this is the first time everrrr i have stuck with a diet for longer than three days. it's insane. I love it.
Right now, i'm practicing, and getting used to moderation. I havn't exactly gone out and bought "health guru" healthy foods, but I am eating better. At the same time though, I'm letting myself have the things i crave IN MODERATION. Take for example starbucks. I'm a sucker for the strawberries and creme frap, so i had one the other day, but made sure to add it into my calories. it was counted as a meal.
another thing that i'm getting better at is counting my liquid calories. I used to not do that. I would eat, trying to stay under my limit, which usually didnt happen because i wasn't hard enough on myself. And on top of that, i'd drink a crapload of soda, and not count a single one of those calories. Not anymore.
im at peace of mind right now, and it feels great.