Cohen's Lifestyle Can I have a peice of Birthday cake for my birthday?

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Hi all, I have been doing the Cohens diet for a week now, and it is soon to be my birthday in a few days. My question is, if I stick to my diet all day, am i aloud to have a small peice of my birthday cake? Or is that a big No-No?
Hi Minimouse,

You really need to stick to the program. I know it means sacrificing a lot but in my experience, Cohen's works if you stick to it. It's not a flexible program like some others. The difficulty is deciding what you want most. Hope you have a lovely birthday.

Minimouse, just one piece of birthday cake will undo a week's worth of dieting strictly. You do have to work out what you want the most. There will be other birthdays- lots more. Cheers, Cate