The Youngin's Club (1-24 yrs)

The Snapping Point

Hey all, nice to find some other younglings here, I'm 23 and have just this past summer graduated from reading zoology at uni. I've got plenty of weight to loose and as with most people I'm doing that through a combination of diet and exercise.

I noticed as I read through the posts people seem to be in agreement that this thread needs to liven up a bit so, I was wondering what was the turning point moment for everyone? What one thing made you *snap*?

Mines rather inconsequential but hopefully some of the girls here might sympathize: I went to a new shopping centre, all swish, new and architecturally stunning - a lovely place to shop, only to discover that of the 30+ clothes shops there I could only buy my size in 4 of them. Only 4! And then half the time they don't have it on the rails anyway! And two of them are for middle aged women... So that was my snapping point - I have a host of other reasons but this is what really made me decide to do it now, not some time soon but *NOW*.

So guys and girls what was it for you? (hopefully it was more worthy than mine but fingers crossed I'm not the only completely shallow person out there! ;))
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So guys and girls what was it for you? (hopefully it was more worthy than mine but fingers crossed I'm not the only completely shallow person out there! ;))
I was at risk for type 2 diabetes, which kind of scared me straight... 38.9 pounds later, I'm one happy camper!

I CAN FIT INTO AN XL!!!!!!!!!!

there was my shallow moment ;)

<3 Annie
So guys and girls what was it for you? (hopefully it was more worthy than mine but fingers crossed I'm not the only completely shallow person out there! ;))

I hate to admit it, but as much as i KNEW i had to lose weight, and i KNEW it had to be something i took seriously... it took a girl in my life to really see that.

yes i know, superficial, but i thought she was 'the one" so i took everything about her seriously, and even though she NEVER EVER asked me to lose weight, i figured if i had found "the one" might as well show her that i'm wiling to do anything for her....

we aren't together anymore (she cheated on me) but yea... it all started superficially and now i'm just doing it more for myself.. even though i've been kinda cutting back on being as motivated (bad roy, i know)
heyy..I was on here over the summer, went through a break up and kind of just lost touch with the website! Im back and looking to get back into the swing of things! Figured it was nice to have some support from people around by age :)
Hey Cortney, I remember you! Too bad about the break up... well, ready to get back to goals?

Oh, my turning point:

I could no longer fit into a size 40 jeans and I REFUSED to buy a size 42... I would REALLY have to start shopping in the plus size sections then. That scared me, so I joined a weightloss club with weekly weigh ins. (similar to weight watchers except more of an emphasis on health in my opinion.)

6 months later and 30 odd pounds later, my motivation is waning, but now I remember why I was really doing this!

Haha, shallow motivations all around!!! I want to be a size 36!!! (I'm a 38 now) :willy_nilly:
Hey you guys/gals, I know its 3am my time and I'm just sitting here on my computer, yes I know i should be sleeping (i do have an interview at 10am), but besides the point.

Seeing as how this age group pretains to those in hs/college, would you guys be interested in a non-forum website targeted towards the community of us losing weight?

I was thinking about this, and thought maybe I could start a website where at first it would be maybe just an informative place to put articles, ideas, personal stories and it can be all geared towards the "freshmen 15" or other such events, and even then nothing at all... just geared towards individuals in our age group that are focused now on being healthy, whether going to college, graduating, still in HS, etc. I would love to see this idea develop into a social-network of sorts, where people can meet, discuss... kinda like a myspace for us specifically. However social network creation is a bit over my head, i figured i'd start with a place that goes a little more into our generation and is a place where the community can build the content up.

any ideas? thoughts? is there somethign like that and i'm just missing out?

pm me on here or shoot me an e-mail, or best is if I am on AIM i'd love to get some ideas and build this up... I am a comp geek by trade and I figure it would be a cool way to kinda bring things back

on a side note: revenue for the website will be made via ads, or wahtever... however I think if the whole "social network" idea took off, we could feed money post-maintenence costs into things like gym gift certificates, or other ways to help motivate new and current members to be healthy, lose weight, etc.

okay enough of this randomness...
Glad to hear others were swimming in the shallow end :D,

I was at risk for type 2 diabetes

I apparently have a significantly increased chance of developing diabetes if I don't loose weight and eat much more healthily as well, I would love if that had been the reason I started - you're a better girl than I am ;D
Hi...i'm new here. I'm KT. I'm 17 years old and will be turning 18 February 25th. At my worst weight I was 170lbs at age 16, and now I'm 142. I was 136 in the summer when I was working two jobs but since school started and I lost a job i've gained some weight. My goal's to be 130 by my 18th birthday, and 125 by May. I'm having a hard time because I watch what I eat and exercise when I can but don't seem to lose weight. I work at a horse barn everyday and give lessons/ride/work horses, so I'm a very active person. I just need that extra push or something. I'm llooking to try kickboxing or yoga or something, anything that might help. The only problem is I work until about 6 everyday and go to school so it's tough for me. I run 2-3 times a week (about 2.5 miles-I couuld only run a mile 3 weeks ago).
Just here to get some motivation maybe! And some tips.
I did kickboxing in my first year at uni and loved it, I'm not sure whether it helped me loose weight but it's definitely worth taking up, especially if you are already at a certain level of fitness, it's amazingly satisfying :D
There was no real "snapping point" for me. It just kind of started happening without me really noticing. One day I weighed myself and I was down 2 kgs (4.4 lbs) since the previous weigh-in which was like a few months before, so I decided to just run with it. 41 kgs (90.4 lbs) later, and here I am :D
I've been sort of on this crazy weight loss journey for years now, except I seem to be gaining every year instead of losing. On Saturday night I threw a party, and I looked around at all the great friends I've made over the last year, even though I've been feeling really bad about myself, and I just thought, 'Why am I wasting all this energy hating myself when no one else seems to? Why am I punishing myself for nothing?' So now I feel like I can finally move on from whatever has been causing me to binge eat for so long, and just start enjoying my life again.

Before, when I started my new diet program, I would put all this pressure on myself to be a certain size for a specific night out. For instance, I am going to a housewarming party on Friday, so I would try to have lost five pounds by then, with a really strict eating and exercise plan. But that's too difficult, and always fails, so now I am going to appreciate what I have already, and losing weight is going to stop being the only important part of my day.

On Saturday, one of the lads at work told me I'm a complete fox, which was a really nice thing to say, and I looked in the mirror and even though I am not the perfect size, I did look nice, and I want to start feeling nice again. And I think I can finally see that I was living in a bad dream of my own creation all the time, and I should just relax and be happy, and continue working towards all my goals step by step.
Ha, I just wrote that because I think it's so cool to hear a compliment when all that's swirling around your head is how fat and ugly you are. It just makes you stop and think, 'Oh yeah, I'm not that bad.'

Hey I can't recall every being called foxy, I think the best I've had is pre-raphaelite... doesn't have quite the same zing :D
i'm 21 and from scotland. Just finished my degree and just doign a wee course for experience with children before I got back to uni to do teaching post-grad.

I've was overweight really since i wnet to high school, i went to a high school far away from where i lived so really i just went home at night and sat about.

My first year uni i gained a lot of weight because i wan't working or anything but after that i worked and i've sat about the same weight for a few years, but i put on some recently and i really hate it, just workign at trying to lose it now in time for christmas.
What a great idea, I am 19. I also feel weight loss is very different for people who are around my age, I think the main reason is peer pressure especially when you are in high school and say theres a big thing comming up (EG. prom etc.) I feel alot of pressure is aimed to younger people about their weight due to celebs etc. Of course everyone wishes they looked like some of the celebs do... :p
I was reading through a few of the posts and you all seem to post quite often.. And I think this group is a great idea! SO I thought I'd make a post and say hi and introduce myself.. Well my name is Amanda, I'm 21 years old, a full-time student, and work 2 jobs.. So I stay busy..

I'm currently at my highest weight, which is 240lbs. I'm miserable and depressed... I have to do something about it now! I gained about 20lbs when I first moved from college--like most ppl-- amd when I was 19/20yrs old I gained about 60lbs in about 8months.. and the docs thought something was wrongs so they found out I had hypothyroidsim... So I'm on the meds now.. So I've stopped gained weight.. but it's hard to lose weight. And over the last couple years I've tried diets but I always give up.. I lived w 2 other girls for a couple years so that didn't help.. but I recently moved back home so it should be easier.

Anyways, I'm on weight watchers, I just started Monday and so far so good! My goal weight is 140 or 150 whatever puts me in a size 8... I still want curves I don't want to be a stick.. Anyways I thought I'd make a post, it turned out kinda long, but I have to be getting to bed.. Hope you talk to you all soon!