Ryofire's Journal


Today's my second day off. I couldn't train or exercise at all yesterday because I had too much stuff to do in the morning and work as ussually it seems to be latly. Hopefully I'll be able to tommorow.
It was bad enough that today I didn't exercise but today for one of my meals I had a one pound 85% lean cheeseburger(which I made myself). Later on at the graduation party I had a couple of slices of white starchy pizza. Oh boy I bitch about the littlest things I swear. Well I guess I just gotta get back into it tommorow that's all. If this ^^^^ were easy we'd all have a body like Brad Pitt.

Memorial Day was quite a day. I got back into doing my 30 minute cardio routine. Later on did some weights and then went to help my Hung Gar school do a performance. Tommorow it's back to Hung Gar training.

Well today was quite a day. I managed to only do 10 minutes of morning cardio and then after work hit the weights. After the weights I made up for it by doing 20 minutes cardio. Since last night I recently got back into some yoga exercises for a better night sleep. right now I'm gonna go do at least 6 poses which should really help me to sleep.

Well I guess this is how I end the month. I know I haven't updated in like two days but today I just basically did a 20 minute cardio session and plan on doing some yoga before bed after washing up and brushing my teeth and what not.

A new month and got my first issue of muscle & fitness in the mail. today I just did some cardio for 20 minutes and yoga before bed. I find that the yoga (when done properly) helps me sleep better.

Damn man today was an excellent day until I got home and then had a cheat meal and now I gotta go to sleep in a little too because I got work in the morning. **** well I guess I shouldn't complain too much because it was my own damn fault. I always write about in this here journal everytime I screw up. Also recently I've been doing so good with this whole thing of getting into better shape. Hell I even bought a 7 speed bicycle today which I will start taking to work and then on ocasion take down to the track field and do my morning cardio on. I have discovered one thing though. One thing that I know for sure keeps screwing me up. That thing is Pizza, yes I said it and I ain't too proud of it, but then again I'm not too ashamed of it neither. Pizza is my one weakness. I don't know why but Pizza and Asian food are my main weakness' dammit. Arrg I didn't have a set meal plan today neither. Now I'm gonna prepare my meals for tommorow in hopes that I'll do much better.

Yea so today I did a 30 minute cardio session in the morning and then later on today went to Hung Gar practice. I also started for the first time riding my new bicycle into town today.

Today I took a day off from training and was able to focus better because I also didn't have work neither. I was bored today so I took my bicycle into town today and rode it all around. I probably shouldn't have too because I needed a day off of training. my right wrist has also been killing me from lifting too much weight doing reverse curls so actually I think I just need to take a week off of training just to refocus and stuff because I swear I havent took a week off in like months but I don't know if I should or not. Please does any at all know if it's a good idea or not. Not a week off from my diet just a week off from training. I can't remember the last time I took a week off of training. either way I'm taking another day off tommorow because my wrist is absoultly killing me and need that time to refocus and rethink my stradegy a little bit. I'll be sure to update this as much as possible during that time.
My week off is over and today I went back for the firsst time in a week. I'm slowly but surely bringing myself back into the habbit. I won't be able to make it to the gym tommorow unfortunetly meh sucks.:11doh:

My week off has been over for a few days now but it was all in vain. I originally took it off because of my wrist. However I have been sticking to my cardio and to my core exercise's. I haven't been able to practice Hung Gar or weight train. I have been taking Glucosamine and flaxseed oil however. A person from Hung Gar showed me a new kind of stretch to help it in the future. as far as my diet. So far so good Making smarter choices because like anything it's one day at a time. I'll try to come on this blog more often though.

Thus sucks so much ass not only do I have to wear a splint on my shoe, but I have to wear a cast shoe as well. So I'll be out of training for a while. As far as everything else my life just sucks so much.

I have not updated this **** in like forever. I swear it's been over a month and let me tell you some messed up **** has been going on. I damaged my wrist more than a month ago doing reverse curls with too much weight. Since then I've had to wear a splint for it. It also didn't help that I messed up my toe as well and was unable to do anything for that matter. So basically I was unable to do anything. Now that my toe is better I've at least been able to do some cardio, core, and leg exercises. Unfortunatly I've been unable to do any exercises involving my arm or using my wrists. I've also been unable to practice Hung Gar. To add to the list I've been unable to work and it just seems like it's getting even worse.

Ok I have been back in training for quite some time now. Since I last did a post on my Journal I have greatly improved alot not only physically but internally as well. Time and time I have learned that life itself is a battlefield and that I have a long way to go still until I get to where I want to be. I'll continue to try to keep this journal up to date as much as possible.

Today I worked up quite a sweat by doing 20 minutes of cardio and then 2 hours after my 2nd meal I went to the gym in the stupid to practice some hung gar for about an hour. Tommorow's gonna be a blast.

Wow what a day I like feel the need to talk about my progress at the gym. I like almost died today as well doing the bench press. I strongly feel the need to discuss this as a reminder never to attempt to lift more then I can do. The ironic part of it is that I use to be able to lift that much. I lost a great amount of strength though and the barbell almost dropped on me XD. too scary to think about. Never again go for small reps.

Progress in training:

Bench Press 140 for 3 reps and 135 with assist for 8 reps.

Cable Row 70 pounds 2 sets for 15 reps

Shrug 2 sets for 15 reps

Reverse Curl 2 sets for 15 reps.

Dumbell Shoulder Raise Middle and Front 2 sets 10 pounds for 8-10 reps each.

Medicine Ball Twisting Crunch 2 sets 10-12 reps

Medicine Ball Chest Raise 2 sets 15 reps each

Plus 20 minutes of HIIT

I swear today was brutal as far as training and at work go. I did a cardio HIIT session in the morning, and then later on I managed to do a more brief of a Hung Gar session then I'm use to doing. At work it was even more brutal. I swear it's like I'm one of the only people who actually cares about the message in which Whole Foods promotes.

As I mentioned before Whole Foods is a Certified Organic/All Natural super market. It's because I work at Whole Foods that I'm more aware of things that go on in my world. I've also now have been trying to become more vegetarian then I used to be. It's because of this that I've lost alot of Body Fat and have been noticing some great results. I'll post some new pics up of myself soon. Anywho as I was saying I have also learned what goes on in the enviornment. It's one thing to complain about all the terible things going on in the world such as global warming, pollution, the slaughter of endangered species, etc. However it's an even greater thing to actually do something about it. At work it seems like alot of people have begon to dislike me because of the fact that I always try to encourage them to take better care of themselves. I know for a fact that I am far from perfect by all means, but I at least try. It's one thing just to say you're going to try but to actually try and give it your all is another.

I must admit that being more Vegetarian has great benefits and by far is greatly better for your health. I do make exceptions for fish though so I technically wouldn't be fully vegetarian. I also will only eat meat on rare occasions if meat was offered to me.

Plain and simple I'm sick of these stupid assholes who claim that being vegetarian/vegan is better for your health, but drink, smoke, do drugs, and don't use protection during sex. Then when they get mad at me for telling them how stupid they are they say **** like "oh you're just jealous you have no friends and can't have a good time." Oh yea I really wish I was a drunken loser like you. Trust me I can have an excellent time without drinking, smoking, doing drugs, or whatever. **** those walking wastes of life.
I think it was Dean Wormer who said, "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life".

I know lots of folks bp by themselves, but it scares me. Have you considered doing dumbbell bench presses? I have switched to those and have dropped a db from failure that could have been devastating (although I was in a gym with dozens of others around) had it been a barbell.
You know I have been considering trying that out for some time. Like I did mention before I was going to try and post some pics of my progress and what not. I'll give it a try whenever I get back to the gym for some weight training.