Boot Camp Causes 120 Pound Weight-Loss for Man

Boot Camp Causes 120 Pound Weight-Loss for Man

We have all heard of these new revolutionary boot camps that have commenced in most countries around the world. What we don't know is the story behind the man that lost 120 pounds doing it.

Tim Lenczowski, a 39 year old man, weighing in at about 335 pounds, struggled with his weight for the majority of his life. Tim suffered from constant pain in his knees and ankles, and dreaded the difficulties he faced every day even just walking or sitting on an airplane.

Once diagnosed by his Doctor with hypertension and a heart condition, Tim knew he had to make some big changes in his life. He had already tried numerous diets, where some had worked, but he gradually ended up gaining the weight back.

Finally Tim decided to try walking. It was simple and low impact. Soon he tried walking a marathon, and even though taking 9 hours to do it, he felt better about himself. His friends then pushed him further to try kick boxing. After 8 months of kick boxing, and watching his diet closely, he ended up losing 60 pounds.

His friends then pushed him further to try a boot camp. He was reluctant at first, but decided it was the next big step. At the beginning of the camp Tim said he couldn't run a mile, so he set that as his goal for the camp. After time and from lots of encouragement from the other members and instructors, Tim gradually moved from the back of the class to the front. Eight months later, Tim had lost 120 pounds.

Now, Tim has completed 5 full marathons, and 12 half marathons, become a fitness instructor, and has bought out his own franchise to start a boot camp of his own.

Most importantly, Tim's health has changed for the better. He no longer takes heart medication, and his Doctor has decreased the amount of blood pressure medicines he needs to take.

It has also made him a better and more confident person. People look at Tim now and see the new happy, confident, funny, giving person that Tim wants to be known for.

Tim says he could never have done it without the support and motivation of his friends and instructors at the camp. If it weren't for them, he said he would probably be suffering from major health and weight problems still. You just need that little push to get you started and get you out the door, and then you are set. And, the results are miraculous.