🏋️‍♀️Science of Diet and Exercise Journal👩‍🎓

Lucky little miss having her own personal coach. I used to love hockey, but playing on turf doesn't appeal. We loved the mud & rough grass.
I'm sure the quizzes aren't as easy for everyone, Tru :)
Lucky little miss having her own personal coach. I used to love hockey, but playing on turf doesn't appeal. We loved the mud & rough grass.
I'm sure the quizzes aren't as easy for everyone, Tru :)

Her skill with holding her stick has improved this week and when they got a chance to learn about tackling and done some tackling drills her enthusiasm went right up when she was tasked with taking the ball off other players and was very successful with the skill.

Yesterday, she asked to watch a program about hockey on the TV, and all I could find was a movie on Amazon from India about their national team with subtitles but she enjoyed it.

I have been looking around for a second hand stick suitable for my height so I can do a little bit more at home with her. Also yesterday I found a person selling some coaching equipment for a bargain price, I had been on the lookout for some mini hurdles and the value of the number of mini hurdles in the mixed batch of training gear is worth 3 times as much as what I am paying for the whole bag of stuff, which also include another ladder (always useful to have an extra) more cones (you can never have too many cones) player hats (an alternative to bibs) a whole heap of netballs (not sure what I will use them for but I will find a use) and a mix of other misc stuff. This sort of stuff doesn't show up on marketplace very often but usually sits unsold for a long time and there are often bargains to be had.

Next on my list for bargain hunting is looking for some focus/tackle pads.
digging into ethics in sport today at the tute this morning, from some of the opinions of young men in the class I can see why there are so many ethics classes in this degree, it was so horrifying the tutor offered to stay back and have a private discussion with one of them.
The mind boggles. I still get shocked at some of the things I hear, especially about feminism, which is basically equal standing with men & should be a given.
this was about how a charge of rape should not be allowed to ruin a mans sporting career because "professional sport should not be impacted by personal life" and "there a 1-2 false accusations per year in America (college sport)" I think the guy should have been a pile of ash on the lab floor from the looks given by every single female class member.
heatwave conditions again today, I am dripping, just sitting I have sweat rolling into my eyes. Little misses school sent a message earlier today to parent to indicate they activated their extreme heat policy so the kids did not go outside at break time, lunch was inside in the AC

I cancelled coaching this arvo, it is too much to expect a young teen to suffer through this heat all day at school and then to train in this heat, moving the session to another day and late evening so it will hopefully be cooler.
this was about how a charge of rape should not be allowed to ruin a mans sporting career because "professional sport should not be impacted by personal life"
That's something we could maybe talk about when there's exactly one person alive who could save the world from an imminent threat: professional sports are only important because watching them is a beloved hobby for a lot of people. Without fans professional sports wouldn't exist. When athletes can't even be arsed to set a half-decent example for their fans they have negative value, regardless of what their sponsors say.
Also: I hope that guy never gets to work with female athletes because he sounds like an accident waiting to happen.
Tutor was not impressed, although there were some dilemma style questions in the discussion where there were poor outcomes either way and some devils advocate type discussion, this young pig was a whole other level.
I find it mind-boggling that elite (read extremely well-paid) sports people think that they are above the laws & standards that should be upheld by everyone else. It's sad that so many people still see them that way & when young people do it's quite scary. Our community is currently in shock over the news that a really well-liked man in our district is on remand for historic sexual abuse charges allegedly committed over 50 years ago. It's really hard to believe, but he wouldn't be in this position if there wasn't a strong case. There must be so many men who fear their behaviour in their younger days might come back to bite them. I hope so anyway.
Some are very good at concealing there true nature but there is a lot of young men out there that resent that they cannot get away with some of the behaviours the older generation and then they see these sports people getting away with crap just makes it all worse.

This afternoon I am meeting up with a state level hockey player to work out if we are a good fit for helping her improve her stamina and ability to stay on the field for a full game.
today was a bit stressful and my head feels all foggy, drive to uni today had almost no visibility due to rain and a ute rolled not far in front of me, I am surprised I managed to get to uni on time. Drive home was much the same without the rolled ute.
not feeling well today, head still foggy, cough and congestion, have chosen not to go to tute today. completed online assessment quizzes for both subjects, 100% for 1 based around ethics (it took 4 minutes out of the allowed 30) and 2 functional anatomy quizzes I am confident but I wont know the mark for a while due to written answers

No flood, just bad for driving in.

need to go into town to grab a pack of covid tests, I can stay away from uni if I am sick but son would like to know if I have it again and I need to make sure I cant pass anything on to vulnerable clients even though I am not coaching one tomorrow as her husband has it after his trip to Antarctica.
Viruses suck but getting one from a trip to Antarctica is kind of special! Hope you feel better soon.
little miss has been assigned to her house at school, she is super happy because her house colour is yellow, her favourite.

tomorrow I have to dig out the face paint for her school cross country run, so an extra early start before driving to uni.

Passionfruit mead is in the demijohn to begin fermenting, we will start the Blood Mead tomorrow (made with Blood Plums)
Yellow used to be my favorite color as well, so go little Miss!
Blood mead sounds super badass; I assume blood plums have red flesh?
My school house colour was yellow. I had forgotten that. Passion fruit mead sounds scrumptious!
yes. blood plums are ones with red flesh and these ones look extra juicy so should contribute some super nice colour to the mead.

I had to scoop out the pulp of 2 bags of passionfruit, it is a good thing they are cheap, these ones were $2 a bag. Looking online it seem not many mead brewers do a passionfruit mead due to the excessive cost of the fruit in some places.

when we brew a mead batch the aim is to use local fruit that is in season, at the local fruit store I looked at the red dragon fruit but we don't have enough bottles to be brewing 3 meads at once.

My house colour was also yellow in primary school lol