Emily Rose: The Reboot

Day 12: Challenging Times
Sleep: 7 hr 20 min - Sleep score: 75 (Fair)
RHR: 58 - Cardio fitness: 32-36 (Average to Good)
Cigarettes: 6

- weetabix, granola, cornflakes, milk
- slice of toast, butter and marmalade; orange juice
- 3 coffees; 1 tea
- half bagel with butter and marmalade
- lamb stew with potatoes
- slice of lemon cake
- 1 small kitkat; 1 fig roll
- cheese and onion crisps
- chicken and stuffing sandwich
- white wine 12% (bottle)

- singles tennis

3 Good Things:
1. Went to the dentist and teeth are all fine. Passed the x-ray and everything. She made the comment that I must 'not have a sweet tooth.' Lol.
2. I enjoyed the tennis game with my dad.
3. The stew was delectable.
Day 13: Manifest the Best
Sleep: 6 hr 21 min - Sleep score: 69 (Fair)
RHR: 61 - Cardio fitness: 32-36 (Average to Good)
Cigarettes: 9

- banana; carrot juice
- cappuccino; 1 coffee; 1 tea
- 2 lindor chocolates; 2 chocolate biscuits
- vegetable soup; sweet chili chicken wrap
- scone with butter and strawberry jam
- chicken and pesto wrap; wispa gold

- club night tennis
- 30 min walk

3 Good Things:
1. I was really tempted to cancel tennis tonight, as I am completely drained, but I made myself go and it was great fun.
2. No wine.
3. It's bedtime.
I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed so I am going to abandon the normal format for the moment. It’s not having the impact on my eating habits that I was hoping it would. Yesterday, I just felt incredibly anxious after a woeful shopping trip to try to get my clothes sorted for the film tomorrow. Changing room mirrors are the ultimate trigger for me. So I cancelled tennis this morning, dove into my bottle of red wine, and watched four episodes of Ozark. I feel a lot better today, even though I still have to get a few bits now.

I just feel like with work, the play, the short film, moving house, scheduling tennis games, doing my course and trying to lose weight, I am just trying to juggle too much stuff. But hopefully, I can get into a more optimistic mindset again. I just really hate being this size. It’s not stopping me doing anything like it did in the past, when I really did hide away, but I still really hate it. And trying to feel the feelings and not rely on food or wine to get me through is proving very, very hard. Sigh.
Today, I realised that everything I've been wanting is happening externally. The Covid restrictions are lifting here from 6am tomorrow. Our play can go ahead. Alex the painter is still texting me. SG is also still texting. So love is there for me when I decide I want to make that a part of my life. Work is going well. I still have a potential new job on the horizon, although I am not so sure about it at this point. I did the short film, which was a dream realised. My mother is fine! She's okay! She has been home for two months now and all is good. The new house is working out fine. My new housemates are both 23 and are nice and seem like good people. And are not party animals but also won't be trying to rule the roost. That's my job, haha. I have good friends in my life that show me kindness and care about me.

I really couldn't ask for more.

I just need to sort my head out. I still feel lost. It's the internal I need to sort out now. But how great for the external world to be responding to me. I really am trying to be a kind person and to be helpful. I feel like I am making an impact for the positive in general, with a few grumpy comments along the way. But I just want to stop the food addiction and all the addictions really. I need to learn how to cope without doping myself up with food and wine and cigarettes and caffeine. Whenever I stop, I feel angry and horrid. Is that who I am at my core? No, absolutely not. But I am relying on them constantly to prop me up (and, believe me, sugar/caffeine/nicotine/alcohol can give you a whole other personality). And, the sad thing for me, is that I don't have any external things that are bad right now, and I feel worse than ever. What the fuck is that? Anyway, signing off.
I have very exciting news! I weighed in this morning at 195.1 pounds! I weighed in at 200.4 on the 10th! So I am very, very happy about this.

I honestly think the pounds are melting off because the pandemic is coming to an end. Let's take a look at the graph, shall we? I was happily rolling along at a relatively stable 10 pounds over where I should be (minimum) and then March 2020 came along and my weight ballooned. I gained 10 pounds in 3 months. And yes, I was probably eating a bit more, but it didn't seem to equate to gaining 10 pounds so fast. Which shows how much stress impacts on the body. And now that my mother is better (weight went up a bit more last year when she was sick) and we're back to as 'normal' an existence as we've had in 2 years, the pounds are dropping without me really doing anything. The only exercise I did this week was tennis on Wednesday. And I was still drinking and eating crap.


There's obviously still a road ahead to get that graph back to where it was or back under that 165 pounds, which would be glorious. But this is the first sign of life I've seen in a long, long time. I am so happy.

I also bought Evanna Lynch's book The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting yesterday, it is a tough read, but if you've suffered from eating disorders, it's really brilliant. She doesn't hold back in it. I'm not a Harry Potter fan really (I still have to read the books) but she has done an excellent job in describing the misery of the whole thing. I'm looking forward to seeing how she overcomes it.
I met Alex the painter tonight. It ended in disaster, and has left me feeling worthless, like I've left it too late, feeling ugly, all of those horrible, awful feelings. It's a major setback.

So anyway, I met him and he was looking nice and told me I was looking 'great', and all was going fine. We went to a pub for a drink, and then I made the mistake of asking him what he thought of Novak Djokovic (fellow Serb) and then we somehow got onto the vaccine thing, with him turning on me and saying, 'Who do you think was right, you for getting the vaccine or me for not getting it?' I just said there is no right or wrong, people have to make the choice that feels right for them. He didn't like that answer. So I was kind of getting fed up at this stage, and asked him why do we keep having this discussion (he went on a big rant about how dangerous the vaccines are, blah blah), and he said I brought it up, which maybe I did in a roundabout way, but I didn't expect it to devolve into the shitfest it turned into.

Then he was like to me, 'So, what age are you?' and I was like, 'I'm 35, you know that, I told you that before', and he was kind of nodding, and that just pissed me off, because I don't know what he was trying to insinuate, and then he was like, 'Have a nice life', and then I finished my drink and got up to go the bathroom, and I just blurted out that this was a 'big fucking waste of time.' He was gone when I came back, and I walked the whole way home by myself, feeling like shit. I didn't bother ringing him or texting him in anger, because what's the point? It's clearly not going to work out anyway.

I am disappointed, because I really didn't expect the night to go like that, or want it to go like that. I don't know him, I don't have high expectations of him, but I definitely didn't deserve to be lectured at and for him to get angry with me, when ultimately, I'm just trying to get to know him and find out who he is. So yeah, #feellikeshit, #wanttotravelbackintime.

Things like this are particularly triggering for me. It takes a lot for me to even go on a fucking date in the first place, I'm so encased in my shell of self-hate. Not that I really want to be like that or feel like that anymore. I don't even know how true that statement is. But I do know that I am shy, and I just like doing things in my own time, and a 'date' like tonight hasn't exactly inspired me or filled me with confidence. At least I got a walk in?

The scales are still going my way, I was at 194.9 this morning. I have lost the bloodlust I had for sugar in the last few days, definitely wanting/needing to eat less. I also have the play and my dress hanging over me, so there's that too.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll get over this little blip. I hate things ending like this, so much needless drama, but hey, that's life sometimes, I guess. Fucking Covid. You bastard.
It's nearly bedtime again and I have survived another day. I was very cross about the Alex thing for most of the day, which of course resulted in one thing after another going wrong in work. Definitely think your negative vibe attracts more negative things! Anyway, at lunchtime, I was just so fed up, and I went off and got some seafood chowder and brown bread for myself at a cafe near the office that has just reopened. I felt a bit better after it, and the day started to improve. I also got an amazing win for the play that I won't get into here, but we saved about €150 with what I was able to do, so I was very happy with that.

After work, I played tennis with Dad, another win! And a really enjoyable game. He was telling me afterwards that him and Mum are going on a 'coffee date' tomorrow with neighbours of ours. I don't think they've ever done anything like that before. Dad was 'cornered' in the supermarket by his old friend, who asked him would he like to go for coffee sometime, and finished his request with the pronouncement, 'You only live once!' So Dad said he 'went along with it'. Haha.

I got a burger after tennis, came home, showered, and now I'm either going to watch two episodes of Superstore or finish the episode of Ozark I started last night, and go to sweet, sweet dreamland. I am very tired and emotionally drained. But tomorrow is Thursday, and I'm going out Friday night, and then I have trials for the tennis team on Sunday, so a busy, fun-filled weekend ahead! The way I like it really.

There's actually a guy in the play who joined late and I find quite intriguing, so maybe that could be something. He's tall and handsome and he trained as an actor, so that's something in common straight away (the acting thing, although I am tall and have my handsome moments at times, lol). I genuinely feel like Alex and I didn't really have anything in common, except for explosive personalities, so even if we didn't have the argument last night, it wasn't really going to work out. I am sad I didn't get a few rollarounds with him though, he has such a good body and attractive face. Part of me would love him to text me begging for forgiveness and just have one night of pure passion together, and let that be the end of it. I guess stranger things have happened. You never know what life has in store for you next. That's the only thing that keeps me going sometimes.
I am pretty much in survival mode right now. I'm just trying to get through each week, as opposed to enjoying it. There's lots of good stuff happening, and things to be excited about it, and I'm just... I would say I am in a very anxious state.

It's also hard to really be myself on this forum, because I don't want my posts to be off-putting for people. At the same time, it's not really a useful place for me to go if I'm pretending to be happy and enthusiastic about things. I want people to read and comment on what I say here - I think that's the strange thing about it all. Like, maybe it helps if I feel that my thoughts aren't just going into a vacuum or a private journal I keep. Maybe it helps me to think that there is someone reading them, and responding or relating or disagreeing or whatever. That I am worth something, I guess.

It would be nice to be able to come on here and report that I've lost 20 pounds and life is going great, and be a constant beacon of joy and hope and supportive behaviour and all the rest. And a lot of that is what I hope for. But it's not happening at the pace I would like it to. I'm not allowing that to happen, let's be honest here. And I constantly berate myself as to why I am not letting that happen. And I'm really tired of berating myself.

I'm very upset about what happened with Alex. It's torturous for me to have no happy conclusion to the whole thing. At least with SG, we are still on good terms, and there is no bad blood there really. As far as I can tell anyway. I hate people not liking me, I hate people being upset with me and cutting me out of their life. It's like I can't breathe or something when this happens. It's like my life force has been sucked away, and I am just a hollow shell. I just want people to like me.

What's happened on this forum breaks my heart. I feel like a leper. I realise posting this probably doesn't help things, but I'm going to keep talking about how I feel, because that's how I feel and that's the only reason I'm here. To express my feelings and thoughts and hope that by doing that, I can reach a higher plane.

Anyway, it's nearly the weekend. Hopefully I can get out of survival mode and back into the land of the living very soon.
Hi Em, so sorry to hear about what happened with the guy.. It sounds for the best that it's over and done with now but I completely relate to feeling sad and anxious over the lack of closure on the situation. Have you been tempted to message or are you donedone now?

Hopefully play guy will turn out to be your Knight in shining armour.. Although all the actors I've known (especially handsome tall ones..) tend to be a little big headed.. Personal experience from many, many moons ago..
Hi Sunflower. So tempted to message with variations of, 'I am so sad that you left me alone in the bar' to 'Fuck you, you prick.' So, I've decided to stay schtum. And yes, actors are never a good idea. Haha! I just felt like there was a bit of a spark, but he seems quite stern, which isn't what I want. We'll see.

I was in an actual nightclub tonight. I don't think I've ever been a nightclub person, I've just always liked drinking and ended up in them from time to time, but I had a night out with two friends from work, one of whom just finished up with the company, so we had a last hurrah with her. It was wild, no masks, no social distancing, a band playing, dancing, a fight breaking out... I've realised that two years have gone by and my youth is passing me by. It's strange looking around for a potential and realising that the majority are more than 10 years younger than you. That didn't bother me, but the fact that I feel so burnt out and tired did.

We had good fun, and danced and sang along to the hits, and had copious amounts of alcohol, and it was all good. We had a lovely group hug at the end, and it was all quite emotional, because the girl that's leaving is such a great person, and I am really going to miss her. But I will definitely make the effort to stay connected to her, and hopefully we will graduate to real friends as opposed to work friends. Anyway, it was lovely to give her a nice send-off. And, we got 3 chips from the owner for a free drink each, which was fab. Love getting free stuff!

But yeah, I am feeling the strain of all the stuff with the play and work and my mum and Covid and Alex and everything really. I feel like I need to sleep for 24 hours and get my body and brain back to a good equilibrium. I just know that I am functioning on a huge amount of adrenaline, and that is not a good state to be in. The effects are starting to show, and I hate that. I look tired. I guess one thing I've always relied on is my nice face, and I'm not ready to give that up just yet. So, I need to start looking after myself again.

All in all, not an ego-boosting night, but a good night nevertheless. I have a lot to be happy about. I just need to nourish that positive side of myself more and do a bit more weeding out of the crap. And now, that regenerative sleep I so desperately need.
Slept for 10 hours last night so I feel back to normal. I also finished my course, which is a huge relief. Got 90% in the final exam, so very happy with that. Even if I don't use it for this new job, it's something I might use in the future anyway. It was well worth doing.

Had a good day overall. Played 2 hours of tennis. Won 2, lost 2, which is fairly standard. I watched the last few sets in the Australian Open final between Nadal and Medvedev. Got given out to for supporting a 'communist' on my tennis group chat by a Polish dude. I am so over all men from Central Europe. To be avoided.

I did ring Alex yesterday, as I just had to discuss what happened. He sounded halfway ashamed of the way he treated me, then texted me afterwards to say he still thought I was a lovely person. But then today, he texted that I need to ask myself at my age, what do I have to offer and in a few years, what kind of man will be interested? His parting remark was, 'I know this can be a hard thing to deal with.' Like, seriously? I just didn't bother replying. If he wants to try to make me feel like shit, that's his issue. I don't deserve that treatment. I won't be contacting him again.

I was reading some stuff about this, and one interesting idea I encountered was that when you allow yourself to be angry and upset about how other people have treated you, you're the only one drinking the poison, not them. It's something I'll have to try to remember.

Had a nice roast dinner at home today with my parents and food overall wasn't too bad. Very tempted to buy wine again, but I just can't cope with the horrible feeling that comes with it all the next day. Yesterday was truly dreadful by the time evening came along, and probably what inspired me to call Alex, because I just couldn't cope with keeping the negative emotions to myself. But anyway, tomorrow is the start of a new week. Let's hope it goes smoothly. Last week was pretty miserable overall.
I am having quite a rough ride of it lately. There seems to be a new challenge every day. Went to the cinema last night, came out and my front tyre was completely flat. I had to ring my poor dad to collect me as I had loads of stuff in the car and it would have been a challenge to get a taxi with all the bits and pieces I needed to get home. Car is sorted again today - €190 down, but worth it.

Got an angry email today from someone, didn't respond as I don't want to add fuel to the fire, and I am not going to apologise. Emailed the man about the job - no response whatsoever, so that was 40 hours of my life I'll never get back. Feel like I want to murder someone more and more frequently.

Had some fun earlier in the week and saw a really amazing band. The lead singer approached our group after and told me that 'he loved my face'. I was pretty happy with that. He was super-talented as well. Licking my wounds after the run-in with Alex, so it was nice to feel like I wasn't a waste of space just because I'm 35. Not that I feel like that anyway. Just confused as to why Alex wanted to hurt me so much, when I really was not vicious or mean towards him in any way.

I feel so much tension at the moment. My hip was in so much pain last night. I had a great sleep, so I think that did something to help, but it's a bit of a worry. I know it's because I'm carrying too much weight around the middle, and yet I can't seem to stop eating. I was telling some of the drama crew my woes on Monday, and one of the guys who is really lovely was saying that everyone in the world has a weakness about something, or something that they need to overcome, and I thought that was really nice. There are some really cool people in the play. I haven't got to know them that much yet, but I guess over the next few weeks, I will.

I'm not really sure what my next move is. I found out today I didn't get on the tennis team, and I think (I know) that I am a better player than one of the ladies that got on the team. I don't begrudge her it in the slightest, she's a great person, but I just wonder what the hell I have to do to prove myself. I'm wondering if I should just move countries at this stage. I don't know what's left for me here.
Let's kick things off with a tune:

I love Saturday mornings. I love sitting in bed, contemplating all the fun things I can do for the day, now that all the fun things are back!! I just read back through my diary, finding the posts from February 5th in previous years. This time last year was truly horrendous, I am so glad we are out of that awful lockdown period. I had to smile at my Feb 5th post from 2020 - I had no idea what was about to hit. Fucking hell, what a mad few years it's been.

The previous years I dedicated a lot of time to complaining about work. I'm finally at a place where work is going great now and the stress element has been watered down considerably. I'm also kicking ass with my targets at the moment, which is cool. I'm just on top of things, and it's such a brilliant place to be in. I think taking a look back has made me realise how far I've come really.

But anyway, it is Saturday morning, and work does not exist on Saturday mornings. The main event for today is that I am getting my hair done this afternoon and I can't fucking wait. It's just so... meh right now. I'm just going for a natural colour, but I'm hoping they can take the coppery tone that I cannot seem to get rid of out of it. I might go a little bit darker, but they never seem to want to do that for some reason. Anyway, I can't wait to have lovely, swishy hair for the day.

Other than that, not doing much really. I moved my bed last night as my housemate's bed is just behind the wall where my bed used to be, and she's not the quietest person in the world, and is probably waking me up a lot during the night. It's great to be on the other side of the room, and I think it will make a big difference, but from a plug and radiator point of view, it makes no sense. So I might have to go back, I don't know yet. I'll see how tonight goes.

My mum is gone to visit her sister on the farm this afternoon, so I might call out to Dad, as I think he was saying there's some documentary he wants us to watch together. I'll see how I feel later.

Exercise-wise, no plans today. Booked in for the gym tomorrow and have tennis as well, so that can be my active day this weekend. Not sure whether to make my own breakfast this morning or treat myself. I am no stranger to treating myself, haha. I'll have a shower to start and go from there. Hasta mañana.
Today I watched a lot of pigeons in the park, stalking around, their only goal to find food and make a really annoying noise, and my mind started to wander. Have I ever been a pigeon in a past life? Is that how it works - you keep coming back in different forms? Is that why people take comfort in seeing robins or butterflies after a loved one dies? All I could think as I looked at all of those cooing pigeons today is that I'm happy that I got to be a human this time around. Even while feeling like a lonely, sad human. It's still better. If you have to be an animal, it's still the best one to be.

Maybe I was inspired from my time with the pigeons, because I rewatched Black Swan tonight. Such a good film. Lots of relatable stuff in the film for me. Striving for a form of perfection that leads to self-destruction instead.

I'm not happy with my hair. She cut it too short and it's probably too dark for me. I wouldn't be tearful about it, but it's just a bit severe. She was a really nice hairdresser though. She wanted me to get excited about my hair. I did what I could. I spent a lot of money on it, so it's annoying that it's not really what I wanted. But it will grow out and tone down with time.

I feel a bit sad today. I can't really explain why. I just do. Everything just feels so transient and pointless. I'm not excited about my life anymore. I used to be full to the brim of hopes and dreams. I feel like I never genuinely laugh anymore. My silly side has been stamped out. I need to feel that fun and energy again. It all just seems so serious. It's like I'm in battle but I have no interest in fighting. It's just what I'm being forced to do.

Food was good today, walked a lot and played tennis. I need to keep up the activity. It's been a terrible week for it. A few disappointments this week, but nothing I can't overcome. I just want that laughter back, that's my goal for the week ahead.
This evening when I left rehearsal, I was parked in a different spot to normal and instead of turning around, I drove up a road that I'm not familiar with, figuring that since I was pretty much in the centre of town, it would be easy to find an alternative route home. MISTAKE! The road had roadworks on it, so a diversion was in place, and I ended up driving into the countryside for 20 minutes on really bad roads with no idea where the hell I was going to end up. I just kept thinking of how I got a flat tyre a few nights ago while driving on good city roads, and here I was, barrelling along bockety narrow laneways in the dark with no battery left on my phone if I got into trouble. It wasn't a pleasant feeling.

Eventually, I managed to find a left turn and soon I was heading back towards the familiar lights of the city. I was driving to the left of the river, and when I was nearly back in town, there was a right turn that would have taken me over the bridge and away from the construction nightmare that had set me on the wrong path in the first place. Did I take it? No, of course not. And I ended up back where I had started, following the same diversion signs I'd been following 20 minutes previously, and wondering how the hell I was going to get out of this nightmare.

BUT, thank God, I spotted a new road, before I was back on the awful country roads again, leading further and further away from home. I spotted it just in time, mind! Not a moment to spare. And eventually, I found myself back where I needed to be and home safe in my bed again. This is the second time I've gone wrong this week, driving bad country roads alone in the dark. I feel like these errors are kind of a reflection of how my life is going right now. Going in the wrong direction entirely or stuck on a loop, taking the same path over and over, not able to see the way home. Diversion after diversion. There's literally a construction site outside the estate I've just moved into and every morning I have to sit at traffic lights before I even start my day. The whole city looks like it's under construction right now.

I guess I kind of feel like I'm under construction right now as well. And that can be annoying and inconvenient and even downright frightening like it was tonight. But it's also a good thing. I'm ready to rebuild and see where new roads take me.

The laughter wasn't huge today, but I had a pretty good day overall. Have a work meeting tomorrow that should be enjoyable enough - I really like the men we're meeting. You can tell people are good to work for when their team is young and has not changed once in 5 years. Anyway, better get some shut eye. Night night.
Had a really good day today! Life is going well.

I did get some 'wake-up call' photographs of myself today. I was initially horrified, but I've made peace with it. I am where I am physically and mentally, and all is still not lost. I can turn this thing around. I know I will.

I actually have some good work news. I'm moving into a different role and getting more money to boot. It might be challenging - my boss is already telling me we'll probably be having arguments - but you know what? I'm just going to go for it! I've done what I've been doing for nearly 5 years now, so a new challenge and a new opportunity for learning could be great. Obviously, in my mind, I am going to handle every difficult situation with grace and poise, which might not exactly happen, but I'm not going to let fear stop me from trying something different. My work environment has a lot of ups and downs, but when I talked to my manager yesterday, I was being genuine when I told her that I do like working there and I like the industry I'm in. I also said I have no idea what I want to do in the future, which is true to a certain extent.

I guess what I'd really like to do, and it's becoming more clear to me as time goes on, is to pursue the acting thing and start earning money from it. But I also love writing, and I would love to write a book at some point. Or play even. Or multiple books and plays. Feature articles for the newspaper. Basically, creative writing that I get paid for. I don't mind the marketing and commercial writing that I do now on a small scale. That is quite satisfying. But ultimately, I would like to delve deeper, and start getting into the topics that I am really interested in.

I also want to write an album at some point. I don't spend enough time on music at all, but I guess I figure there's plenty of life left. I can do it all! I'd also quite like a late night slot as a radio DJ at some point. I love making up playlists and discovering new music.

I don't know when I'll fit in having kids and a family and buying a house and all that, but I want that too! I have this vision that I will be able to buy my house outright, with no mortgage. I just need one small part in a Marvel movie and I am sorted. Haha.

But yeah, I had a good day, and good days mean I feel optimistic and can start visualising what I want again. I do believe in visualisation and manifestation and all that kind of stuff. Not in the way that if a bad thing happens to you, it means you made it happen, because life is always going to throw a curveball, no matter how positive your mindset. Death and sickness and tragic accidents are always there, waiting to strike at any moment. But for the general stuff of where you want to go, what you want to be, I do think your mind is incredibly powerful.

Small example. Saturday, I was planning on walking into town and stopping by this coffee shop on the way that is on the road where Alex lives. That's not why I wanted to go there, it's just about 25 minutes from my house, it's kind of a handy rest stop, and it's a nice coffee shop. So, I was getting ready to go, but I was worrying about bumping into Alex, and then I was telling myself to stop thinking about him, because I was going to meet him if I didn't stop thinking about meeting him. Lo and behold, he drove past me as I was nearing the coffee shop, and then he was parked in his car as I walked past. I was on the other side of the road (on purpose) and I did look in, but he was on the phone, hopefully oblivious. But yeah, I just have these moments sometimes, and I kind of think that I've had some part in making them happen by focusing too much energy on them.

Anyway, my energy must be quite good, despite everything, because the people I find myself surrounded with now are lovely, decent people, who seem to care for me and have an interest in me, and that's amazing. Not that it's smooth sailing all the time, but even tonight, there was a bit of a 'moment' with one of the guys, and we sorted it out, and had a conciliatory fist bump at the end, and it was great. It's the way things are meant to be, or the way I like them anyway. Sometimes you have to be honest, and say, 'Hey, this isn't working', but what I loved about what happened tonight was that after the initial minor spat, we were able to move on and that is so important. You are not going to see eye to eye all the time, even if someone thinks a lot like you. 'A lot' isn't 'the same', and that means there will be feathers ruffled at times, if you are being yourself. So, that was a good moment for me.

But anyway. Enough for today.
I'm back! Did you miss me? Probably not. But I will persist.

Weight today was encouraging, but the scales never synced with my Fitbit app for some reason, so that was unfortunate. It's nice seeing a 'good' number on there. The day was okay - I am not happy with my new 'raise' - it's pathetic really. I went home to moan to my mother about all of my perceived problems. I'm a bit worried about her again - she has loads of hives and she looks like she's gained some weight - not in a good way, but brought on by the drugs she's taking. She's also very stooped for a woman of her age.

I really fear a regression, and I saw a few signs of it tonight. Nothing incredibly alarming, but still. I told her tonight that when she was 'gone', it made me appreciate what I had so much more. That is definitely true. I told her the latest crisis today and she had some sound advice. I am so happy to have her back to lend a sound ear. I think she's lacking a bit of purpose at the moment, but my uncle (her brother) was home as well for a bit, so she has people around her anyway, and she's visiting a school friend's mum tomorrow.

I am in work negotiations at the moment. I am not happy with the offer I've been given, and I don't know what the best approach is. Should I write an email, which is controlled, but then exists forever, or is a conversation better? Now that I write that out, I think an email might be a good thing. I am not happy with my salary for the next 6 months. I don't feel valued. I think I should be valued because I am an asset to the team. I'm not afraid to make that statement. I am very good at my job and I have made the company a lot of money.

It's so interesting how you can be perceived as something completely different to the person that you actually are. Obviously, because I don't post photos of myself here or actually talk to you face-to-face, you can only go on what I write. And I love writing, and I love being here. I am pretty much against social media and the internet in some ways, but I have always loved forums. I love Reddit too. And YouTube. I think it's nice to have an outlet and have other people who aren't involved in your life or have a common interest that you don't really want to broadcast be around to converse with.

At the same time, I want this 'weight loss' chapter to end. I don't want this to be the story I tell myself anymore. But, the reality is, I have a lot of weight to lose. It will take a year to get to where I want to be physically. Mentally, who the fuck knows?
I always read your diary, Em. I have not been commenting at all because you made it fairly plain how you felt about my input & I must admit it hurt. If you want me to have an exchange with you then let me know that & we can start over. If not I'll keep reading anyway, because that is what I do. If I don't have anything kind to say I won't say anything because that is how I am. I am not responsible for anyone else on the forum & try to treat everyone equally & offer support when I think it's needed. It's not always welcome & I can cope with that. I hate drama & conflict & will avoid them whenever I can. I do that for my own mental health.
I'm glad your Mum is re-engaging with the world & is still there for you when you need her & it's good that you told her how much you missed her. I hope that your bosses see your worth & repay it with a better offer. We must all stick up for ourselves because no-one else will or should need to really.