Cate's Diary

was showered & dressed to go into town & was tidying up a drawer to fill in time to go(the library doesn't open until 11 am) when I looked across the floor & there was a gruesome sight. Arch had diarrhea
Oh no!
Good that happened at home I guess instead of in town where it would have been more tricky to deal with, but not fun any which way! I hope his stomach has settled now
Auweia! How awful for both of you. You definitely earned that cup of tea. Hope Archie feels better soon.
Thanks, Liza & Llama. He was fine in the afternoon & I took him for a walk, just down our steep hill to the letterbox & back. His appetite is back too. I really have no idea what he ate, but it can’t have been good. He has a delicate stomach. Luckily I don’t.
I got lots of housework done today & no nap, so should be able to sleep well tonight 🤞
Thanks, Rob. I did have a really good night's sleep & an actual sleep-in, which doesn't happen often. The light comes into our bedroom through a high window & at the moment that's at 5.36 am. G is a terrible sleeper & usually reads, but this morning he read for a little while but then rolled over & went back to sleep. Our mornings are quite chilly (5oC) with summer arriving tomorrow. Ha!
I'll try not to think about what Arch may have eaten 🤮 He's back to normal today, thank goodness!

I have been following the nutritionist's advice about upping my calories a bit & not weighing as often, but I think I have taken the not weighing myself as often a bit far. I had better weigh myself tomorrow. I'm playing golf again tomorrow with G & have renewed my membership, so want to get out there more often. I'll leave my clubs in the locker room after tomorrow. I feel good about renewing my membership. I have to build my stamina up slowly so that I can play in 18-hole comps in the new year.
My new friend, T, has joined our local club, so I now have an added incentive to go back & play with the women. She is such a happy, positive person.
A good night's sleep can make SUCH a difference. And having a new friend to play golf with would be great extra motivation!
Nice to hear Archie is back to normal again!
Really excellent about getting excited and motivated about golfing again. Glad to hear you plan to build up slowly too to avoid aggravating your knee.
Thanks, Liza. I had a shocking night's sleep last night so we'll switch things around & will play golf tomorrow & go to town today instead. We have some things to pick up & we'll fit in a visit to A & M. I want to organise a lunch with them & I & T so that M gets to know T before we stay together next March.
I had a shocking night's sleep last night so we'll switch things around & will play golf tomorrow & go to town today instead.
Good to be flexible like that instead of just sticking to plans regardless of how you are feeling.
That's so thoughtful. Here's hoping they'll get along marvelously.
I'm sure they will, Llama but it will be good for M to get to know T better before our trip as T will be playing golf most days while M & I do things together during the day with other non-playing partners.
Good to be flexible like that instead of just sticking to plans regardless of how you are feeling.
I think so, too, Liza. On that note, I'm not playing golf today as I feel really tired & it's overcast & cold. G has also said he'll brush-cut if we don't play golf. Our place is a jungle & is starting to feel snaky. Arch got very excited yesterday & had obviously seen some sort of critter in the long grass, near the house. Luckily it was a blue-tongued lizard. He wouldn't go for a walk.
We both have dreadful hay fever. It's a good season for it with all of the rain & growth.
My brain is definitely not functioning at its best at the moment. I went into a supermarket in town yesterday just to get gluten-free bread for myself. They had a big range & I was impressed that I found a delicious-looking grainy one, so bought 2, plus some heavy sour dough bread for G. When I went to have some for breakfast this morning I saw it was not gluten-free. I don't have any other bread in the freezer, which is why I went into the supermarket. :svengo:
Are you gluten-intolerant? Did I miss that somewhere along the line?

Hope the introductory lunch goes well. Yay for new friends, always nice.
Are you gluten-intolerant? Did I miss that somewhere along the line?
I am, Em. I have never had a biopsy to determine if I am coeliac, but I get a terrible guts ache & get very constipated if I eat wheat.
Hope the introductory lunch goes well. Yay for new friends, always nice.
Making new friends is a good thing & when your friends like one another, it's even better. Sharing friendship is lovely.
Sounds like we had a very similar brain fart - except for me the shops are a two-minute walk away. Glad you noticed before eating it!
Making new friends is a good thing & when your friends like one another, it's even better. Sharing friendship is lovely.
Do most of your friends like each other? I'd say more of mine do than don't, but I do have a few that I would not try to intermingle. I think I am more tolerant than some...

Good catch on the bread, does the gluten stuff go to the birds?
I went into a supermarket in town yesterday just to get gluten-free bread for myself. They had a big range & I was impressed that I found a delicious-looking grainy one, so bought 2, plus some heavy sour dough bread for G. When I went to have some for breakfast this morning I saw it was not gluten-free. I don't have any other bread in the freezer, which is why I went into the supermarket.
Oh no! That must have been so disappointing!
Luckily it was a blue-tongued lizard.
I always love the sound of the wildlife there! (well ok except for the snakes!!)
Sounds like we had a very similar brain fart - except for me the shops are a two-minute walk away. Glad you noticed before eating it!
I wish. I ate my 2 pieces of toast, Llama & thought the bread wasn't as nice as the usual one so went & had a look at the packet. It was what we call "fresh air bread". I didn't suffer badly but must be more careful. I usually shop online. I'll turn it into toasties- some for G & some for the GK's. I'll buy myself some GF today.
Do most of your friends like each other? I'd say more of mine do than don't, but I do have a few that I would not try to intermingle. I think I am more tolerant than some...
I think G & I are much more tolerant than many of our friends. Some I wouldn't mix but I love it when friends become friends with one another.
Oh no! That must have been so disappointing!
It was, Liza. I was excited about having really grainy bread. I actually like the taste of the GF one I usually get & I must stock up on it & always have some in the freezer.
I always love the sound of the wildlife there! (well ok except for the snakes!!)
I love the Blueys. Their legs are a welcome sight when you're expecting a snake. They waddle.

I had another terrible night's sleep. I'm not sure what's going on. I did a lot of gardening yesterday & had terrible hayfever (& Asthma) & was wide awake when it was time to sleep :svengo:
We have a 70th to go to tonight at the golf club. I really hate going out at night, but I'm sure it will be better than I expect. It almost always is. G is playing golf today & I might take Arch to the market. We're going out tomorrow for a few holes of golf & I'll leave my clubs & buggy out there set up ready to play. I have told T that I will come out on Wednesday & have a hit, but not in the comp. I thought I would break the ice & do that rather than go out on the Christmas breakup day & feel out of place. Usually people sit with the ones they play with.