
I meant the freely accessible stuff but I see you found just that at the park anyway
Oh you mean stuff people are giving away? That's a good idea and will keep my eyes open, but yeah for now the park should do it!
Careful with your back if you swing up instead of doing it in a more controlled fashion.
Yeah I will probably not do that jumping up idea anymore. The suggestions on line were mostly just hanging still holding certain postures so I will try that next time.
I did feel a little self conscious doing this at a park where I felt people could see my pathetic efforts...but then maybe I'll get a whole new band of people cheering me on for my chin ups...when I started running I felt just as pathetic!
Yay for more strength and energy. Well done.
Thanks! It feels good!
That sounds like a wonderful, energising day. Excellent! :)
So nice when we get days like that isn't it?

Yesterday went well. A good run in the morning and a good amount of walking throughout the day. Had some trouble calculating calories as I had a meal at a friends...I'm going to put it down at about maintenance I think.

Still feeling the muscles worked from the other day. Today is strengthening again but probably won't make it to the park as I have a walk planned with a friend instead. That's fine--if i can make it to the park for chin up attempts at least once a week, preferably twice, I'll be happy.

run-45 min
walk-1 hour
calories-about maintenance?
Trying new things is not pathetic! This time of year everyone's going to assume you're a newbie anyway.
I did feel a little self conscious doing this at a park where I felt people could see my pathetic efforts...but then maybe I'll get a whole new band of people cheering me on for my chin ups...when I started running I felt just as pathetic!
Trying new fitness & strength challenges is far from pathetic, also most people are more concerned with themselves than anyone else. Go for it, Liza!
Walking with a friend sounds lovely :)
Trying new things is not pathetic! This time of year everyone's going to assume you're a newbie anyway.
Trying new fitness & strength challenges is far from pathetic,
It's funny I always have it in my head that people are watching and scoffing at my attempts when I go out somewhere publicly and can't do whatever it is I'm trying to do. But yeah I would never scoff at someone's attempts to try something that is difficult for them and would only find it inspiring to get out and try something myself.
Enjoy your walk with your friend Liza. :)
Thanks! I did!

Always nice to get out with friends and I seem to be getting a bit more time with people lately. Walks with people are always my favorite--in many other social situations I get too overwhelmed--like even coffee shops seem to noisy for me and I often come away feeling drained. But walks in nature with people works really well for me.

I ended up walking 3 hours yesterday. 2 of those hours were at a very slow meandering pace, but one of the hours was brisk. So it was a nice balance I think.

I also found a bar along our walk where I could do my hanging for a few minutes to get my chin up practice in!

So a good day overall. Made a good old lentil stew. Did my strengthening. Connected with a friend...
I opened a bottle of wine last night and had some in the evening. Haven't had any in a long time and the buzz I got from the small amount I drank was pleasant.

So -stretch and strength-30 mins
walk-3 hours
calorie deficit 300

Should be a run day today but somethings come up that I don't think I'll be able to fit it in...if i can't i will at least try to get some walking in...
Walks/exercise and one on one or very small group dinners are by far my favorite social activities. And I feel mildly buzzed after 1/8 of a liter of wine these days :rotflmao: Literally the cheapest date. Sounds like you had a great day though!
Walking with friends sounds like a lovely way of catching up to me too. 3 hours of walking is excellent. Your day sounds lovely, Liza.
And I feel mildly buzzed after 1/8 of a liter of wine these days :rotflmao: Literally the cheapest date.
yup me too! It's lovely!

Walking with friends sounds like a lovely way of catching up to me too. 3 hours of walking is excellent. Your day sounds lovely, Liza.
Thanks yeah was so nice!

Well done on finding a new bar to hang on, not in! Haha. :)
:) ...good one!

So yesterday couldn't fit my run in...a little disappointing but so it goes.
Not a bad day overall. Ate sort of reasonably well....but i think I'll need to make an effort to think about something new to cook today--will flip through my recipe book and hopefully get some groceries to make something new and interesting.
Exercise-wise not the best but not too bad--about 40 mins walking.

Also my evenings are turning a bit lazy and I want to make more effort to make more of them. Will make an effort to play piano every evening and get to bed by 11pm.

walk-40 mins
calorie deficit-121
Let us know what you cook next: I got a (mostly) vegetarian cookbook* for Christmas and I want to make an effort to try one recipe every week.

* Kind of. It says plant-based in one place, vegetarian in another, and meat-free in the next but I've seen several uses of egg, dairy, chicken stock, and fish, so... it's kind of like a 1950s understanding of vegetarian? Perfectly suited for me though.
Let us know what you cook next: I got a (mostly) vegetarian cookbook* for Christmas and I want to make an effort to try one recipe every week.

* Kind of. It says plant-based in one place, vegetarian in another, and meat-free in the next but I've seen several uses of egg, dairy, chicken stock, and fish, so... it's kind of like a 1950s understanding of vegetarian? Perfectly suited for me though.
lol--yeah pretty loose definition of vegetarian! Good that it works for you though.

The cookbook I have is vegan and I used to use it regularly but haven't picked it up in a while. Leafing through it yesterday (pages all very well used and messy!--a good sign!) I remembered a bunch of recipes I liked. I decided on the vegan shepherd's pie for my next meal, and bought the potatoes and lentils needed for that...but then I opened some tofu earlier that day so I will have to use that up first...but at least I'm ready with the ingredients for shepherds pie once I use up the tofu...

40 minutes of walking is not bad at all. Hope you get time for piano today.
Yes finally got some piano playing in. Once I sit down to it, I really enjoy it. I don't know why it takes me soooo much effort to go play when I know it will be fun once I begin. Just so much easier to sink into my couch watching netflix and playing chess all evening!

Yesterday went pretty good. I'm finding it hard to get motivated to get myself to the park to practice the chin ups but made myself go and really it is a very nice addition to the strengthening routine. Both because it adds in a morning brisk walk and also because, even though I come nowhere close being able to do an actual chinup, I think the dead hangs are excellent for me working muscles I don't normally. Still experimenting with different techniques while hanging. Tried some assisted chin ups yesterday and I think that was good for giving my muscles the idea of what I'm trying for...but at this point I honestly can't imagine doing an actual chin up--just feels like it's impossible. One thing I found interesting was online someone was saying how they can do a chin up from standing but not from a dead hang so that is useful to know that I can work to get to one from standing first. I didn't know there would be a difference starting from standing or hanging.

Other than that, got some groceries, picked my next recipe, got a bit more walking in, the piano, some writing, made a healthy meal (pasta with veggie/tofu stirfry with a tahini sauce) it felt like a productive day...i didn't get to bed by 11, but at least before midnight, so will try to keep working toward an earlier bedtime. 11pm- 6am would be ideal for me.

calories--about maintenance
walk-1 hour
strengthening 20 mins
Once I sit down to it, I really enjoy it. I don't know why it takes me soooo much effort to go play when I know it will be fun once I begin.
I get that with some things as well, including exercise. Right now I can't even be bothered to fix dinner even though I'm hungry and I have everything right here! Lentil cottage pie (gardener pie?) sounds good though.
That sounds like a really good day, Liza. It's good that you played the piano 👏
I used to do chin-ups from a standing position as a teen & remember having a competition with my older brother when he had finished his basic training when he was called up for National service & we were very evenly matched. I was so fit. I can't even imagine doing one now, but I will certainly cheer you on xo
I get that with some things as well, including exercise.
yes it's so odd! I get that with running as well. For some reason I seem to be more committed to making myself go for the runs but with piano it is often easy for me to just let it go. I think it's because it takes me more mental focus with piano and I often just don't feel up for it, but there is a bunch I can play on the piano now without much effort so I should just do those songs when I'm tired...I played last night and I could feel the impact of playing when tired and stressed/distracted (lots of mistakes), but at least I played...

I used to do chin-ups from a standing position as a teen & remember having a competition with my older brother when he had finished his basic training when he was called up for National service & we were very evenly matched. I was so fit.
That's great! I wasn't a very fit teen. Skinny, but not fit. Who knows if I will ever make this goal of chin ups but I will give it my best shot!

Wow, 11pm to 6am is not enough sleep for me! Getting up at 6 is hell on earth. Go you!
I have always loved mornings. Often much earlier than 6...but nowadays 6 seems early enough to get that early morning silent time in. I always start my day with meditation and then cooking a nice breakfast (always pancakes these days with coffee) I love those beginnings. When I sleep even until 730 I feel like I've lost my favorite part of the day!

Weigh in this morning-142 (up a pound)
body fat-26% (down a percent)

I'm going to make it an effort to measure my body fat each week along with my weigh in now since I do really want that to be more of my focus.

I've had a good week. Happy with my increased efforts on strength training. And keeping mostly up with the walking and running.
Good food and nutrition choices too.

Will aim for similar this week.
Who knows if I will ever make this goal of chin ups but I will give it my best shot!
I think the idea of perfection is to give you a direction to travel in, not a goal to be reached.
When I sleep even until 730 I feel like I've lost my favorite part of the day!
Same. Early mornings are so much more productive for me.

According to WebMD:
For people aged 20 to 39, women should aim for 21% to 32% of body fat. Men should have 8% to 19%. For people 40 to 59, women should fall between 23% to 33% and men should fall around 11% to 21%. If you’re aged 60 to 79, women should have 24% to 35% body fat and men should have 13% to 24%.
I have always loved mornings. Often much earlier than 6...but nowadays 6 seems early enough to get that early morning silent time in. I always start my day with meditation and then cooking a nice breakfast (always pancakes these days with coffee) I love those beginnings. When I sleep even until 730 I feel like I've lost my favorite part of the day!
That sounds like a gorgeous start to your day Liza.
I've had a good week. Happy with my increased efforts on strength training. And keeping mostly up with the walking and running.
Good food and nutrition choices too.

Will aim for similar this week.
That sounds really good, Liza.
& 26% body fat sounds excellent to me. I wish!
I think the idea of perfection is to give you a direction to travel in, not a goal to be reached.
That's a good slogan!
But if my body doesn't start moving at all in the direction of an actual chin up, I will probably give up. But I will try to give it at least a month of attempting. I do really like the feel of my arm strength increasing lately though so no matter what I do feel that has been a positive.
According to WebMD:
For people aged 20 to 39, women should aim for 21% to 32% of body fat. Men should have 8% to 19%. For people 40 to 59, women should fall between 23% to 33% and men should fall around 11% to 21%. If you’re aged 60 to 79, women should have 24% to 35% body fat and men should have 13% to 24%.
Yeah for sure there are lots of different ideas out there around 'ideal' body fat...I'm not at all upset with where I'm at right now. The one chart I was looking at was looking at fat percentages at average vs fitness vs athletic levels. So it seemed the 24% was the fitness level for my age...but yeah nothing I'm stuck on, but would be curious to see what getting to that level would feel like and whether my gut would look any smaller at that level!
That sounds like a gorgeous start to your day Liza.
Yes I love the way I begin my days--often wish I could end them in a similarly healthy way...
That sounds really good, Liza.
& 26% body fat sounds excellent to me. I wish!
Thanks Cate :)

Yesterday was great. Long run in the morning. Did a loop on the trails I love and added in some walking through the same trails afterward. Love that feeling of a meditative walk after a run like that on those trails.

Opened my bag of jelly beans to nourish myself during the run since it was going to be over an hour. I never think of myself as a candy lover (i reserve that love for chocolate and cookies) but when I opened my bag of jelly beans to pack for my run the smell of them was so good, I had to have one right away. So I hope they will be able to be safe when i am not using them for running!

Was pretty hungry when I got back from the run and walk, and just made a quick little meal of mini-pizza type things using crackers, tofu, salsa, and cheese. They were good and nourishing after the run. Later on after I had rested I made a good proper meal.
The rest of the day was quiet and lovely. Did a bunch of cleaning round my place, made a good meal, connected with family over zoom, played piano, did laundry...

run 90 mins
walk 45 mins
calorie deficit -241