Alligatorob's Diary

Just did a little more than hour and a half in the gym this morning. ~45 minutes of cycling, the rest was my own workout, bands and some weights. Had planned to stay later but my knee started hurting so I stopped. I have been seeing an Orthopedist about my knees and he says I need replacements in both, but I am dragging my feet on that. I did ask him if exercise might hurt them his answer was "no you trashed your knees long ago, nothing more you can do to hurt them".
Oh wow, those are some good genes you've got there!
Maybe, we'll see. Not all my family lived so long. Though I had a great grandfather who lived to 102, and only died after falling out of a tree. The family says alcohol was involved. That seems to me to be a good way to go!
I'm just starting out again with aerobic exercise and wow, it's surprising how out of shape I got.
Good for you! And don't let the being out of shape bother you, it will go away.
I am nowhere near the stage where I'd want to compare my abilities with someone who's been going to the gym quite a while.
Like @Llama said you really should only compare yourself to yourself, that is good advice. There will always be people who do better and worse than you, that matters little. I know however it is hard not to make comparisons, but I have learned not to let them bother me, I think of most folks stronger than I as inspiration. Especially the ones who are significantly older.
Oh, sorry to hear about your knees. My mom got one knee replaced and it vastly improved her quality of life. Her physical therapist had her do exercises before the operation so that the operation would take less time to heal from. I helped her during recovery, and those couple of months of recovery were a bear, but after that it was very very worth it.

Thanks for the advice about not comparing myself. I know that, but I do it anyway! So it's good to hear.
Falling out of a tree drunk at 102 is life goals :rotflmao:
Most people recover well from hip replacement surgery and it's definitely easiest with good strength and not TOO much weight. I'd say you're a good candidate.
The people I know who have had knee replacements are back being reasonably active in a very short time & very active (playing golf) within a couple of months. I think you would be a great candidate.
Except for the knee it was a good day, ate well and got some exercise before the knee gave out. It was pretty painful at first but seems to be getting better. Not sure if I will go to the gym tomorrow, will have to see how the knee feels. I like the gym on Sunday mornings, most of the time I am the only one there. Not sure how accurate my calories are today, went out to eat tonight and I ordered the Chicken Cordon Bleu, also had a little salad and part of a piece of bread. No idea about the chicken calories, I just picked something off of MyFitnessPal.
Falling out of a tree drunk at 102 is life goals
Most people recover well from hip replacement surgery and it's definitely easiest with good strength and not TOO much weight. I'd say you're a good candidate.
Thanks, its my knees but probably a similar story.
The people I know who have had knee replacements are back being reasonably active in a very short time & very active (playing golf) within a couple of months. I think you would be a great candidate.
Thanks, I have been doing research and talking to everyone I can find who has had it done. Seems like the recovery time varies a good bit, but all report being happy they got it done. My dilemma is that both knees are equally bad. I have looked into getting both done at the same time, meaning just one recovery. That is sometimes done but it would mean being in a wheel chair for a while, probably a couple of weeks. I am not rushing into it, need some time to think about it all. The soonest I would do it is in the fall.
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I'm an idiot sometimes, sorry. I'm fully aware that your knees are the problem and that is what I meant but I had Skurgeon's hip on my mind while typing. I've worked with only two patients who had both knees done at once. One was a guy in his 60s who needed a wheelchair for the first two weeks (but he could get around in his room with 2 crutches. The other was a spindly 80-year woman with a super annoying roommate and a fire in her soul who started out with two crutches on day one and walked out without anything two weeks post surgery. I don't know that it's recommendable for most people but if both knees are equally bad it's sometimes a good idea because if you do only one knee while the other's also quite painful and/or weak the not-yet-operated-on leg can really mess with you due to overloading and trying to favor the operated-on leg for a couple of weeks. Either way the most important thing is to make sure to have the best possible quad strength and decent quad and hamstring mobility going into surgery.
No gym today, my knee is still hurting and am planning to head to Florida for a fishing trip so I don't want to do any more damage. I will try to get in for a cortisone shot before I go, but I will go either way! I have already canceled my trainer tomorrow, Mondays are leg days and I don't think that's a great idea right now. I do plan to try and get back on Tuesday, but will avoid or go light on things with the knee for a while.
I've worked with only two patients who had both knees done at once. One was a guy in his 60s who needed a wheelchair for the first two weeks (but he could get around in his room with 2 crutches. The other was a spindly 80-year woman with a super annoying roommate and a fire in her soul who started out with two crutches on day one and walked out without anything two weeks post surgery. I don't know that it's recommendable for most people but if both knees are equally bad it's sometimes a good idea because if you do only one knee while the other's also quite painful and/or weak the not-yet-operated-on leg can really mess with you due to overloading and trying to favor the operated-on leg for a couple of weeks. Either way the most important thing is to make sure to have the best possible quad strength and decent quad and hamstring mobility going into surgery.
Thanks, that is great information. If the 80 year old can do it, surely I can! Do you think the kinds of exercise I am doing would be ok for pre-surgery? Or is there some special physical therapy exercise that would be better. I am currently doing "heavy" lifting leg day once a week, but a lot of Tabata and other varied exercises that include legs.
What great advice from LaMa 👏
I'm having my knee looked at again in a few weeks. Luckily it's only my left knee that is the problem.
Yes, Lama often gives great advice!

What is the problem with your knee? Mine is lack of cartilage and bone spurs, so the joint just doesn't work the way its supposed to...
Strengthwise I assume the exercises you're doing are fine but stretching-wise most people either neglect their quads or arch their lower back so much while stretching they never actually reach their quads so that's one thing you might want to have your trainer look at. Probably best to do it lying on your belly if your knee mobility is limited.
Just saw that I missed hitting the "Post reply" thing last night:

Not my best day, but no binge so it was still a good one. I ate more junk than I should have, peach cobler and a brownie, but not a whole lot and my calories worked out fine. My knee is hurting so no exercise and I have canceled my session for tomorrow. Will try to get a cortisone shot this week before the fishing trip.
I have a torn meniscus (most probably from all that twisting with golf) & a large cyst which is pushing on a nerve.
Ouch! That sounds painful, but a different problem from mine. What can they do for you?
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Ouch! That sounds painful, but a different problem from mine. What can they do for you?
Hopefully, I will find someone who will tell me that at my next appointment. Maybe drain the cyst? I have arthritis in both my knees but not too badly.
It was a good day, for a no exercise one. My knee still hurts but I will try the gym tomorrow, probably only do arms and shoulders and maybe less time than usual. It will feel better to get back.
Strengthwise I assume the exercises you're doing are fine but stretching-wise most people either neglect their quads or arch their lower back so much while stretching they never actually reach their quads so that's one thing you might want to have your trainer look at. Probably best to do it lying on your belly if your knee mobility is limited.
Thanks Lama! I will ask tomorrow. What would you do lying on the belly? Try to grab a foot or both behind the back? I have tried that but can only make it work with a strap.
Hopefully, I will find someone who will tell me that at my next appointment. Maybe drain the cyst? I have arthritis in both my knees but not too badly.
Draining a cyst doesn't sound too bad. My problem is arthritis, I first went to the orthopedist about 3 years ago. He told me to try losing weight and exercising. I did both and the knees improved for a while, but then started getting worse. He said my only real options now are cortisone or replacement surgery. I did try the cortisone shots and got temporary relief, but long term it is not a cure. Hopefully your arthritis is less than mine. The Doctor told me that mine looked pretty bad, he said he was surprised I didn't have more pain, credited the exercise with that.
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Did 2 hours and 5 minutes in the gym and it felt good. My knee doesn't hurt too much. My trainer kept the weight training to non-leg things and I did a Tabata class. My trainer teaches the class and modified some of the exercises for me to go easy on the knees and it worked. I am happy with it.
Definitely use a strap. Very few people can get it right without one.
I can't do it without one. The yoga instructor offered to teach me to use the strap if I come in a bit early, think I will take her up on that Friday.

The gym is quite a good deal for me, my insurance pays for membership and that includes all the classes, no cost to me for any of that. The trainer charges $35/hr which seems a good deal to me, I only use her 2 or 3 times a week. And since she teaches more than half the classes I take I get some extra attention there at no cost.
Excellent: let the yoga teacher show you and take it easy, ok? I assume you're stretching your calves, hamstrings, snd glutes anyway, right?
Just did an hour and 45 minutes in the gym, not as much as usual but a good workout. My knee started to hurt and I don't want to slow the healing process so am giving it a rest. Not healed yet, but better than it was a few days ago.
Excellent: let the yoga teacher show you and take it easy, ok? I assume you're stretching your calves, hamstrings, snd glutes anyway, right?
Thanks, I will. Except maybe when I was trying to climb the mountain I always kind of take it easy. Probably don't stretch as well as I could, don't do calves very often, and then I do the quads I have been putting my foot on a bar rather than holding my foot. I think the strap will help with that.

I asked my orthopedist about being able to do the quad stretch where you stand on one foot and hold the other foot in your hand behind you. He just laughed and said "those days are behind you".
He just laughed and said "those days are behind you".
True, that one normally won't even work with an artificial knee - unless you use a strap. But then most people who'd need it cheat their way out of that one by either (again) arching their back or bending their hips, so I don't think you're missing out.
It was a good day, got some exercise and ate well. I had a couple of peanut butter sandwiches, outside of my usual, but they felt good and I stayed in a reasonable calorie range. Not sure what I'll be giving up for lent, maybe I'll try cookies, no need for me to be eating those.
True, that one normally won't even work with an artificial knee
Thanks for your help, and the doctor told me not to expect that I will be able to do much more with the artificial knees, it just won't hurt when I do it.
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