My weight loss transformation (A work in progress)

Ok, so going to post progress videos every 3 months of any change in fat/muscle.

This is the first one.

Password is kevin
Excuse me for everyone
I do not speak English
I use Google Chrome
I want to say it's wonderful what you are doing.
I hope to achieve the desired weight

Latest photo at 172.0.

Down 75 lbs from 247 (at my heaviest).

Sorry, wasn't feeling very good at the time.
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Probably need to get at least 160 to get the abs to show...

On another note I an extemly happy, under 170 now! Now I'm in the 160 club baby! 169.5 as of today. Lost another 1/2 inch around the waist as well....
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Not sure really. It's certainly alot slimmer than it was. I don't want to get too thin, either.

Despite the excess skin...
.. at 169 I'm already starting to see the outline of the abdomen. Not the muscles, but the outline . It's weird.
At least 3 different people have warned me now that I have to be careful how much more weight I lose .. I could PROBABLY lose another 8 lbs without looking too thin. My bodyfat is already at 14%. So I think I've achieved or come very close to my goal. Not bad from being 30% BF .

Perhaps I'll lose a couple more lbs then gain muscle/maintain.

Can't believe I did it.
Sometimes I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror now and don't recognize myself..
Did you track %bodyfat all the way through? I'd be interested in seeing that information if you'd be good enough to post it.

I've gotten down to 187 (this morning) and have noticed that my scales are showning a much faster drop in bodyfat (19%) over the last few lbs than they did a few months ago.
Did you track %bodyfat all the way through? I'd be interested in seeing that information if you'd be good enough to post it. Sorry didn't track it.

I've gotten down to 187 (this morning) and have noticed that my scales are showning a much faster drop in bodyfat (19%) over the last few lbs than they did a few months ago.

Yep, they seem to as you get leaner and leaner. It was difficult getting past 16%. When I saw 15% on the scale, then 14% consistently, I could not believe it. The thing about the scales, they have always been accurate for me. Meaning, it was 20%, then 19%, then 17%, then 16% consistently for a long time. Most likely its accurate.

I'm 166.5 today. Weight is dropping too fast. I wanted to maintain..
sheet, your doing pretty well (to say the least).

What are you doing for exercise and diet?