My weight loss transformation (A work in progress)

updated again..take a look! 28.5 lbs lost

Current picture is under the 7 lb lost for comparison...current weight 212.5. Starting weight 241
Come on guys I worked hard for this...::sigh:: I Wish more people cared to respond

Do you notice a difference? I even put the 2 photo's of 7 lbs lost vs 28.5 lbs side by side :)
The difference in the face between the 7 and 24 is very noticeable.
Don't get down if no one responds right away. If people are like me, they look once and then move on not realizing that its being continually updated.

If you are having pain with the running, you might want to switch it up to bike riding. Its much better on the body. Its still very good for your heart and all. You need to push yourself like you do running (but even a fun ride is better than nothing) but not too hard. I haven't seen any similiar biking programs that are like the C25K, but I'm sure there is one, and if not just go for a ride, then match it all week and try to improve your distance or time each following week.

Good luck and don't give up.
The difference in the face between the 7 and 24 is very noticeable.
Don't get down if no one responds right away. If people are like me, they look once and then move on not realizing that its being continually updated.

If you are having pain with the running, you might want to switch it up to bike riding. Its much better on the body. Its still very good for your heart and all. You need to push yourself like you do running (but even a fun ride is better than nothing) but not too hard. I haven't seen any similiar biking programs that are like the C25K, but I'm sure there is one, and if not just go for a ride, then match it all week and try to improve your distance or time each following week.

Good luck and don't give up.

I'm letting my leg heal and then going to try running again. Maybe wrap it in an ace bandage and then ice it after and see if that helps. If that doesn't help, I may just have to stick with biking. The gym near me is about 3 miles one way. What I do is ride to the gym moderatly fast, so I break up a sweat, I get there about 15 minutes one way. So 30 minutes of cardio both ways. That's still not enough. So I either do 30 minute's of extra cardio at the gym on their bicycle machines at a good resistence, or I go home and walk the dogs with a brisk walk for an hour. I also do strength training.

Do you notice a difference in the face with 7 lbs lost and the most recent picture, 28.5 lbs lost?

The one with the 24 lbs lost I don't think my face looks that thin. it's just the picture. The other photo is more realistic. I hate having a fat face. I'm not going to give up, but it's hard to find cardio that I enjoy and don't have to push myself to do. Strength training I like, but forcing myself to watch boring sports at the gym while I do 30 min's on the bicycle isn't fun. If I made some friends maybe and played basketball, now that would be fun.
Personally, one of the best fitness activities I've done, in terms of pleasure and weight loss, was bicycling with friends. I highly recommend it over a gym cycle. And riding alone is no fun either (3 miles alone is just as difficult as 30 with friends- really! Maybe even more so!).

Alas, I moved far away, had to sell the bike, and don't have friends in the area that cycle. Maybe someday again soon...

But if you can find any friends that want to or an amateur cycling club, it'll do wonders for your shape. Not just losing weight, but really toning your physique. And it's an emotional thrill as well.

Anyways, thanks for sharing the photos- very clear progress.
Keep up the good work!
You are kickin butt!
And I think you a forgetting one important thing. The fat we see on the outside is only part of it!
Not long ago I had the chance to see my MRI with a cardiologist. He pointed out a thick layer of fat surrounding my heart and other organs:ack2: I can actually feel it constricting my heart when I get over 185.
This is probably the worst place to have excess fat on the body.

My guess is that you are losing that fat first, which is great.

Oh, and it is showing a difference in your face.

Keep at it! :hurray:
Just an update. I can now say I'm no longer in the 200 club. Woke up this morning, weighed myself and I'm at 199.5, this was on one of the scales. the other Wii scale said 200...but I will post progress pics again when both scales say under 200 :)

This is a big mental milestone for me.

I too have lost about 175lbs I know what its like to work hard and sweat your ass off....I know all about sacrificing food and going to the gym for hours...
I used to be a class fanatic and tons of was hard at first but easier when the weight started coming off. Then I started with weights at the gym and a trainer who taught me lots of stuff....After 3 years I have learned a lot and do my own thing...also use P90x sometimes and Trainerpack workouts (love these)...also I drink tons and tons of water and do 45min of cardio daily..I love the way I feel...
also no more sugars or carbs,...lots of veggies and lean meat and tofu! love tofu!
Just an update. I can now say I'm no longer in the 200 club. Woke up this morning, weighed myself and I'm at 199.5, this was on one of the scales. the other Wii scale said 200...but I will post progress pics again when both scales say under 200 :)

This is a big mental milestone for me.

Again congrats. Getting that leading '1' is a GREAT feeling!!
Updated with latest pictures
(I also updated the first page with latest pictures, check there too!)
Starting weight: 242
Current weight: 198.5

More pics:


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Dang! Bro, you are a real inspiration. I hope to join you on this journey!! Thanks for all the updates.
Wow! How great it must feel to get under 200. :sifone: I've been trying (off and on) for two years. I seem to get almost there, and just stop. Thanks for posting. You can see a pretty big difference from your before pics, I think. They're an inspiration. Great job!
Wow! How great it must feel to get under 200. :sifone: I've been trying (off and on) for two years. I seem to get almost there, and just stop. Thanks for posting. You can see a pretty big difference from your before pics, I think. They're an inspiration. Great job!

How tall are you? It's been slowing down alot the last couple months. It's nice to be under 200 again but I still got a good another 30-40 lbs to lose.

If there's one thing I'm sick of, its my fat face. I still have a fat face. I can't stand it. I can't wait until I'm 150-160 and don't have that problem.
How tall are you? It's been slowing down alot the last couple months. It's nice to be under 200 again but I still got a good another 30-40 lbs to lose.

If there's one thing I'm sick of, its my fat face. I still have a fat face. I can't stand it. I can't wait until I'm 150-160 and don't have that problem.

I'm 5'9 and three quarters. I think you have pretty close to the same build as myself. Your face is definitely slimming, but I understand where you're coming from as far as wanting to look how you want to look. Just keep at it. You're almost there.
Latest pics...(updated here and start of thread):

179.5 lbs (current weight as of yesterday).

Starting weight: 247 (was heavier than I thought)
Waist size then: 48''
Waist size now: 37''
Bodyfat % then: 28%
Now: 16%

sigh, if I could just lose the lovehandles...
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More old photos..

These photos (and a bunch of others) were at my heaviest...247 lbs. I put these up on looking for a girlfriend. Needless to say I didn't find one person interested in me in 6 months, then it expired.