care premiums and paid sick leave in 2005 alone. This number includes employees who suffered from; obesity/overweight, stress, smokers, diabetes and other illness that related to employees with declining health issues.
Healthy Employees- Are an added asset to the cooperate organization. Healthy employees are more productive and are happy in their everyday living. They are more energetic and are willing to take on more tasks then the average employee. A healthy employee can think clearly and be more of a contribution to the company then a declining asset. A healthy employee is going to benefit the company more than an employee who's absent or feeling marginally good at work, or having other physical problems.
The Total Picture
With your corporate consultation and evaluation we allow your employees to see the total picture of health and wellness anytime and anywhere.
With, "Job-Well-Done," we will assist your company with; corporate wellness consultation, employee fitness assessment survey, fitness goals, corporate wellness operational budget, mapping an available space(s), realistic fitness program for your employees, exercise development, and on-the-job fitness coaching.
An appropriate health/wellness plan on the job will allow the work place to become a place of personal satisfaction while working with a company they can enjoy. Wellness in the work place has proven returns of up to $3.00 for every $1.00 invested in on-the-job wellness plans for employees.
Implementing a plan such as this will reduce employee absenteeism, improve moral and reduce on the job stress. The program encourages employees to take care of themselves. Taking care of themselves, provides an employer with optimal work ethic, quality results and improvement of job competency and efficiency.
Creating a team spirit for wellness/fitness will foster competitive attitudes, and add useful employee benefits. This movement will aid in employee retention and return, instead of employee turnover.
Participate in Our Corporate Health Assessment Evaluation program.
The Inner City Purpose Network is dedicated to the health and wellness in the workplace. Our company has developed an intense corporate organization wellness drill-down program that evaluates the make-up of corporate office environments and the health of ones employees.
Employers: Participate in our Corporate Health Assessment Evaluation study!
We want to make sure your employees are performing at their optimal levels. At the same time we will help you to understand how your company can retain employees and increase sales by providing effective health programs and incentives.
Our study involves small and mid-sized companies. Evaluations will be distributed via email and analyzed at no cost from Monday, March 12th to Friday, March 23, 2007. The study focuses on a core of 15 to 20 employees and employer. Risk factors and financial lost figures will be sent to employers within 24 to 48 hours of submitting completed evaluation forms.
To participate call Corporate Health Assessment Study Coordinator, Sherita Searcy (smsearcy@fitpledge. com)at 216-206-2420.
The Inner City Purpose Network, LLC is dedicated to providing programs that enrich health and wellness of Americans.
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National Health/Wellness Initiative For Corporate Organizations

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