The Lose Fat challenge

I'm doing it! I've wanted to change, but I've just sat around and let the world pass me by. NOW I'm taking control of my life! I'm going to lose this weight. I'm going to build a strong body. I'm going to change myself on the outside, but more importantly on the inside!

Without getting into great detail, Miss_Christi. You are going to have to "want it" on the inside "enough" , and this "will on the inside" can overcome any obstacle that is laid before it, and you have to "believe it" before you can "achieve it". And, when you do, you will no longer be: "dancing in the dark".

Too many Dance in the Dark.

Do not fall victim to "internal blindness"

The passion on the inside always shows the lighted path. Do more than listen to it. Feel it. Embrace it. It will not steer you wrong.

The base of the light is: Education.

The stem of the light: Is using the basics of education molded to yourself--with wisdom.

The fuel that provides the bright light: The stem and base is fed through the passion of the heart.

Realize you have the power, Miss_Christi.

Personal Fat Phobia: means being not able to fire on all cylinders, and bringing bad fuel economy.

Tune up your inner-being; improve your fuel economy.

And, you do this with education within diet and fitness and apply what you know about yourself, and psyching out the disease causing build up within your inner-engine.

Best wishes

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weigh in

Drum roll please..........
SW: 189
184 lbs!!!!!!!
That's five pounds down!
(insert applause here)
Drum roll please..........
SW: 189
184 lbs!!!!!!!
That's five pounds down!
(insert applause here)

Great Job! :)

Feels great doesn't it?

Nothing feels better than progress toward your goal.........keep it up!

ROCK ON, girl friend!

Keep blasten' the unwanted tissue off!

Best wishes

This is going to be a long post

Alright. I've got a lot of things to update you guys on:

Someone tried to scam me on the internet
Okay, so a few days ago, I posted an ad on Craigslist selling my portable DVD player and 3 Disney DVD's. A woman named "Judith" replied. She said that she was interested, and that she would pay me $100.00 + the cost of express mail international shipping. Everything looked legit. Then I got an email from Paypal stating that I'd just recieved an instant payment from her. It stated that I had to ship the items, and then email proof of shipping, and that then my paypal acount would be credited. So, yesterday morning, I went down to the post office, packaged up the item, paid the $47 in shipping, and emailed the tracking number.
THEN I started reading things on the internet, and realized that I was being scammed. I was freaking out, because my boyfriend warned me of this, but I shurgged it off, and said it was okay because I got an email from paypal. I went and looked at the email from "paypal" again, and saw that the email address that it was sent from (small, in bracketts) was not paypal. It was something like or something like that. So, I sent the emai to Paypal, and they emailed me back and said that it was a phishing email. Right away, I called my Mom. She said to call the post office, and then go pick up the package. That's exactly what I did. I got the package back, and my money back, and I sent this so called "judith Pope" a nasty email. It shoud have been a red flag when she said she wanted it shipped to NIGERIA. For some reason it wasn't. My parents also lended me $50 each so that I can buy healthy foods still.
I love my parents. I love Andree too, but I hate that he always has to be right, and most of the time is, so I think I'm going to keep my story for the day to myself. From now on, I only sell through ebay.
I went to the grocery store today:
I'm pooped! I'm totally counting grocery shopping as my workout for the day. Here's how it went. I left around 11 am, went across the street, got some breakfast, which I'm finishing in a few minutes (2 eggs, 2 bacon strips, 2 slices wheat toast, hash browns). Then I got on the bus, went into the grocery store, spent $54 on mostly healthy stuff. In fact, the unhealthy stuff (tv dinners, canned chilli, and canned beans) are for my BF. That's what he likes. And until we get back to AZ and have a real kitchen where I can cook for him, he can eat whatever he wants. For myself, I got chicken, steak, fruits, veggies, bread, orange juice, lunch meat, etc. Then I bagged it all up. I brought my reusable sams club bag with me because it's huge, filled it with groceries, and carried it back out to the bus. That sucker had to be at least 20 pounds; maybe even 30. I got off the bus, and carried it through the apartment complex, and thus, finally I am home.
My weekend is going to suck some major nuts due to lack of sleep. Well, maybe only tomorrow will suck. I'm working Mickey's Halloween Treat tonight at work from 7pm-midnight. Then I have to be back at work at 10 am tomorrow! Let me explain this to you though. With walking to the parking lot where I meet my boyfriend, then driving home, parking on the street and all that jazz, it takes me about 45 minutes to get home from work. Then, in the day time, I take the bus to work. He just picks me up when I get off late because people are scary. It take me about an hour to an hour and a half to be where I need to be for work, meaning, my ass has to get up at 8am, leave by 830, just to be there in time in the morning. Then of course, I will get home, and somehow be unable to sleep x_x
I had a good breakfast:
2 eggs
2 bacon stips
2 slices wheat toast
I split this into two meals. I'm going to have some fruit before work, a chicken salad while I'm at work, and some fruit probably afterwards.
I've been doing little exercises at home when I go outside with the BF so he can smoke. Just lunges, squats, etc, and its working :D
I'm taking new measurements on Monday, so I'll be sure to post them, as well as progress pics.
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You are the female version of:

"The Greatest"

I am going to become "The greatest" master of my "internal competition", and become the champion.

Got that?

I will defy the odds, and "shock the world".

I am supremely confident, have the internal talent, have the heart, and will apply the "rope-a-dope" and wear the crap out of any resistance.

Got that?

I will make a winner out of me.

I may get knocked down, but I have a chin like a granite, and continue to fight.

I can and will take a punch, because I expect it to come.

I know my enemy and I draw it close to me. I Know it well.

I will be able to win the battle knowing my enemy, and learn its strengths and weaknesses, and then knock it the f@ck out!

Got that?

There is no 10 count, its friggen knock out cold, flat on its back.

Who is laughing now...biaaaaaatch?!

Got that?!

The greatest competition of all time is within yourself.

Either one wins it. Or the go the f@ck home.

I don't compare myself to someone else.

They are not me. I am unique and I am "born to be bad".

I am: "The Greatest"


I am so bad, I have a sling of balls around my neck.

I wear the balls around here.....I juggle them in my hands.

I have balls.....because I ripped them off any male that said I couldn't do this. :angry3:

He smiles no more.....

But I do.......

I am bad like that

Got that?



Best wishes

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Never Going to Give You Up

Encircle this around your inner-spirit:

I am never going to give you up........

I am never going to let you down.......

I am never going to run around and desert you....

I am never going to make you cry....

I am never going to say good bye......

I will never tell a lie and hurt you...

"Though I may lose externally daily, internally I am undefeated."

And, you never die within.

Sometimes one has to be a "hard @ass" on oneself to bring results.

No one ever said this was going to be easy.

That box of tissue doesn't WORK.

You must be the diet CLERK

So bring your goal a PERK by going BERSERK

Be a self @SS today! :)


Best wishes

You're thoughts make me smile :D

I am happy they did, young lady.

I just want you to understand, that you have to "seriously" make up your mind that you can do this. If you do not, you will not make it.

You "must" thoroughly convince yourself you have the personal ability:

Whatever is your goal, whatever is your dream, just keep going; keep trying, keep pushing, keep pulling, keep fighting.

Realize that pain and discomfort WILL be present often enough to get you to think if all of this is really worth it. Expect it. Deal with it effectively with wisdom.

Realize that sometimes you WILL hear words of discouragement come out from other people's mouths.

But when you know in your heart that you CAN achieve your goal, when you know your dream CAN become a reality, you accept these facts; you become aware that they will be a part of your journey. You acknowledge all of this, focus on what you desire AND YOU JUST KEEP GOING. It will steer you in the correct path, and down the road to personal success.

Believe it. You achieve it.

Active, successful natures act according to the dictum "know thyself," and act as if there hovered before them the commandment: Will a self and thou shall become a self, and thus find one's self.


You don't have to be the master of all in life, but if you learn to Master Yourself in the things you are trying to master, I promise you will find more wisdom in the attempt.


Best regards,

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What the hell is the purpose of high fructose corn syrup in bread???? I'm so upset. I thought I was making a healthy choice by getting the seven grain bread...then I read the ingredients when I got home. Grrrrr.

Breakfast: Breakfast burrito, consisting of eggs, cheese, sirloin steak, hash browns, and salsa. I didn't get the combo; just drank water instead. This was from Jack in the Box.

Snack: Rotisserie chicken
Lunch: Lemon herb chicken w/ broccoli/cauliflower
Snack: One serving of goldfish/three individual skittles
(sugar withdrawals!!!.)
Dinner: More lemon herb chicken w/ broccoli/cauliflower
Snack: 2 Celery stalks w/ peanut butter.

I didn't drink anything other than water.

Also walked to my work location at Disneyland instead of taking the tram. This was on top of taking the bus. Also took the stairs as opposed to the elevator.

I'm got a small headache yesterday, which I know was from lack of sugar, because it went away when I had the skittles.

I want to point out something about your diet. Headaches can be caused by a variety of biological and potentially medical factors. One of these is a diet that is too low in carbohydrates, and/or lack of water in the diet.

Water seems not to be lacking your diet, obviously.

I am referencing Carbohydrates because they seem low in your diet.

I have reviewed some of your diet lists, and just copied the one here in this post.

Your diet is very low in carbohydrates and from what I have read thus far, and what I currently know about you, this leads me to believe this is the potential cause of your headaches.

Carbohydrates (no matter its source) are biologically changed to a form of sugar in the body, and when you ate the Skittles (which has refined white sugar as the main ingredient), it is a type of sugar that is quickly digested and absorbed in the blood and this would raise your blood sugar releasing Insulin, which would partially explain the reason behind your headache disappearing.

As much as Skittles assisted your headache, it doesn't do you any favors--in stabilizing your blood sugar. It makes it worse, IMO.

What happens is a rapid rise in your blood sugar (where you will feel great and energetic--for a short time), then it levels off (Insulin doing its work), and then it falls (stimulating your appetite and bringing a cravings rush).

A rapid rise and fall in blood sugar is not "friendly" to your cravings for food.

What you want to do is to eat with the idea of keeping your blood glucose stable as much as feasibly possible, and this will lower some of your craving problems, and follow it up through being prepared when a hunger craving hits, by having food items purchased from the grocery store with the sole purpose of combating this problem when it surfaces.

And, you use the education behind certain foods to attempt to keep you blood glucose stable (and attempt to avoid sharp rises and falls of your blood sugar levels), and you should see a positive impact on your hunger cravings.

It will not eliminate them (because of the calorie deficit present), but it will make a huge and favorable impact.

The absolute best appetite suppressant is: Stable Blood Sugar Levels.

The second best, is eating the right food that tends to swell in the stomach, take longer to digest, and knowing that a combination of food (like eating protein, carbohydrates and fats together) "tends" to lower the GI than it otherwise would if you ate a carb rich food by itself.

In other words your blood glucose would rise quicker eating (an apple, for example) by itself, as compared to eating this apple with a portion of chicken, IMO.

You listed a good set of veggies in your diet, but you should consider adding a fiber supplement, and increasing it a tad, if its below 30 grams. Also read on fiber......its is powerful, and can assist in combating hunger cravings, and can give you a feeling of fullness much longer, and will aide your goal path other than being a healthy item to consume.

In order to control or attempt to eliminate your cravings, you need to understand why you have them and get-over-it through proactive self-participation.

Lets look as some of these briefly. I will repeating myself in some of this, but it is worth repeating.

Why one can have cravings when deficit dieting:

1. The body is deficient in energy (calories) and has to look to itself for a source of energy (be it muscle and/or fat source). The body is literally feeding on itself to provide vitality in response to a energy shortage and is trying to meet the outside/inside demands placed upon it.

2. Sometimes unstable blood sugar levels can cause intense hunger cravings. The more stable the human blood sugar the more "stable" your hunger cravings will be. Sharp increases and declines in blood sugar levels can give one intense hunger pains that can be difficult to overcome.

The way you can combat this problem, is through understanding various food items and the big three macro nutrients: Carbs, Protein, and Fats, and how they "can effect" one's blood sugar levels. And, knowing WHEN its appropriate to have an increase in blood sugar levels and when its not.

For example:

Post workout nutrition. One just got done with a rather demanding fitness workout, and placed alot of demand on the body and its muscles. The muscles are depleted and broken down. There is a need of replacement nutrition, and it should be given rather quickly. It is a good time to consume fruits (simple carbs [sugars]), and protein, at this time. The "correct fruit" will elevate blood sugar rather quickly and since the body is in "present need" will shuttle the appropriate carbs where needed, and this isn't detrimental nor will add to one's hunger complications.

If anything, IMO, I believe it would "assist" against hunger cravings (later) because you are giving the body what it needs at the appropriate time and will not yell at you later or be an "assistor in lowering your energy levels" by continuing to be broken down through inadequate and timely nutrition.

Eating frequent meals with adequate and selective food items will be a major piece in your hunger puzzle. You determine your Maintenance Line of Calories, and divide the number of meals with your Maintenance Line of Calories to determine the approximate number of calories per meal.

Eating frequent meals is great in an ideal and perfect world. However, we all know we live in an imperfect world that can disrupt what we do, and eating frequently as planned is one of them. This can cause one to "improvise" and "adjust" on-the-fly, and "should be" expected and not lead one to surprise.

While eating frequent meals is recommended, if this cant happen or is disrupted in some way, and you had to adjust, this ISNT going to make you hit the curb on your fat loss quest. The most important factor when the dust settles, is whether one IS or IS NOT in an energy deficit at the end of the day. In some cases, having eating patterns irregular can assist one in fat loss dependent on dieting logistics. Just try to eat as often as your lifestyle allows adjust your meals when you have to--with applying knowledge learned.

3. Lets add 1 and 2 together. If the body is deficient in energy levels and being forced to locate fuel from itself (deficit in calories)--and--the blood sugar levels are sharply increasing and declining (at times), "this is a most deadly combination to cause intense hunger cravings".

4. Even if you level blood sugar (through what you eat within your diet and calorie manipulations), one will still be left with the body being deficient in energy, and will be calling on you to eat; however, its the lesser of the two, IMO, and is the place one wants to be at most of the time when deficit dieting to lose fat tissue, as it is truly easier to deal with.

On-going and continued education in:

1. Information on various techniques to combat cravings.

Read, read, and read some more. Absorb it and apply it. When you read an article on certain techniques to handle food cravings, and it appears it may not fit within your life style, is their a way you can:

A. Modify, change, or manipulate the idea or concept in some fashion to work with your personality and within your current lifestyle?


B. Manipulate lite fitness training to your goal advantage?

Sometimes just keeping the mind occupied on something else for a small duration of time can be enough to combat the current food craving and reduce it to tolerable levels; however, this can require a certain amount of self discipline (along with manipulating your foods to your advantage) in order to be successful.

You could jump on a bike for very Lite cardio session (a few minutes), and consume a no-calorie or very low calorie beverage to fill the stomach and get the blood pumped. Take a walk. Play a video game you like, and on and on with the potential possibilities.

Look within your environment and see things others cant see--that will assist you toward your goal path.

Develop clear strategies to deal with weaknesses. Allow your strengths to improve your weaknesses. And, you can use FOOD to assist your weakness by using your strength of being proactive.

Some proactive anti-food craving tactics:

When you view these brief guidelines, I would like you to keep an open mind and think about ways you can manipulate these guidelines to fit within the circumference of your personal life style. In other words, you can take some or all of the guidelines and modify/change them to a degree that is more applicable or suitable to your individual environment.

A. Change your frame of mind when going to the grocery store:

--->1. Hunger Defense Perception One:

Look for food items that are bulky (that will fill a large portion of the stomach capacity) and carry the nutritional quality that fits within the macro nutrient value you seek (all macro nutrients), that fit within your life style for:

A. Home.
B. Work.
C. School.

Educate yourself on various types of foods that take long periods (or a longer period, if you will) to digest than others. that fits in the health and nutrition scope you personally seek. Investigate the "reasons" why this is case, though investigating the nutrients in these types of food. For example, "fiber rich" foods can take longer to digest and give a sense of being full.

(If you want I can provide a list of suggestions)

--->2. Hunger Defense Perception Two:

Specific shelf and refrigerator items specifically purchased to assist one's self during the times when food cravings are a problem. These are bulking items that are low in calorie content BUT carry a nutritional punch in accordance to its caloric value.

1. When hunger is a problem its important to know where you are at in your diet in the calorie equation, in order to "effectively" use one of your proactive and goal-keeping food purchases for:

A. Home.
B. Work.
C. School

(If you want I can provide a list of suggestions)

I wrote this rather quickly, and its not exhaustive. Maybe I will write a more detailed post on how to fight hunger cravings (more specifically, if I am asked)

Open your mind and be filled with great awe and have more faith than a simple tree.

Our lives are made of seasons and some will make us grieve,
but if we just have faith, we will never be without our leaves


There is no getting around it, you have to eat.

And, there is no getting around it, if you deficit dieting and eat clean, your going to have cravings.

One MUST "have consciously aided intellect when dealing with the biological and mental cravings to EARN their goal".

Learn to master them, as they are apart of you; this is the KEY to your success.

Lets face it: If you deficit diet your body is going to "yell at you": it just doesn't like using "itself for energy", and likewise, if you overeat the body will "yell at you" by adding energy stores because it has "no current use for itself".

You must be the "Master of both disasters".

If you have questions, please feel to ask them. I will answer them.

Best wishes to you, my friend.

From my heart to yours.

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Just read the journal all the way through and just want to say, keep up the great work!

I'm no Chillen but I can still offer my own encouragement :cool:

Remember that our lives are not determined but what life brings us, but by the attitude that we bring to life. That positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and ultimately outcomes. It is the catalyst, the spark that lights an incredible fire. A fire that creates extraordinary results.

Keep up the great work! There might be things that you forget in your life, but a journey like you're on now is not one of them.

Remember that you rule!
Just read the journal all the way through and just want to say, keep up the great work!

I'm no Chillen but I can still offer my own encouragement :cool:

Remember that our lives are not determined but what life brings us, but by the attitude that we bring to life. That positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and ultimately outcomes. It is the catalyst, the spark that lights an incredible fire. A fire that creates extraordinary results.

Keep up the great work! There might be things that you forget in your life, but a journey like you're on now is not one of them.

Remember that you rule!

That she does.

And, we are going to help her all we possibly can.

Christi........can you give a little background on your lifestyle if you don't mind?

I want you to read my most recent post.....thoroughly (on food cravings, blood sugar), and read between the lines. You have to deal effectively with these food cravings, young lady.

I want to help you with it. Give me a little background on your likes and dislikes, etc.

Best regards,

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Charles Dubois once said, "We must be prepared, at any moment, to sacrifice who we are for who we are capable of becoming."

If It's Going to Be, It's Up to Me:

Taking Responsibility for Choices in Our Lives

(by Jim Clemmer)

A 38 year-old man was at his parents' home for Sunday dinner. He mournfully turned the discussion to his many problems; "I've just left my third failed marriage, I can't hold onto a job, I'm in debt up to my ears and will have to declare personal bankruptcy" he whimpered. "Where did you go wrong?"

When things go wrong, it's easy to blame others. Blaming others for our difficulties is the easy way out. That's why it's so popular. Turn on any daytime talk show and you'll find endless examples of people blaming everybody and everything for the way their lives have turned out.

But the happiest and most successful people - the leaders who get things done and get on with their lives -- know that life is an endless series of choices, and take responsibility for these choices as well as the consequences of their actions.

Leaders choose to control their destiny so fate and others don't.

They believe that choice more than chance determines their circumstances.

Even in circumstances for which they're not responsible, they still take responsibility for their actions.

Leaders recognize that they have control and choice over a number of key factors:

Choose Not to Lose - Whether we choose to focus on our problems or our possibilities is a key leadership issue. When we are faced with obstacles and failure, those who can overcome adversity and learn from their experiences, turning them into opportunities, are the ones who will be truly successful.

Perceived Reality - Most so-called "facts" are open to interpretation and are highly dependent upon what's being read into them. We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are. Too often, we let our problems trap us deep inside our own "reality rut". As long as we're stuck there, we can't see out of the rut to the possibilities beyond.

Choosing Our Outlook - An optimist expects the best possible outcome and dwells on the most hopeful aspects of a situation. Pessimists stress the negative and take the gloomiest possible view. And while we may have been given a tendency toward optimism or pessimism at birth or from our upbringing, we decide what we want to be from today forward.

Choosing To Let Go of Deadly Emotions - Another milestone in our growth is when we accept responsibility for our emotions. It's less painful to believe that anger, jealousy, or bitterness are somebody else's fault or beyond our control. But that makes us prisoners of our emotions. We stew in our deadly emotions. For our own health and happiness, we must exercise our choice to let go. No matter how long we nurse a grudge, it won't get better. We need to truly forgive and forget. Forgiveness is not for the other guy, it is for ourselves.

Choosing Our Thoughts - In his 19th century Journals, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Life consists of what a man is thinking of all day."

If we continue to think like we've always thought, we'll continue to get what we've always got. Our daily thought choices translate into our daily actions.

Our actions accumulate to form our habits. Our habits form our character. Our character attracts our circumstances. Our circumstances determine our future… Taking responsibility for our choices starts with choosing our thoughts.

Leaders realize that life accumulates; the choices we make - good and bad - are like deposits in a bank account.

Over the years we can build up a wealth of success and happiness or a deficit of despair and discouragement. It's up to us. As with any active bank account, few of these choice accumulations are permanent. However, the longer we allow poor choices to accumulate, the more time and effort will be needed to shift that balance. Now is the time for action. There's still time.

If not now, when?

Best wishes

Our lives are not determined by what happens to us.........

but how we react to what happens to us...

not by what life brings to us.......

but by the attitude we bring to life.

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes.

It is a Catalyst…. a spark that creates extraordinary results.

FEEL IT!!!!!!!!!!



And, yes........we have to set some boundaries sometimes:

How to Set Personal Boundaries

(by: Iain Legg)

Living your life as an empowered person often requires the placement of boundaries – invisible “lines” across which you will not allow people or events to infringe upon your time or resources.

When you have clear inner boundaries in place, you know where you stand and you’re able to make decisions that support and nurture you. These decisions may include refusing extra obligations that you do not have the time or desire to fulfill, keeping a greater distance between you and people who tend to drain your energy, or insisting that others respect your personal time.

A disempowered person will usually find it difficult to set boundaries because they don’t feel that they have the right to do so, or the strength to stand firm in their decisions. Does that describe you?

If so, read on for some simple and painless ways to set firmer boundaries in your life:

1) First, understand that you have the right to set boundaries. This can be difficult if you struggle with low self-esteem or self-confidence. You might hesitate to set boundaries because you’re afraid that people won’t like you, or you’ll hurt someone’s feelings by refusing their requests for help. However, more often than not your own feelings will be hurt if you don’t set boundaries! You’ll find yourself agreeing to do things you really don’t want to do or don’t have time to do, and you’ll run yourself ragged trying to please everyone. Setting boundaries involves learning to love and respect yourself, and your time and resources.

Get into the habit of affirming your own value and worth, and strengthen your belief that you deserve to live a calmer, more peaceful life. Be committed to caring for yourself first, and then helping others as time allows. Remind yourself that you don’t have to feel guilty about not saving the world – do what you can and feel good about it.

2) Build up your courage. Learning to say “no” can be scary, but it’s important to believe that you have the strength and confidence to stand firm in your decisions. One good way to become more courageous is to understand that nothing bad will happen if you refuse extra obligations or favors that someone asks of you. Will they be disappointed? Probably. Will they stop speaking to you or get angry with you? Probably not. Except in extreme circumstances, most often the person will simply move on and ask someone else for help.

If you do happen to receive a strong negative reaction when saying no, ask yourself if it really matters to you? That may sound harsh, but you have to eventually realize that it’s not your job to make life easier for others – especially when doing so makes life more difficult for you! A person who gets angry about your unwillingness to help is probably a person who has gotten comfortable using you as a doormat. In those cases it’s best to nip the problem in the bud before it takes over your life.

3) Be firm, but nice. One of the reasons you may hesitate to say no is because you think it will make you look “bitchy” or selfish – but that can be avoided by finding a pleasant way to say it. Rather than saying brusquely, “No, I won’t help you with this,” you could say apologetically, “I’m really sorry, but I just can’t do it at this time. Maybe another time?” The majority of people will understand and not be upset. However, if you do receive resistance, that is the time to become more firm in your answers.

One of the hardest parts of setting boundaries is learning to be firm with yourself! You may be tempted to overextend yourself to help others, even when you know it wouldn’t be in your best interests. When that temptation arises, you’ll have to be able to override your desire to please and do what you know is best for yourself.


Overcoming a Loss of Motivation

Read it here:

You are special, and do not forget it.

Best wishes

“The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.”

“The seeking is the goal and the search is the answer”

How To Imprint Your Goals

(By Dr. Robert Anthony)

Deciding to change a habit, attitude or personal situation does not automatically bring about the change desired. The decision to make the change is only the first step. Further action is required in order to effect a change in your subconscious self-image. You have learned that your goal is the mental picture of what you want.

When you write down the goal, it becomes an affirmation.

The process of doing this is called “Imprinting”. Imprinting is the deliberate control of thoughts and pictures of the kind of changes we want to make. The imprinting occurs when our subconscious mind accepts the new visual image of the end result. Imprinting is a three-step process:

1. You affirm your goal.2. You picture the end result.3. You feel the emotion that goes along with accomplishing the goal.

Let's talk about each step so that we are absolutely clear on the procedure.

Step 1 - Affirm Your Goal

An affirmation is simply a statement of fact or belief that is written out in a personal, positive, present tense form as though the goal were already a reality. When you write out your affirmations, you deliberately control the programming of your subconscious by directing the visual picture to the end result you want.

Step 2 - Picture the End Result

Picture and experience in your mind the accomplishment of the end result. See yourself actively involved in the accomplishment. This is called constructive “synthetic visualization” or “virtual reality”. It works on the theory of displacement. You are displacing the old picture and old self-image with the new. Remember - you will move toward the goal that you picture.

Step 3 - Feel the Emotion That Goes Along with Accomplishment

The subconscious responds to feelings more than to words. It doesn’t respond any better to positive feelings than to negative feelings. It just responds to feelings. The more emotion or feeling we can put behind an idea, the faster it will manifest. So feeling and emotion are very important for impact. It can be said that our affirmation will manifest in direct proportion to the frequency with which we use picturing and emotional involvement. What you want to do is see to yourself accomplishing the end result while feeling the joy and satisfaction of the accomplishment.

All three steps are necessary for successful imprinting. If you just read your affirmations you can expect about a 10% success rate. If you read and visualize the end result, you can expect about a 55% success rate.

If you read your affirmations, picture the end result, and feel the emotion behind the accomplishment of what you are picturing, you can expect a 100 % success rate!

“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.”

(Pamela Vaull Starr)


My goal in life is to become as wonderful as my dog thinks I am


You are the person who has to decide. Whether you'll do it or toss it aside; You are the person who makes up your mind. Whether you'll lead or will linger behind. Whether you'll try for the goal that's afar. Or just be contented to stay where you are.

(Edgar A. Guest)

Best wishes,

I am never going to give you up........

I am never going to let you down.......

I am never going to run around and desert you....

I am never going to make you cry....

I am never going to say good bye......

I will never tell a lie and hurt you...

Wow, Did you just Rick Roll her without even noticing?!

But anyways, You're doing an amazing job!

Keep up the good work that you have been doing!

wuz goin on in dis thread huh