External Shoulder Rotation with Elevated Arm with Band

Exercise Tube or Band Shoulder: Rear Shoulder: Side Shoulder: Front Trapezius: Upper

This exercise is great for working the rotator cuff and shoulder.


  1. Start with the band under your left foot, and a handle in each hand. Your left elbow should be at shoulder height and bent to 90 degrees. Adjust the length of the band between your foot and left hand until you have the right resistance.

  2. Exhale and pull your left hand up toward the ceiling, keeping your shoulder absolutely still and not letting your elbow drop. Stop when your arm makes a 90 degree angle. Hold for 2 seconds. Inhale and release arm back down to start position. Switch arms and repeat for one rep.

  3. Recommended reps: Do 10-12 reps each arm.
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