Lift, Train, Fitness

I agree with LaMa! I'm glad the polyps were clear Tru & that you are being positive. I think we're all walking time bombs, but we could do without the reminders. Big hugs xo Cate

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thanks for the support cate and LaMa

feeling a bit better today, the clot which can be seen through the skin on my arm is a bit smaller today and the whole arm looks a little less swollen so hope is the other clots are also improving.

eating had a few problems yesterday, I have got to get my stress under control, more stress = more bad food choices

going to cook up some keto friendly pork crackle to take to football as a snack, I am on duty from 12 - 6 pm today

yesterday was school sports carnival for my middle son (age 17), year 12 this year hopeful he will get accepted to Australian National University next year.

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he will take any chance he gets to dress up lol
weight loss has stalled over the last week due to having far to many carbs.

tomorrow I will be transporting a chess team to a regional comp, so being away from temptation should help get me back on track despite the still high stress levels.

one of the large clots feels like it has almost gone just above my elbow but the vein from the cannula site to about halfway up my forearm feels like a hard ridge when you run your fingers across it.

my GP who is also a friend stopped by my market site today, commented it was good news about the upper clot but it is possible that the lower clot could form scar tissue, still have to wait to get more scan on Tuesday but hope is high that I won't have heart problems from the clots, so stress is also down a little.
Glad the clots are disappearing Tru & the stress level with them!

Via Tapatalk
Glad to hear it too, and I´m in awe of anyone who doesn´t gain weight under conditions like that!
Doc appointment this morning, could not sleep last night, the ache in my arm was just too much to allow for good sleep.

food could have been better yesterday but it could have been far worse, Never Give UP
Food was good today, water = 3 litres also good

Doc hopes the clots will clear in a couple of weeks, they are still only in the superficial veins rather than the deep veins and I hope it stays that way. now it is a case of taking my meds then wait and see. I also hope they don't scar which is another possibility the Doc has mentioned might happen.

no exercise, although I am cleared to lift within how I feel, I don't really feel like lifting with the pain. the clots also mean I am weaker in that arm at the moment, eg on Sunday night I needed to demo an exercise for my son with a weight that should have been light but completely failed in that arm.
of the two chess teams the first team won the comp and qualified for state finals and the second team came fourth and allowed the younger players to gain valuable experience.
it is going to be a test of willpower tonight, as most of you know, I eat a strict Keto diet but tonight I will be showing my son how to cook a traditional bread and butter pudding because the one he brought home from TAFE which was cooked by his Chef teacher was bloody awful lol.

I don't cook much but I am good at cooking desserts.

Coaching last night, after beginning the night with close grip bench press, Declan found out how hard it can be to lift an ezy bar with no plates on it. slightly modified lying tricep extension to isolate and target only the medial and lateral head without activating the stronger more easily worked long head.

followed up by paused floor press :D

on the up side I was able to demo exercises tonight without failing and without major pain

Coaching Point:

In bench press the medial and lateral heads are more important for developing a powerful lift and lockout than the long head of the tricep which although being the strongest overall and the easiest to train is the least important head for big bench numbers.
yep, disappeared within minutes of emerging from the oven lol

going to be a long day today, Judging lifting competition from 9-1 then on duty at the football from 2 until 10 pm

I won't have time to stuff up my eating.
Hope you're doing well Tru! Bread pudding sounds delicious but also like a totaly red flag trigger food in my world.
I have been struggling a bit to get my eating back on track

had more blood tests taken yesterday to test the rate of coagulation in my blood

stress levels are very high, mum went back into hospital yesterday and I have had my middle son home sick with the flu and an ear infection.

last night hubby and I attended my youngest sons hospitality class function (major assessment) it went well and all of the kids done a great job, including catering for special diets, all of my dishes were wheat free, but they also catered for gluten free, vegetarian etc. A lot of work for a grade 11 assessment.
I hope your mom´s going to be ok and your son is feeling better :( What Kaplooie said: hard to keep everything on track all at the same time.