Cohen's Lifestyle Refeed Questions!

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle
life after re-feed


I as I stated above I have been off re-feed for 45 days and so far have maintained my weight with few flucuations. As far eating "normally" I would have to say no you can't. At lease not like my normal was. I lost 17 pounds on Cohen's and it took 2 months including the re-feed.

Life after Cohen's takes some planning, since you are only allowed one carb meal per day you need to decide will it be lunch or dinner. Not breakfast since carbs are not allowed at Breakfast. Having my carb meal at lunch seems to work best for me. However that also means no sweets at night and that has been a big adjustment since I always had ice cream before Cohen's. (That is why I needed Cohen's) anyway with some planning it does work. I guess one of the hardest things is not being able to impulse eat. Like if some one says "hey try this sweet" you can't unless it is in within that one hour window after your carb meal, and alot of times after your carb meal you are fuller that usual and don't want a sweet but if you don't have it within that hour you can't have it at all.

It does work and you just need to think ahead. I had my carb meal at lunch the other day and then had to go to a banquet the same night so guess what, no carbs for dinner. I had chicken & salad and our table was right next to dessert, apple cobbler & vanilla ice cream and I had to resist and say no. Had I know I was going to have to go I would have adjusted my day.

Hope that helps answer some of your questions.

Have a great day!!
Hi guys

I'm still 20kg off refeed but I have a burning question!! I am badly constipated since starting Cohens and am having to resort to herbal teas twice a week to keep me going in conjunction with daily Metamucil (on advise from Dr Cohen via the consultant).

So my question is this.... have you found that this sort of problem resolves itself once you are again eating "normally"??

Hi guys

I'm still 20kg off refeed but I have a burning question!! I am badly constipated since starting Cohens and am having to resort to herbal teas twice a week to keep me going in conjunction with daily Metamucil (on advise from Dr Cohen via the consultant).

So my question is this.... have you found that this sort of problem resolves itself once you are again eating "normally"??


Hello Dizzy

I'm not on refeed yet but i found that when i took the metamucil i had to drink heaps more water to relieve the problem. I find now that if I drink the 3-4 litres of water a day it's a huge help and i no longer take metamucil.

Hi guys

I'm still 20kg off refeed but I have a burning question!! I am badly constipated since starting Cohens and am having to resort to herbal teas twice a week to keep me going in conjunction with daily Metamucil (on advise from Dr Cohen via the consultant).

So my question is this.... have you found that this sort of problem resolves itself once you are again eating "normally"??


Hi dizzy!

I can understand totally! i'm so with you!

The worse thing is... when I'm constipated, I do not lose weight at all and that's how my weight loss took longer than expected. These are a few ways I work around it:

1) Drink lots of water more than 3 litres.

2) Eat more than your 2 servings of fruits. This is a deviation I took because if I don't eat more fruits, I can't move my bowels and I will not lose weight.

3) Drink psyllium husk with water. Psyllium is basically something to help you move your bowels easily. But with psyllium, you will need to drink MORE water and take it in the morning.

4) Reduce your intake of tea and coffee. These are basically quite 'drying' so try not to take them too much as it will be harder to move your bowels.

And yes, now that my food intake has increased, it is easier to move my bowels.

I as I stated above I have been off re-feed for 45 days and so far have maintained my weight with few flucuations. As far eating "normally" I would have to say no you can't. At lease not like my normal was. I lost 17 pounds on Cohen's and it took 2 months including the re-feed.

Life after Cohen's takes some planning ...

Hello Winnie

Yes, the planning which we learned while on the weight loss program is vital to understanding how food affects our bodies, particularly how the body gains weight.

Bodies are very clever, and do what they are designed to do.

We are, after all, hunters and gatherers and if the tribe had killed, say, a deer, then we would all eat the animal until it was gone - it would be hard to tell when the next deer would be available plus, of course, nomadic tribes don't have refridgerators, cling film, deep freezes etc

Trouble is, since the Industrial Revolution, we have completed the transition from nomads, to village dwellers, to city dwellers, and food is available at any time and we can eat what we like - but our bodies still think there will be no food tomorrow, so efficiently store it until we are the size of the Goodyear Blimp!

We no longer have a seasonal shortage of food during winter and spring to slow us down, so we have to do it ourselves.

I have got used to eating this way - in fact, it is the way I used to eat for all the years that my weight was stable at about 63 kilos. Saturday night was sweets night - we used to buy sweets for the children on one day only, but they could eat as much as they liked on Saturday without restriction. So did I, and every Monday I would weigh more than on Fridays, so it all balanced out.

Now, I am back to the same previous pattern. I never was much of a bun or bread eater (except on Saturdays) so that's not a problem, and I am becoming quite expert at eating out, choosing not just salads, but interesting foods which have a definite protein component, and making sure that if I intend to drink that I have some protein before I go out. That's quite easy to organise, doesn't have to be much protein, and I now tend to have a drink after a while, rather than when I first get to a function.

But the results are worth it. Even a humble meat pie for lunch is a better choice than a meusli bar or basic sandwich, for example, and I have become adept at picking out the feta and spinach tartlets from caterer's trays!

So no, it's not 'open slather' - we still have to take responsibility for our weight in an ongoing manner, but hey! What I want to eat and how I want to look are jogging along in reasonable harmony now. I certainly don't have a 'weight' problem and neither do I have an 'eating' problem. If I find something I really want to eat, and it tastes good, I will certainly enjoy it and be pleased to enjoy it, but the next day I just keep an eye on the intake and so it goes.

Previously, I had got into the habit of eating just about anything and in increasing quantities - not from hunger, but usually from tiredness and eating literally for recreation. Now, eating as a hobby has limited appeal and due to the balanced insulin response I can honestly say that I experience very little or no hunger, so eating is far more deliberate than it was before when the blood sugar levels were all over the place like a dog's dinner!

I keep the No-Name cheesecakes in the freezer and if I feel like a desert have a small piece of that - but put cream and Akta Vite on it, or cream and frozen berries, that sort of thing. If I am going to eat puddings I make the serving small but luxurious, and eat it slowly.

So no need to be too pedantic about it. Next time you are sitting next to the Apple Crumble, allow yourself a small serving - just no need to have a dinner plate full! (and when no-one's looking, lick the plate!!)


Hi di78 and newlife

thanks for the replies. I already drink 4.2l/day, I don't drink tea or coffee and I use my fruit allowance every day. The metamucil (psyllium) doesn't seem to get things moving - just adds to the bulk - hence the need for the herbal tea every third or fourth day. I'm just hoping that things return to normal once I'm on refeed.

Hi Amber...

I'm also thinking the same kind of questions as you!

What kind of bad food is included is sadly not chocolates or sweets. Rather, the bad foods are fruits that contain higher sugar levels and some limited sources of carbohydrates.

As for eating normally, that's my question too! I'm just wondering whether I will revert to my old eating habits. I'm scared that I will revert to those yucky eating habits.

Snacking in moderation depends seriously on what you are snacking. If you are snacking a lot of chocolates, chips, sweet biscuits, etc... it's not going to help you at all... Again, I think the key thing is about self-control.

Cohen will give you a list of guidelines for life after refeeding. It's not very elaborate but at least, it gives you some idea about what you will need to do and watch out for.


sorry for my late reply.. well, finally gotten my refeed program. went through the details with my consultant too. phew.. glad to know it's not too far from my usual eating habits.. i love chocolates but i don't get to eat them often, nor drink alcohol stuff and i don't finish my given carbs in meals.. was trying all sorts of ways to get slimmer, but it didn't help (i managed to maintain that weight though)..

finally i found out about Cohen's Diet on the net.. it's really a great way to lose those stubborn kilos. Am glad so many of you here are successfully dropping in sizes! Gosh, i should have done more researching in the first place..
Constipation Issues

Hi guys

I'm still 20kg off refeed but I have a burning question!! I am badly constipated since starting Cohens and am having to resort to herbal teas twice a week to keep me going in conjunction with daily Metamucil (on advise from Dr Cohen via the consultant).

So my question is this.... have you found that this sort of problem resolves itself once you are again eating "normally"??


Hi Dizzy:)

I have been away for awhile otherwise i would have responded sooner.

I suffer from the "Big C" and diets in the past have really aggravated this even further. My consultant recommended the Metamucil Capsules, and
for some reason they work better compared to the powder.

When I started Cohens I started with the max amount and I have visited the loo reguraly without fail. After 2-3 weeks I reduced the intake to 4 caps split up 2xbreakfast & 2xdinner. And now I had my 8week weigh in yesterday I only have 2 in the morning. And they work a treat.

The other thing I do besides drinking my 3+ litres of water (which you are already doing) is to make sure I eat vegies like spinach,celery and vary them around. Salad ingredients seem not to be easily processed through the body (for me) where as the spinach,bok choy etc seem to do the trick.

Hope this helps - constipation really is a nasty business (literally umm!!!!):eek: and can affect you in so many ways so hope you can get this soughted out asap.

Let me know how you go and also what are the meals you have chosen to eat from your 3 groups.
Oh!!! another thing it does state in the programme(I think) that because of the limited food quantities you may not be as frequent visiting the loo.
But I can attest that I have been regular through my 8 weeks with Cohens.

Take care:)
Hi Sam

Thanks for your reply. I know that things may slow down on Cohen's but I was starting to get really uncomfortable. I had been taking up to 12 of the Metamucil tablets (6 in the morning and 6 at night) but ... nothing. So when I mentioned it to my consultant she sent an email to Dr Cohen who suggested the powder for three days and then coloxyl on the fourth. Things do move but I hate taking anything as I used to be a twice a day girl regularly so it goes against the grain having to take anything at all.

I usually have fruit and yoghurt for breakfast, protein and salad with extra baby spinach for lunch than the same for dinner with my last piece of fruit late in the evening. It's too hot in Perth at the moment to eat a lot of hot meals so I'm happy with the salad option plus I feel as though I'm getting more to eat!

Hi Sam

Thanks for your reply. I know that things may slow down on Cohen's but I was starting to get really uncomfortable. I had been taking up to 12 of the Metamucil tablets (6 in the morning and 6 at night) but ... nothing. So when I mentioned it to my consultant she sent an email to Dr Cohen who suggested the powder for three days and then coloxyl on the fourth. Things do move but I hate taking anything as I used to be a twice a day girl regularly so it goes against the grain having to take anything at all.


Hi Dizzy,
I'm like you, although haven't got as constipated.. but I have a theory. I have never had to "work hard" to do BM... so, I figure my muscles are probably weak and lazy, as they are in the rest of my body.
I have found 2 tablespoons of fibre in a huge glass of water in the morning is enough for me to keep things regular. sometimes it gets a bit much, and then I'm going several times in the day and I cut it back.
probably once your body gets into a rhythm it will correct itself.
If you are REALLY blocked up then a suppository can get things moving initially so that you can then start getting into that rhythm using the fibre.
Hi Dizzy:)

My heart goes out to guys in Perth I have girlfriend their too who is suffering like the rest of you. I thought Brissie was bad enough.

Anyway back to the matter at hand, I actually suffered extreme constipation before Cohen's and that was on a high fibre diet and was bordering IBS symptoms, the bloating and pain was getting unbearable.

Cohen's has actually got read of all that for me and with the metamucil capsules it has aided me even further.

If you were a regular goer before maybe it's your body adjusting to the limited amounts of food now and will need time to re-adjust.
I hope the heat reduces in Perth and you will beat the constipation blue's soon.

Take care
Eating bananas during refeed

Hi Hi,

i'm on to the stage when i'm eating bad fruits now and I ate a banana as my one serving of bad fruit. i'm just wondering what kind of reactions do you get?

For me, on the very first day I ate the banana, i felt so bloated that I couldn't eat anything else. Plus, I had constipation and I couldn't move my bowels the next day.

On the second day, I felt ok eating the banana but come dinner time, I would be so full that I couldn't finish my dinner.

As for weight loss, it slowed down but I didn't gain any weight. I either maintained or lost a 100g. So I'm just wondering if banana is bad for me? Does it mean that I cannot eat a banana after refeed?
Hi Newlife

Hi Hi,

i'm on to the stage when i'm eating bad fruits now and I ate a banana as my one serving of bad fruit. i'm just wondering what kind of reactions do you get?

For me, on the very first day I ate the banana, i felt so bloated that I couldn't eat anything else. Plus, I had constipation and I couldn't move my bowels the next day.

On the second day, I felt ok eating the banana but come dinner time, I would be so full that I couldn't finish my dinner.

As for weight loss, it slowed down but I didn't gain any weight. I either maintained or lost a 100g. So I'm just wondering if banana is bad for me? Does it mean that I cannot eat a banana after refeed?

Hi there:D

My consultant said that when she was doing refeed some foods definitely did not agree with her after plan especially breads & pasta's she tries to avoid them I am not sure about the constipation though I will follow up with her about this.

She says that she sticks with the Cohen's plan mostly during the week and has her weekends as her treat time.
I have read on this forum of other members who have completed programme and now have an intolerance to certain foods bread seems to be the stand out one that i recall.

Maybe the banana has acted this way in your body due to it being such a heavy fruit and your system needs adjustment time to absorb these quantities of sugar and starch that have been so alien to our systems for so long.

ATB - Sam:)
Hi all

Hope to clear my doubts here.. Is it compulsory to finish my Carbs too? It says, " Have 3 slices of bread + 50g carbs"... 1 slice of bread is equivalent to 3 crispbreads. If i wanna control my intake of bread, MUST i finish 2 breads + 3 crispbreads + 50g of rice/potatoes???

Is it alright to have 4 fruits (2 originals + 2 bad) a day?? I'm a fruit lover..

OMG I can't beleive how much you get to eat on refeed.... Kinda makes me wanna hurry up and get there. not long to go now..
Hi all

Hope to clear my doubts here.. Is it compulsory to finish my Carbs too? It says, " Have 3 slices of bread + 50g carbs"... 1 slice of bread is equivalent to 3 crispbreads. If i wanna control my intake of bread, MUST i finish 2 breads + 3 crispbreads + 50g of rice/potatoes???

Is it alright to have 4 fruits (2 originals + 2 bad) a day?? I'm a fruit lover..

Hi Amber...

you do not need to finish all your carbo. If you don't want bread, then don't take it. I also didn't eat the 50g of rice/ potatoes every day. I ate it as and when I liked. According to my consultant, if you are too full, you don't need to finish up your carbs.

And yes, you can have 4 fruits. 2 originals and 2 bad. You cannot mix 2 good with 2 bad. Must have 2 originals and 2 bad.

Have fun during refeed!!!

OMG I can't beleive how much you get to eat on refeed.... Kinda makes me wanna hurry up and get there. not long to go now..

Hahahah... yes dianne! It's SO MUCH food until you have to force yourself to eat all of it...

I'm done with refeed!!! Yayyy!!!

I'm kinda busy at work now so I will do a quick wrap up on my refeed afterwards. =)

it feels strange to get into the real world of eating again....
Hihi Newlife!!!

Thank you for that prompt reply! :D

I'm going into the 13th day of my refeed (mine's 16 days).. ashamed to say, but i never felt it was too much food to finish! :p i've always managed to finish every bit of them. Maybe i'm a big eater.. :(
Or perhaps i've not yet reach til that stage where i'm supposed to add to the max??

Sadly, i've side-tracked a little yesterday. You see, we (my family) were celebrating Chinese New Year. Usually, the custom goes like having a reunion dinner on Chinese New Year Eve. I did bring my dinner there (restaurant), so we could eat together. I had chicken breast (old protein) and pork (new protein) that night. I recommended my family this fantastic pork dish that i've been craving for, hoping that they'll love it too. I was so tempted to eat that and finally, i gave in.. BUT~~~~ i took a piece, "measured" it to my new protein, making sure that it was the same (or at least similar) size...

All that yumminess~~~~ i felt i was in heaven.. though guilt caught up soon enough. :( i was so afraid to measure my weight.. but to my surprise, i was lucky! i didn't gain any weight!!!! phew!

however, i'll be travelling soon, on my 15th day, to japan with my company..
initially, i was cool with the idea to bring my food there and cook.. Later did i realise that no one's allowed to bring any livestock or food etc over!!! *faints*
but my consultant told me since it's my last day, i could go on estimates.. hope i can make it through...:eek:
congratulations on finishing refeed

Hahahah... yes dianne! It's SO MUCH food until you have to force yourself to eat all of it...

I'm done with refeed!!! Yayyy!!!

I'm kinda busy at work now so I will do a quick wrap up on my refeed afterwards. =)

it feels strange to get into the real world of eating again....

Well done Newlife on getting through Refeed and letting us into your world.:D
How are you managing now?:p
Let us know we are all eager to hear about your life after Cohens.
And what was your final weigh in now you have finished?.
Life after refeed

Hi hi...

my final weigh in on my last day of refeed was 65kg. I basically gained a few hundred grams during the last few days. But i'm not so sure why because I got my period and it causes bloatedness. Also because, I was suffering from constipation during that time. So i don't really know what exactly causes the weight gain.

anyway, because of CNY, I gained 4kg and I'm working hard to lose that 4 kg... Argh!

i'm very confused about eating after Cohen. Like... can I eat fruits not on the prescribed list in the Cohen booklet? And how do I eat? i'm super confused now...

So right now, I'm at the experiential stage. I call it the stabilsing experiential stage where I'm adapting my eating habits and lifestyle..

Anyway, I typed 2 posts about my life after refeed in the other thread (the main thread). so pls read it!

Chelsea and those who have completed refeed, if you see this, could you go to the main thread and share with me how I could adjust my eating habits? I'm kinda confused about eating now and I think this is also causing my weight to fluctuate.

Thank you all!