bluehats diary

The saddest part of all this
is that I had finally gotten rid
of that endless hunger. And
now the meds. have brought it
Maybe I'm not meant to ever
keep any weight loss off.
2 cups of ground beef made in s/c with salt reduced
taco mix, a can of green peas and some
cheese put in.
OMAD is an extreme version of intermittent fasting. i have been intermittent fasting every day for about 4 months now. vs OMAD, intermittent fasting has an "eating window". the most popular seems to be 8/16, eight hours of eating followed by 16 hours of fasting every 24 hours. when i started, i went to 8/16 for the first 3-4 days, starting my eating window at ~10am and ending at 6pm. but within a week or two i gradually moved my stop time back to now where most days my eating window is only ~4 hours.

anything over 12-14 hours of fasting will get you on an effective eating schedule, so why not try to move more slowly toward your OMAD goal. a good start is merely to stop eating after dinner, say 6-7pm, then have no food (got that? .... NO FOOD) until ~9 or 10am the next morning.

i still miss eating at night some days. i'm a pretty good cook and i often have some leftovers from the day for a meal tomorrow, so cheating is a simple 1-2 minutes in the microwave. but then i think about how good i'll feel tomorrow, have a cup of black coffee and the feeling doesn't usually hang around long. i must be getting better, too.... a few days ago i baked some shortbread and there are a zillion very tasty calories in my kitchen right now. hard even for me to believe, but at the moment i have zero motivation to raid that stash.

this next point will be hard not to take the wrong way, but what you do eat seems to be horrible. corned beef? sausage? stop eating processed meats. learn to steam vegetables. what sort of grocery stores do you have locally. at mine even if i was lazy, i could still eat well as their deli dept has roast chicken and there is a salad bar (but limit your dressing to oil/ vinegar, no ranch/ 1000 island, etc.... even the good sounding ones are often loaded with sugar).

i've had to fight back a weight gain twice in my life now. the first time in my 40's was because i was convinced that i didn't want to turn into what some of my friends looked like. now i am 65 and this time it is because i want to live longer. i have already had two friends die because they ignored their health. last year i drove up to Wyoming to see the total eclipse... my first. already planning on seeing my 2nd in 2024. i'm feeling good about making that now.
Are you still going? It's getting closer now.
lol... wow, that was some time ago... but yes.... i already have a hotel reservation in Del Rio, Texas. funny, but a few weeks ago they called and wondered where i was before i reminded them the reservation was for 2024, not 2023. if you've never seen one, i highly recommend it. i still have the image in my head.
So my exercise is off until the weather gets cold
again as I have to sleep on the floor in the big room
as my room is too small for a fan.
The floor sleeping kills my back.
Even using the foam to sleep on.

Other forms of activities like walking
aren't something I can do in warmer weather as
my feet swell too much to get any kind of shoes
that stay on tight for walking.

Our lake here is ice cold all year round too.
The nearest water to swim in is probably 6 hours drive

So I likely have to begin the songs over again from
the few I started with as ppl usually lose shape
when they stop.
O well nothing can be done about this I guess.
You could try doing exercises lying down on your sleeping mat, if only to loosen up your back before getting up.
There are hundreds of possibilities and I can't give you professional advice but I might see if I can find some videos for you to take inspiration from once I get back from vacation (don't have wifi on the train and I probably won't have time once I arrive).
1.5 cups canned beans
1.5 cups canned beefaroni
1 cup size nutritional drink
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Still here.
Just heavily discouraged.
I don't want to spend what's left
of my life just fighting off a med.
caused hunger. It's not even real
bodily hunger- true hunger.
It's chemically caused.
Things were finally going better.
Thinking of just not taking it and hope
I don't end up with complications later.
Why would I take a med. that I gained
so much weight on after losing that weight
only to gain it back?
Doesn't make sense to me.
Depends on what the medication is for: if it's to help control your blood sugar levels not taking it as prescribed could lead to PNP, blindness, or death. None of which sound like good options.
I don't know how much to eat.
Eating does nothing.
I don't want to be at 300
again.That wasn't healthy
even though my weight loss
has not made me feel better
in any way or helped any of
my health issues.
And I'm aware that there are many sources that recommend
how much to eat. That isn't even
helpful when every body is different. And I do not feel
remotely full.
But I did. I was feeling full with
smaller amounts of food.
I can't find the resolution to
this situation.
I'm even getting thoughts back of planning binges. To try to
feel like I ate.
I don't know what to do.
It doesn't sound like a good idea to me. When do you see your doctor next?
I talk to him by phone in July.
He lives far away from me but
I was very lucky to get him.
He's an endocrinologist.
I still have no regular Dr.
Depends on what the medication is for: if it's to help control your blood sugar levels not taking it as prescribed could lead to PNP, blindness, or death. None of which sound like good options.
Yes I'm referring to the modern
insulins.I was on one of the older ones and it didn't make me hungry. But they want ppl to
use the newer ones.
Depends on what the medication is for: if it's to help control your blood sugar levels not taking it as prescribed could lead to PNP, blindness, or death. None of which sound like good options.
Yes I'm referring to the modern
insulins.I was on one of the older ones and it didn't make me hungry. But they want ppl to
use the newer ones.
I guess maybe eat as little as I can.
Weigh every Monday.
Exercise when I can.
Keep taking the hunger meds.
Hope for the best?

If I see a gain any week of more than
5 pounds cut back the food?