
Fasting definitely does not suit everyone. I know it's not for me.
Anyways although my body felt a bit spent after yesterday's activity, i would say an overall good day.
It sounds like it & much better getting a good night's sleep.
Thanks @Llama and @Cate
yes who knows, maybe i will try again to move toward 12 hours of not eating, but for now I think better to just focus on limiting sweets and trying for an overall deficit. The not eating after 8pm didn't make that goal easier so may as well forget it.

I was feeling a little bummed about my foot acting up but I have a plan now that I feel good about. I remembered that last time I had injured my foot I followed a schedule for running after an injury. It goes back to a walk-run schedule and builds back slowly. So that's what I'll do. It'll keep me running but should allow for proper healing.

I'm skipping today's run altogether and will walk with a friend instead and then hopefully start on saturday with the walk-run thing.
It's still a little disappointing as that will slow my running goals but since i hope to run for the next 30 years or so, I can give my body some good healing time :)

Yesterday I took things slow and easy. Had a lovely yoga session which my body really appreciated. I felt so much better after that. I did my strengthening but with one of the easier resistance bands to keep the session from tightening me all back up again.

Food was good. Sweet potato, black bean dish with some pasta. Got some grocery shopping in as well so got restocked up with lots of veggies. Sun is shining today and hope to get a bunch crossed off my to-do list....that's next...

stretch and strength-30mins
walk-40 mins
calorie deficit -130
sugar calories-320
protein 91%
sleep--sort of ok, a bit disrupted really.
It's still a little disappointing as that will slow my running goals but since i hope to run for the next 30 years or so, I can give my body some good healing time :)
That sounds like an excellent mindset. We'll just have to work on remaining flexible both physical and mental.
Yesterday I took things slow and easy. Had a lovely yoga session which my body really appreciated. I felt so much better after that. I did my strengthening but with one of the easier resistance bands to keep the session from tightening me all back up again.
We do have to remind ourselves to look long-term & remaining flexible, mentally & physically is a good plan.
We'll just have to work on remaining flexible both physical and mental.
We do have to remind ourselves to look long-term & remaining flexible, mentally & physically is a good plan.
Yes! Flexibility is key!

I missed making an entry yesterday but it's been a good couple of days. I started on my walk-run schedule and yes it seems to be so little running but I'm fine with that if it means long-term recovery. I also bought some inner soles for heel pain so hopefully that will help too.
Had a nice stretch and strength session yesterday. Really emphasizing the yoga portion again for that physical flexibility...may it help with the mental flexibility as well.
I ate well both days...didn't record calories yesterday but will get back to it today. I continue to be sad that the scale won't go down (official weigh in tomorrow) but whatever...just going to keep with the present plan of aiming for less sweets, and some deficit...eventually the scale has to reflect that...right?????
The time between starting to do well again and the scale starting to reflect it is so frustrating!
The scale should start reflecting your hard work, but I'm sure you would have lost some size, which of course is more important.
The time between starting to do well again and the scale starting to reflect it is so frustrating!
yes it's going to take the scale a while to show these improvements i think...the deficits just aren't big enough to do otherwise...
The scale should start reflecting your hard work, but I'm sure you would have lost some size, which of course is more important.
I don't know Cate...I think my size has so far remained the same...still same measurements...
Good that you are looking after that sore foot and tailoring a programme to allow full recovery! That takes maturity.
Yes it can be hard to not just push it, but I know i've been battling this pain for the last couple of weeks and going out on those long runs definitely aggravated will just have to be patient...

Official weigh in- 143 pounds, body fat the same as last week...oh well....just so long as I don't lose motivation I should start to see improvement if I can keep even a small deficit going...I'm finding the sugar limits a little easier and am getting used to the smaller portions...i may try and reduce that even more the coming week. I do notice that i'm often a few calories over on the sugar goal, so i should try and make sure that doesn't keep slipping upwards.

Yesterday was pretty good. Got a fair amount of walking in, ate mood was down for a few days there. Quite down...nothing i want to get into on here...
But anyways I am feeling better again so that feels good...I am starting to think about gardens more and that cheers me up....making some plans, buying some seeds...Today will do another walk-run session...Today would normally be my nice long run day so what I might do instead is do the walk-run up to the trails, and then walk the that way i can get lots of nice outdoor tree time in without (hopefully) aggravating my heel too much...I have been using the inner sole for heel pain, but so far not sure about them...they feel kind of bulky in my shoe...but I think yesterday's pain was better...anyhow

walk-about an hour
calorie deficit-135
sugar calories 310
protein 87%
sleep good
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. I'm trying not to think about our summer coming to an end soon, but I will enjoy hearing about your gardening & your spring xo
Thanks @Llama ,@Emilyrose and @Cate :grouphug:

I think I am opening to the idea of making some changes in my life....not too sure what but some things just don't seem to be working for me lately. I don't mean any drastic changes but I do feel like I have to look beyond my usual routine and open up to some other possibilities as to what I want my life to look like...I'm only mid-40's so I potentially have lots of life left in me yet, so just want to stay open to ideas I may have not explored before...or maybe just go deeper with some ideas I've only explored superficially.

Last night I had a dream that I heard myself playing piano from a distance and I couldn't believe it was me playing-it was so beautiful and moving...I've had a few dreams like that lately that seem to be indicating that I feel there is something in me that could be tapped into that maybe isn't right now...or maybe it means that i should get a piano teacher after all haha (so far i'm self-taught and I sometimes wonder if a teacher would help push my abilities)

Anyhow...yesterday was a mostly good day. I did miss the feeling of getting in one of those lovely long runs. Those runs always leave me feeling so full...but putting healing first.
I did the walk-run up to the trails and extended a bit into the trails as well. So little running--only 16 mins in total--so yeah no runners high from that! But I was happy that I felt able to do that without much pain. Had a good meditative walk about in the trails and then a brisk walk back home--so the walking added up to a fair amount. Such a difference coming home from that my body just didn't feel all that usual cardio effort...

Ate well. Made some black bean burgers with rice and salad. Not much sugar as I had stayed home the rest of the day so wasn't near any. One maybe small win is I did bring my jelly beans out with me on my walk-run but didn't bother eating them. Didn't even feel tempted to. Nice when I don't feel tempted to eat sweets that I am not in love with.

Run-16 mins
Walk-1.5 hours
calorie deficit -550
sugar calories-43
I'll be 43 this year so we're about the same age: plenty of possibilities for change and improvement still!
Maybe while your run/walks aren't as challenging now's a good time to put more energy toward strength training, or coordination?
I think I am opening to the idea of making some changes in my life....not too sure what but some things just don't seem to be working for me lately. I don't mean any drastic changes but I do feel like I have to look beyond my usual routine and open up to some other possibilities as to what I want my life to look like...I'm only mid-40's so I potentially have lots of life left in me yet, so just want to stay open to ideas I may have not explored before...or maybe just go deeper with some ideas I've only explored superficially.
I think being open to change will help you find what will work for you & maybe just have you looking at life differently.
Your day sounds like a very positive one, Liza xo
Maybe while your run/walks aren't as challenging now's a good time to put more energy toward strength training, or coordination?
That's not a bad idea...I have been doing a lot more with the yoga still so I like that added emphasis on flexibility. Yesterday I also threw a couple of summersaults in so I may add more stuff like that...I did look up some agility exercises after reading your suggestion and remembering our discussion on agility exercises before, but most look like they would be hard on my heel...but i do wonder if i could throw in some sprints during my walk-runs since i don't need to pace for distance...anyways we'll see...i'll play around with it...
Would be really good if i were a good enough swimmer to get my aerobic time swimming...alas i am not and don't even currently own a swimsuit...same with cycling--would be good if I could get a good bike ride in...that would probably be closer to the feeling i get from running...maybe something to look into...
I don't want to add too much more time to my physical exercise stuff...
I think being open to change will help you find what will work for you & maybe just have you looking at life differently.
Your day sounds like a very positive one, Liza xo
I hope so life has really changed ever since the pandemic and lots never went back to what it was nor can it...I was noticing me trying to go back to re-create what I had before but it's just not I need to open to other possibilities...we'll see...

Yesterday was pretty good. Did my stretch and strength session, got some walking in, ate well enough. Noticed some heel pain when I set out for my walk but it did diminish and isn't there this morning. Walk-run day again today. Sun is shining...

stretch and strength -30 mins
wlak-40 mins
calorie deficit-378
sugar calories 250
You can do somersaults? That's so cool!
hmmm well maybe you know it as a forward roll--just one where you go from standing into a forward roll on a mat. We always called them somersaults but i see that some people call them forward rolls and that somersaults are a much fancier move...
My forward rolls are very lumpy and need work, but I am hoping i could develop them into a nice smooth movement...i used to love doing them regularly...but that was probably close to 20 years ago now! How have i gotten so old?!
One day at a time... I struggled so much with forward rolls back when I started jiu jitsu: my brain just didn't want to believe I wouldn't break my neck :D
Don't age yourself before you are old, Liza. You sound very flexible & active to me & have an active mind. I can see you trying out new things & challenging yourself in another 30+ years :grouphug: