Lift, Train, Fitness

I suppose it is a bit out of the ordinary when the second most called number on your phone is 000

Our RPG group meets today so will be a quiet morning with a LOT of food temptations at the table, Roleplaying geeks are pretty notorious for eating a ton of junk and our group is no exception lol
I really like (and admire) your combination of activities; hope you have fun geeking out!
not a bad day

completed a bench training session this morning, helped a bloke out with info to help him get started with competing, in the afternoon coached.

It also looks like it may be a go ahead for running a workshop at the gym which would basically be an Intro to Powerlifting aimed at the older teens and young men to teach them about the sport and to improve safety at the gym, with the benefit to me being that it will help push up my hours for NCAS

Food today - Perfect, zero carbs so far today
almost time to head in to the gym to coach,

today has been ok, no training for me, ordered some new business cards for coaching, also spent some time watching the lifts in my sons weight division of the world championships, I think in another year he could be there himself.

Food today - spot on, zero carb so far

Tested blood ketones - solidly in ketosis
Blood glucose - Low Normal 1 hour after eating

Ratio not ideal but close so insulin sensitivity has room to improve

Also spent some time reviewing technique for making weight I.E. Dropping approx 5 kg in a 2 day period
Completed a training session

Bench press 70 kg working sets and Squat 120 kg working sets
No doubt about it: you are doing great. Sounds like your health concerns have cleared up, which must be a big relief.
yep health is good, there is some scarring in the veins, can't do anything about it so not worth worrying about something you cannot change.

Probably should have mentioned in my last post, I had to get my screwdriver out at the gym to adjust my lifting belt 1 hole smaller.
It's great that your health is good again Tru & your son must be an awesome lifter! Well done on needing to adjust your lifting belt [emoji106]

Via Tapatalk
He has huge potential and one of the reasons I am continually working on improving my coaching is, so I don't stuff up that potential before he achieves that which he is capable of.

The drawback of being good in a minority sport is that there is absolutely no support from the AIS, The AIS is only there to buy Olympic medals and not to promote all sports. They have 3 levels of sports at the AIS, level 1 is not recognised, level 2 is recognised and drug tested but gets no support (powerlifting is a level 2 sport) and then there is Level 3 sports which are Olympic sports which get all the support including paying for travel to competition around the world, paying athletes for time spent training etc.

this has turned into a bit of a rant but so be it. Australia has a lot of elite athletes in a lot of minority sports that will never get any recognition. The local newspaper didn't even think it was worth publishing the fact that my son had broken a second Australian record. To top it all off it is even more of an achievement as he is competing against normal athletes and not only against athletes with disabilities. Autistic people can be high achievers to.

Food today has been good so far after a bit of a slip last night.
You are entitled to rant about it. There is such a lack of balance in funding in sport in Australia. It sucks! I think it's bloody awesome what your son has achieved & has yet to achieve. It's a credit to you both.
What Cate said. The Olympics used to be off limits for anyone who made any kind of money with their physical achievements - which probably made it elitist in a whole different way. I think it is sad that the only way value gets measured is in money. Also: rant away, it´s what diaries are for.
Keep up the awesome work. glad your health has improved! And what a satisfying feeling to do a notch up in the belt - good work mate!
It took me a second to figure out ambo was an ambulance, hard play hard I guess. Sounds like you have a busy life!
It will be a lot quieter for the next 4 days lol, youngest has gone on a school camping trip. I will head into the gym shortly but football season is now over, baseball season doesn't start till next month.
good session at the gym this morning, Bench Press followed by some board presses then 5k on the treadmill (hills)

food today: spot on, 0 carbs
Water: 3.5 litres

the gym scales like me more than my own but weight dropping on all three

This is just another study show that a very low carb Keto diet is great for body re-composition, i.e. loosing fat while maintaining muscle.

the evidence just keeps stacking up but the mainstream is just so stuck in their ways.
Today has been mixed, Trained squat at the gym working up to doubles at 120 kg, knee was feeling a bit funky but after a bit of analysis it is a problem with having a tight gluteus medius. need to find a massage therapist who is happy to work on glutes, can't work this properly on myself lol but a tight gluteus medius is showing as a slight anterior pelvic tilt and forcing my knee into lateral rotation which causes medial knee pain.

Food was great up till the arvo, then had a few more carbs than I wanted, sitting at 40 grams for the day, way to many. feeling a bit sick in the guts from having sugary food. Will cook up some rump steak tonight.