Don't try this at home

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What does it say that I read the essay on eating disorders while devouring a bag of Christmas candy at my desk? First, it is far too early for Christmas junk to be out, but it is everywhere, and second, why on earth did I buy that bag of candy?

Congrats to son for progress and to you for sticking with the moderation plan.
I am not into animal cruelty on principal but the temptation to launch kitten into the stratosphere via the window took some resisting.
I've not had a great weekend. That Saturday session left me in a bit of pain, then I hit myself in the eye with a hammer, blunt end fortunately, yesterday. Considering the amount this has swollen in places I am surprised there isn't a lot of bruising. I was removing a nail to realign it while putting up bird nest boxes, I am starting to go off animals a bit now.
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Decided with there being a work trip in this week and my eye still hurting weights will have to take a break. Will be running 3 days and that will be it for a week.
Might come back with a new set of sessions as there was only another week left anyway.
Seems like everytime I disappear for a while I come back to find you injured. Eye thing sounds scary, hope you are OK. And is kitty new?
Eye thing was scary, fortunately the socket appears to have taken enough of the brunt for the eyeball not to have been damaged. Loss of sight, even for the few moments it went blurred is scary and I thought I could have lost my better eye.

Kitty is new and in fairness she is very sweet with uncatlike tolerance. We practice things like kittenbell swings with her and she just considers it the game it is rather than time to savage us. Savaging worthy is when we do something like walk past her when she will come out and wrap her legs around your ankle, then run off waiting for you to give chase and play. Very into getting fuss and company too which is not normal for a lot of cats.

Lost the dog last week, looks as if she had cancer throughout based on what vet says. In typical rotty style she showed no sign of pain and discomfort until it was too late, 2 days before there was a period of incessant barking, day before she was needing to go to the loo every few hours and because one of these happened in the house we realised there was urine followed by blood and a clot, no idea how long that had been happening, she showed no sign of discomfort even then and it must have hurt. Took her to the vets for tests, gave her lots of attention, following morning came down to find she had passed in her sleep and when called vets they gave us the early test results.
Seems as though she had been going for a couple of months based on what we have found out since, appetite had dropped and she had lost some weight, not a level you would see as an issue except in hindsight. In fairness as I said to my son, passing quietly in my sleep would be my choice of way to go so I am glad she went that way. There will have been some suffering in her last weeks or months but she was happy and playing right up to the end. It was a surprise more than a shock, we knew she was close to the end and I'm glad she went that way.