Marsia's Diary

Wow that's a huge decision. I feel for you having to leave the community and house you love.
With any luck this will all work out well, and the places we are looking to move to next are places with even wilder lakes and rivers and snow-capped mountains and meadows full of mountain wildflowers. So I'm going to concentrate on what we want and not what we are letting go!
Great attitude Marsia. I hope it will work out well too. Sounds like it should!
You sound like a human whirlwind! Lovely that you're finding affordable-yet-beautiful alternative living options and so much respect to you for being so efficient with sorting and tidying. I understand that it would hurt your heart to leave a place you put so much of your blood, sweat, and probably tears into but new opportunities are still exciting.
It is great that you started reorganizing/sorting stuff a while back. It'll be interesting to hear the realtor's plans on how to organize the move so that you can have a place before your place sells. That sounds ideal.
Good job on keeping on top of the weight loss while this is going on!
I just want to give you a hug, so we will just have to imagine it :grouphug:
G & I just had a talk about moving today as well & while it wasn't heated it was emotional. We don't have to move just yet, but I have been feeling really on edge lately & said "can you imagine if one of us dies & the other has to do everything on their own?" It is becoming too much for us to keep on top of & we're 10+km from anywhere, but 60 km from major hospitals etc. So many of our friends & family are down-sizing & I think we can both see the logic of it, but the thought is absolutely daunting. I would much rather give stuff away to people who need it than sell to dealers for a pittance too.
G & I have inherited so much stuff, some that will be hard to part with. I think, ideally if(when) we sell our house I would rather sell it with most of the furniture staying & start over. I think you're very brave, hon. I really do xoxo
Oh, hon. I started looking & found a house that we both loved & then freaked out about moving from here. It did have really close neighbours! I think I'll just concentrate on de-cluttering some more & maybe packing things into boxes with clear labels. If I don't miss stuff it's time to find a way to rehome it. I like your idea of finding that carrot. Maybe I'm not ready yet. Maybe I shouldn't look yet....
You, on the other hand-

Friends we've talked to say that it's very hard to get anything for antiques or collectibles these days.
I think the only way is knowing a lot about it yourself and knowing the right people to sell do. Hoping that a stranger might show up at a yard sale and spontaneously admit something is valuable is unrealistic these days - and I think it always has been. New furniture, even if it's crappy quality, is cheap and most people like to buy a whole new set every ten years rather than looking for the perfect piece for every spot and taking it along with every move. That makes the market for used furniture, antique or not, a lot smaller.
I hope you and J can find calm together before the realtor comes.
he thrift store people said they may be doing home pickups again soon, so I am thinking of just giving most of my mom's furniture to them and skipping the estate sale
That's always the route I would most choose. I love when the Thrifts will just come and take the stuff away and no hassle of setting up an estate sale!
I just love thrifts all round--love buying from there, love giving to there, love that the money goes to good places.

What I am doing is looking at properties and neighborhoods to make a carrot for me to follow, instead of thinking of just the stick of how hard this is to keep up.
Wonderful! Yes keeping sight of the positives is such a great idea. To make this a positive step instead of just looking at what you have to give up or all the work needing to be done. Kind of like keeping an idea of where we want to be health-wise and having a positive image in mind of what we're heading toward instead of just thinking about how hard the calorie counting or whatever is!
The good news is that our house appreciated enough where our hard work was worth it.
And the other good news is 6 months of forced labor to get our house and my mom's ready for sale. Weight loss, here I come!
:rotflmao: That´s an amazing way of looking at it!
There's just so much hoarder guilt in the family about holding on to valuable things. My grandparents had a subsistence farm and lived through the Great Depression. The mentality was to hold on to anything that might be usable, for survival reasons.
I can definitely see that in my parents, who grew up poor, and I sometimes struggle to find a balance between penny-pinching and wastefulness. Being able to donate things feels so much better than having to throw them away.
Having a plan - any plan - always makes me feel better as well.
We build a garage/workshop on the property and then we'll transfer our stuff to it and have a camper van or 5th wheel that we can live in on the land there.
Whatever you do make sure it´s big enough that your extrovert husband and you can get away from each other and not get on each other´s needs!
It just suddenly hit me, I no longer have to walk around a property where everything reminds me how much work I need to do. After I clear this hoard, I walk away from all the vines trying to take back my gardens, all the unfinished projects which really need fixing, all the falling down out buildings... I get to decide what I put my energy into. Sitting there realizing this, it felt like about 40 pounds of weight just melted right off me.
Wonderful news about the cat! Are you giving them all of this furniture or have you sold them most of it? I was worrying that they are taking advantage of your generous spirit. If it’s a mutual, happy agreement then it sounds perfect. You sound exhausted but in a happy way xo
Hey Marisa, good to see you doing so well. And making real progress towards your next phase of life! Trying to figure it all out can be rewarding and fun, but a lot of work too. I have also decided to get a trailer, but one for traveling not to live in here. As I get more retired the time to do it is coming. I won't get anything as big as a fifth wheel, the smallest comfortable trailer will do me best. My wife and I have been out looking and the looking is slim, but there are things out there.

Best of luck with it all, oh and good for being back to your low weight!
Tomorrow I must put out my seedlings in the sun. they are starting to look scraggly.
Careful they don't get sunburn!
Just lifting the 10 or so boxes I went through today made me sore,
Packing up half the house in one go every day is something you'd have to work up to; I'm sure the fatigue from the day before is still playing along as well.
Wow just catching up since Friday and so much has happened! New housing plans, lovely lady coming to clear things out...
You sound in a good head space and ready to move onto the next phase of life. So good!
This all could be a lot of fun and a really good adventure.
The place I currently rent came furnished. I like thinking about how if I ever have to move, I don't have to think about moving any furniture!