Marsia's Diary

Yay for negative tests! And I hope you feel better asap. I think it's a good thing you have to isolate anyway given that there are quite a few false negatives. Did you get the swab-up-nose-almost-into-brain test as well? I'm getting my second one today and am dreading it already...
My first was gentle and it was still horrendous. I guess some people just have sensitive nasal passages. Was hoping we'd get out of weekly testing with the end of lockdown but it looks like they're keeping the recommendation (for medical staff, not everyone).
Hi Mercurial! The best advice I have followed is to start small. You could even do a few planter boxes or bigger pots to start out. I make sure I put some things where I see them everyday so I remember to water everything and check up on how everything's doing. And also start out with what you really love to eat. Then you will have fun fussing over it. Some easy to grow veggies are lettuce, summer squash, green beans, root veggies, pumpkin, and peppers. I have really good luck with peas, too. You can make yourself a cheat sheet of what each kind of veggie likes or make a gardening journal if everything needs differing care and it gets confusing. Many of the early crops can also be planted for a last fall crop if you miss the early time to plant. If you really get into it, try growing heirloom varieties and saving the seeds for next year. Let me know how it goes!!

Thanks, I think boxes might be a good place to start. We have quite a bit of wild rabbits, possums and the occasional trash panda in the area and with the boxes I can cage them off with wire mesh. I'm pretty handy so I'm going to look into some how-to tutorials for it. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes, appreciate the tips.
Marsia, can you still get things delivered, even though you're in lockdown? I'm thinking about potting mix if you do need some. I much prefer getting stuff delivered now.
I hope you get better very quickly & I'm very glad your test was negative. Let's hope the test was accurate. I didn't mind the test too much, but G hated it. He felt like it went into his brain.
It’s just after lunch on the 5th of February & .........
It's your birthday!!!!!
Here Is A Wish
Poet: John McLeod

Here is a wish that says:
Warm, happy hours be yours
Shadows are of passing note
But healing laughter cures.
Be, therefore, ever joyful, Friend,
And walk on gladsome feet
Towards tomorrow's brand new dawn
And promise sweet!

Happy Birthday,

xoxo Cate
Happy Birthday Marsia :)

So glad your test was negative. Must be a relief even if you do have to continue with the quarantine. I hope you're feeling better from whatever was causing some symptoms.

I have my cupboards nice and full now and hope to keep them that way with making regular trips rather than waiting to see an empty cupboard or fridge before I go again!
My daughter wants to learn to build things for the garden, and I hope she is more handy than me or my husband!
Starting young and having a real interest are the best starting conditions to get good at anything whatsoever so if she sticks with it she probably will be :)
How lovely that you're able to plant seeds outside already! For us the coldest part of winter is still to come.
It sounds like you had a lovely day, M. Good for K, wanting to build things for the garden. I bet she has a lot of her Mum's get up & go & craftiness. Planting seeds & gardening is so rewarding.
Yes lovely to be planting seeds...i think i may start ordering fact i really should as I can probably start planting some of the colder things in March...your page is a good reminder of all the things I need to do! First stocking my cupboard, now getting onto seed ordering...
Also I should test a bunch of my seeds that have been lying about for viability...

I love the sound of your family and everyone's involvement in the projects--you sound like a happy little unit :)
...they'll go outside in March after the last frost. February is also our coldest month.
Anything that needs to go in after the last frost has to wait until the ice saints leave here (mid-May), but hardier stuff is fine in March as well.
Moving to another country In retirement sounds fun but drastic: aren't you afraid you'd be without friends?
I like the idea of exploring all sorts of options for moves etc. I have become less and less adventurous as I age, and I find myself narrowing down options and possibilities for ways to live, but just lately I have started to find me opening up just a little to possible different ideas, as housing options where I live is also very limited.
but later in the season last year, they started to sell out of the more popular veggie seeds. Also I noticed that many seed companies online had sold out by maybe April or so last year.
Good point--I guess a lot of people took on gardening as a new hobby in lockdown...I will make it my goal this week to figure out my seed situation and move on that!

The bees are out and happy,
:) So nice!
Marsia, you sound so positive. I'm sure you could make new friends & make a new life for yourself wherever you went.
There's nothing wrong with dreaming, and who knows what may come of it! I'm looking forward to pictures of your greenhouse: I'm sure you'll turn it into an oasis.
Dreaming is fun & there's no harm doing that while you are working towards improving where you live at the same time. I'm looking forward to seeing some greenhouse pics too, please :)
Yes, I like the way you really seem to appreciate your life in the present without getting too clingy about it that it has to remain that way forever. Having an open mind to all sorts of possibilities is wonderful--something I'm trying to work on...
The greenhouse sounds exciting!
Marsia interesting you are thinking of moving abroad . But nice you are busy still with your current home . Can you not find away to minimise your taxes if you have a good accountant .
Glad you got your seeds planted . I meant to get some I wonder is it too late . Might have a look today . You reminded me .
That must've been such a tough decision Marsia, I'm sorry :grouphug: All your work on the garden is going to add a lot of value to the house, that's for sure!
Oh, hon. Making the decision is probably the hardest thing. I have faith in your ability to make the most of your situation. It may feel daunting right now, but finding a place that is much less work would free you up to pursue your passions & talents. Sending you as much strength & love that I can muster :grouphug: