Cate's Diary

Thanks, Em.
Day 1 was completed successfully, except for the 2 walks with Arch & the Tai Chi LOL. Starting off the new plan with a lunch in town without Arch made it difficult, but I'm happy with the eating & no drinking alcohol. I remember enjoying Dry July last year.
We had a lovely day & did a little shopping on the way home. We went to a bulk food grocery & got some stuff for the freezer including seafood. Arch was OK with being inside while we were away. Our football team won last night against the odds. It was a really exciting match. Slept very well.
It's about -1oC outside right now, only getting to about 11 today, sunny & no wind :D
Wow, you're doing so great! Wonderful you got so much support for Dry July, and yay for staying under calories and for all the relaxation exercises and walks! I tend to not think of relaxation as an important part of weight loss, but it's nearly impossible for me to lose weight while stressed, and relaxation is just so darned important in general. So glad you have it as part of your overall plan, and that you are doing really well about being flexible with the plan (and in the chilly weather, too!)
Thanks, M. I think relaxation & meditation helps you feel good about yourself. Last night I did some Tai Chi out on the already frosty decking while Arch did his business. He then had to wait for me 😊
It felt good breathing in the cold, crisp air. My lungs are not 💯 % yet.
I might do some deep breathing right now actually as my laptop is recharging & it’s pesky typing on my phone.
When I'm back on track I feel so much better. Why on earth can't I stay this way? I also want to be in here more & most of you are asleep when I'm typing in my diary first thing in the morning. It's how I start my day. Thank goodness for the night owls & insomniacs :D
I must admit I'm loathe to move off my chair this morning though. There's a thick frost outside & I'm rugged up in my PJs, dressing gown & ugg boots, with Arch on a cushion on top of my lower legs & my recharged laptop on a cushion on my lap, in front of the wood heater. Cozy!
Not asleep yet, but going in a few minutes. I have the opposite problem lately of wanting to enjoy the cool mornings so I don't get started because I am soaking in the luxurious feeling of not being too hot or sweaty yet. Being cool enough to sit in pjs by the fire sounds heavenly!! Please soak that up extra for me!

I think staying on track means accepting lots of exercise and fresh veggies and fruit as a lifestyle choice and seeing alcohol and sugars/starches as things to have in more limited amounts (or not having them if you are having trouble with limiting amounts at that point), plus viewing lack of exercise as being really hard on the body. I tend to see lack of junk food as hardship, but I need to switch to noticing that eating too much junk is setting myself up for lots of months of hardship losing the weight again. I really think a big component is about re-conditioning ourselves to see healthy behavior as rewarding instead of as austerity. Part of that probably involves finding things that are healthy that you love so it doesn't feel like deprivation, but as building a healthy lifestyle.

I also think it's good to plan for when you don't feel like exercising or eating well - are there gentle forms of exercise you can do a little of just to keep the habit of exercising? Are there less bad for you foods that will satisfy junk food cravings, and if so, how do you always keep them on hand - freeze them, have them in dried form, ...?

Glad you are having a nice cozy morning!!
Thanks, M. I really do think my biggest problem is wine. I love that half a bottle with G at the end of the day. When I flick the switch though & don't have any I'm fine with it. I seem to have to be "on" ie have a strict plan. It's really hard to explain, but I now feel like I'm back on track to losing weight. I rarely eat junk food as G hates it so I don't have a problem choosing fresh fruit & veggies, lean protein etc. It's the wine, plus the fact that I am "dieting". We are such complex creatures.
I usually walk Archie at least once a day, but I am going to make sure I always take him for a second one, even if it's not that far. It's all about my attitude I think. I feel switched on again.
Thanks, M. I really do think my biggest problem is wine. I love that half a bottle with G at the end of the day. When I flick the switch though & don't have any I'm fine with it. I seem to have to be "on" ie have a strict plan. It's really hard to explain, but I now feel like I'm back on track to losing weight. I rarely eat junk food as G hates it so I don't have a problem choosing fresh fruit & veggies, lean protein etc. It's the wine, plus the fact that I am "dieting". We are such complex creatures.
I usually walk Archie at least once a day, but I am going to make sure I always take him for a second one, even if it's not that far. It's all about my attitude I think. I feel switched on again.
I know a few people who like wine or beer, 1 in particular now is poorly (he has alcohol related dementia in his 40s), i'm lucky in that i never really like the taste of alcohol, if i would've liked it i'm the type of person who may have developed a problem with it. glad to hear u can take it or leave it.

is Archie your dog? have u got a pic of him (no problem if not). how old is he? is he in good health (i hope so)?
I feel you on not understanding why you don't stay on track when it feels so much better! I wiiiiiish I could just snip my fingers and stay on track forever.
is Archie your dog? have u got a pic of him (no problem if not). how old is he? is he in good health (i hope so)?
I left this photo large as it's so cute. Archie is a Maltese/Shi Tsu/Poodle cross(?) He's a very healthy, robust little dog. We have had him for just over 2 years now & he's 7 years old. He had stress issues(including stress incontinence) when we got him as he was being bullied by a bigger dog (for 4 years!). We count ourselves very lucky to have him. He has a great life now & ours is much better for having him.
I feel you on not understanding why you don't stay on track when it feels so much better! I wiiiiiish I could just snip my fingers and stay on track forever.
Are we masochists?
I'm glad to be back on track though LaMa. I can't believe how much better I feel & it really is down to my state of mind. I am going to have to work out a rest of life plan I think.
Today is my 4th day of Dry July etc. Day 3 successful :)
Love the big adorable Archie pic! I get it about feeling switched on. My weakness is healthy carbs. They make me feel full and relaxed, but I know I can get both those feelings in more healthy ways, and I'm going to start conditioning myself to see too many carbs as unhealthy and stressful to my body because they are. I need to break the positive association with them as just comfort.

Congrats on your Dry July success so far!!
Thanks, M. Breaking our emotional dependence on the things that we love, but that we know hold us back is not easy but is doable.
I’ll be able to get through Dry July & will then try to limit my wine consumption post July.
Archie is the cutest.
He sure is, LaMa 😘
He has had a good run today- 3 walks! We walked 2.19 km this morning, G "accidentally" let him out & then I took him for a walk. I have had a good eating day. I need to buy some more fruit that I can stew. I love stewed fruit with yoghurt as a dessert, especially rhubarb. Our rhubarb is very dormant. I think we'll dig it all up & divide it.
I'm currently drinking an alcohol-free sparkling rose. It's really refreshing. I finished cleaning the bathroom walls & ceiling today & our wardrobe & after taking Arch for his last walk of the day I felt like bubbles. Yum!
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I left this photo large as it's so cute. Archie is a Maltese/Shi Tsu/Poodle cross(?) He's a very healthy, robust little dog. We have had him for just over 2 years now & he's 7 years old. He had stress issues(including stress incontinence) when we got him as he was being bullied by a bigger dog (for 4 years!). We count ourselves very lucky to have him. He has a great life now & ours is much better for having him.
Thank u for the Archie pic, yeah he is so cute and a really lucky dog to have you and you to have him. My username is actually my dogs name, he was 17 in April.
You must've done something right for him to reach such a biblical dog age. What breed is he?
Thankyou! Yes he's lived a good long life, he's been fed on healthy meals with the odd treat inbetween. He was regularly walked until about 6 months ago but all of a sudden he stopped wanting to go for walks, he may have arthritis so may be in some pain during walking.

He does have some health issues now including doggy dementia but he's still himself and still utterly loveable in fact i care more about him now than i've ever done (and i've always thought so much about him). He's a Patterdale Terrier crossed with a Jack Russell (that's what the vet thinks).

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