Lift, Train, Fitness

Do you have to take that colon blow stuff? ICK! And it sounds like your son is going to go places as a power lifter, good thing he has you to guide him.
yep, this might be a bit TMI but everything is just watery at the moment and I have 2 more litres of the icky stuff to drink this morning :(

not feeling well at all, I am rather nauseous
My husband had to have a Colonosscopy last year & do all that. You have my sympathy Tru!
I am just looking forward to it all being over this afternoon, while sitting here at the computer with an unobstructed path to the throne room lol
I hope everything went well and that you can put it behind you. I hate being in any kind of medical facility, just creeps me out.

So sorry about your Mother too :(
I have finally been released from hospital after having a complication. After the procedure, my temp skyrocketed and I had violent uncontrollable shivering and my hands and feet went blue :( with very low oxygen count, and my blood pressure dropped.

Blood pressure is still low but feel ok, on meds for the next week to try and make sure all is ok.

they removed a polyp and they think that bacteria from the bowel entered my bloodstream.
Still not fully recovered but feeling much better, I am not up to training tonight but I did redo my sons training plan for the next 3 months and a long term plan (next 6 - 12 months), his new long term goal is to qualify for the world championships.

Heading in to the gym to coach only tonight

food wise, eating is spot on target.
Still have pain in the vein in my bicep, it is red and inflamed, the cannula site is also still very painful. if there is no change in a couple of days when my course of antibiotics is finished I will have to try and bring my followup doctors appointment forward.

can't lift with this pain but gym session last night went well. my sons enthusiasm is infectious but I need to start looking at saving money now to pay for overseas travel when he reaches his goals because athletes have got to pay there own way to be able to compete at commonwealth and world titles. Athletes in smaller sports get zero funding unlike high profile sports like swimming and athletics.

Autistic kids can do ANYTHING !
I hope you feel better soon, it sucks to be side lined but I can't imagine how that makes you feel since you have worked so hard to get back at it.
Managed to get a doc appointment yesterday arvo, booked in to have a scan of my arm on Friday, and my antibiotics have been changed.

my food choices last night were abysmal, but today is another day.
so far so good today with food choices.

Happy this afternoon my gamble on purchasing lifting shoes on ebay paid off, the shoes for my son arrived and were the correct fit, yay $200 shoes for $70 bargain !
still need to wait 4 week for custom belt to arrive from the US.

Tonight I will be cooking up the first eggs from my chooks :D now they have finally started to lay
feeling a bit scared this morning just came from having my arm scanned, I have blood clots all the way up my arm from wrist to neck. Dr appointment at lunchtime.

so much for going into hospital for a routine preventative procedure :(
just got home from doc

news is not good but could be worse

there is a risk of the clots breaking up and going to my heart but the chance is less than it would have been if the clots were deeper/in a bigger vein. hoping the meds i am on will work, next appointment first thing tue morning to see if clots are moving. don't want to go onto warfarin. if i have any chest pain i have got to get to emergency ASAP

on the up side, the polyps they removed for testing were clear of cancer.
I don´t really know what to say so I´ll just say I admire your stoicism and hope all gets resolved soon.