Dumbbell Torso Twists

Free Weights Abs: Side Back: Lower Core

This exercise focuses on the hip flexors.


  1. Start this exercise standing straight with feet shoulder width a part. Arms should be out in front of you, elbows to the sides, and a dumbbell between the palms of your hands.

  2. Exhale and twist your body slightly to the left without moving your feet.

  3. Turn from the waist as far as you can without your hips turning, and hold for 2-3 seconds. Inhale and return to center. Do both sides of the body for one full rep.

  4. Do 10-12 reps, and start with a small weight. Increase weights as you progress with this exercise. Additionally, you can modify the distance of the weight to your body. In the above pictures, elbows are in tight and weight directly in front of your navel. Two other positions include elbows at a 45 degree and arms straight out.
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