Lift, Train, Fitness

Morning gym session

Bench press

warmup 10 X Bar, 10 @ 40, 10 @ 50

Working Sets

3 X 8 @ 60
3 X 5 @ 70 kg

PL DB Bench

3 X 8 @ 15 kg

PL Tricep Extensions

3 X 8 @ 15 kg

5 km treadmill 3 incline
10 minutes climbing

1500 Calories Burned
& nobody is perfect! Fingers & toes crossed that your Mum will be ok xoC

Via Tapatalk
Small amount of DOMS this morning, Breakfast choices not the best this morning but determined to stay on track for the rest of the day.

I am amazed at how weak I am in the medial and lateral heads of my triceps :(

it is a big drop in weight when you go from doing skull crushers at 60 kg which primarily targets the long head of the tricep down to only 15 kg for the Powerlifting version of tricep extensions which puts the long head into active insufficiency to target the medial and lateral heads. Boosting the weak heads of the muscle should bring a big increase in Bench Press performance as they a brought up to standard.

Plan this morning is to spend some more time crafting my lifting boards and some time on the bike followed by some misc exercises just for a bit of fun.
Spent about 45 minutes rasping the edges of my lifting blocks semi smooth, still need to sand before applying a good wood stain and attaching velcro. Manually working the wood built up a nice sweat. Then jumped on the stationary bike for 20 minutes (9km) followed up by 10 minutes of hula hoop (only dropped it once YAY) I am getting better at this but not as good as I was when I was a kid lol. After the hoop, I spent 15 minutes working the heavy bag, This has proved to be good active recovery for my triceps which are no longer as sore as they were.

Finished off with a couple hill sprints up the driveway.

Not including the wood working, this mornings effort was 570 Calories worth of exercise without pushing to hard.

Time to cook up some pork belly for lunch before cleaning out the chicken coop this afternoon.

Water so far today 2L

training helps to keep the stress levels down
Mmmmmm...pork belly! One of our family favs.
You have a solid understanding of muscle mechanics, I need to really up my game in the lifting department and knowledge of it. Heavy lifting is my ultimate goal but I need to work harder on building right now.
On duty today at football, it has been raining yesterday and all last night, all bad signs that it could be a very high injury day with this being the first week of the finals. Players will be going hard at each other in less than ideal conditions.

I am seriously hoping I get to see most of the problem players for strapping or massage before they go on the field rather than having to stretcher them of halfway through a game. Prevention is sooo important.
spent all morning working at the markets (Seated Massage), then finally got the chicken coop cleaned out this afternoon.

then it will be time to coach my son at the gym. Also think I may have got my first paid powerlifting client, who wants to get stronger for the next rugby union season.
Gym Today

Bench Press

Warmup followed by

5 X 6 @ 60 kg
3 X5 @ 70 kg


10 @ 60
3 X 10 @ 100 kg

PL DB Bench

3 X 8 @ 17.5 kg

PL Tricep Extensions

3 X 8 @ 17.5 kg

Food Today - Good
Thanks Kaplooie

I have a doc appointment this morning to find out the results of my blood tests.

Then I will see how I feel about getting some cardio in at the gym, I need to talk to the owner to see if there are any members that would be interested in some free coaching so I can get my NCAS hours up a bit quicker.
Good luck with the blood tests Tru! I am sure there would be plenty of people keen for free coaching from you. Mad if they didn't! xoCate
ALL Blood tests were all normal, I am booked in for a cardiac stress test at 1pm today to make sure the clots didn't affect my heart. My Doc is certainly thorough lol

Keto is a healthy way of eating, all my health markers are spot on.

Doc thinks the clots are clearing up but my veins now have scar tissue which cannot be fixed.

Feeling a bit frustrated with the forum this morning, it takes a lot of time to dig up the appropriate studies to debunk some of the myths that get posted in some parts of the forum. As a Mod, I can deal with spam but people pushing pseudo science as fact drives me nuts usually posted by those pushing an agenda.

On the fitness side of things, football season is almost over, sign up for Baseball season is complete ready for the season to start. I also consider it a complement that a received an email from the head of Powerlifting Australia yesterday asking me specifically to help a new lifter from a town down the coast, It was nice that he remembered me from the coaching course.
Cardiac stress test was all normal

the treadmill was on incline 16 at a speed of 6.8 kph by the time my heart rate came up enough to complete the test.

There is only one more test I would like done for my own knowledge and that is a DEXA scan to get a gold standard measure of my bodyfat %, for that I will have to travel to Brisvegas to get that one done.

Eating today - Perfect, but will cook some pork crackle later to have as handy snack tomorrow
Exercise - See above, coaching later tonight

I think that seeing all my health markers at perfect despite the blood clots, just confirms all the science and anecdotal stuff I have read concerning eating a strict keto diet. mmmmmmmmmmm Bacon
Another good day,

Diet - Spot On


30 minutes Stationary Bike, 14.7 km, 530 calories


10 @ Bar - Warmup
10 @ 60 kg - Warmup
5 @ 100 kg
3 @ 110 kg
2 X 1 @ 120 kg

3 X 10 @ 140 kg

No coaching tonight, unusually tired, changing coaching session to tomorrow morning because there is no football this weekend, unusually it is a weekend with almost no commitments which makes a change, so I might just be able to get my lifting boards finished by applying final coat of furniture oil and attaching the velcro, Might even drill a hole on the handle so it can hang on the wall to make storage easier.

also today the professional fitness and exercise tracking software arrived from the US, I can keep track of unlimited people in it and it produces nifty graphs and charts.

anyway, time for an early night, will post more tomorrow when my internet connection is no longer slowed.
Nice lifting (you and your son)
How was the adjustment period for Keto? Have never tried it but have heard it can be rough at the start until the body switches over to burning fat for fuel.
Thanks cate :)

KnowAndDo I have been following a keto diet for years with a few slip ups here and there, for me the change over to keto went smoothly because I already had quite a low carb diet due to being allergic to wheat (not coeliac). This make the bread and butter pudding slip up a couple of weeks ago even worse lol

For most people when they cut out most of their carbs they will feel like they have no energy until the body adapts to using fat (preferably your own bodyfat) for energy. Some people also get headaches during the adaptation period.

after adaptation energy levels return even better than ever and for most people a much lower appetite. Loss or cravings is also good.