🏋️‍♀️Science of Diet and Exercise Journal👩‍🎓

With being sick my eating was all over the place, after getting back on track yesterday I dropped 2 kg of bloat overnight lol it looks good on the scales but it was just water weight bloat.

I am glad nobody else is around the house today as I need to practice my my presentation for tomorrow and I feel ridiculous talking to thin air.
I just had a look at what my final assignment for "Think Health" is, I have to write an 800 word essay on "Self reflection of cultural awareness"
I had walk down the driveway to drag the bin back up to the house today, started to bucked down rain when I got as far as the shed. Decided I would do a bit of work on the heavy bag while I waited for the rain to pass but bloody paper wasps have built a nest on the mesh bag I hang my gloves in grrrrr. Will have to go down tonight to deal with the nest but spent 5 minute working the bag bare knuckled. so exercise wise so far today 30 minutes rowing, 1.5 km steep hill walk and 5 minutes heavy bag. I will do another 15 minutes on the rower before bed tonight.

Next month the concept 2 reporting season refreshes and there is a challenge to do a marathon or a half marathon in the first 2 weeks next month. I have done a half before but not a full rowing marathon, depending on how well I am recovering I might give it a go.
Dropping 2 kilos of bloat usually feels great even if it is all water. I hate being bloated. Also hate public speaking so good luck with that 🙈

Eek about the wasp nest in your glove bag! On this side of the world this time of year you'd just wait for the nest to die off but I guess that's not an option in your subtropical climate. The only nests I've had to deal with were small enough that I could put a container over them and drop them in the freezer whole: do you get wasp nests often?
Paper-wasp nests are relatively common but usually in places that are not an issue and we just leave them alone, it is a night time job to deal with the nest. All sorts of potter wasps are also common but they don't swarm and are not aggressive. My husband is allergic to hornets so any stinging hornet like critters are for me to deal with.

The nest is not very big but it is a bad spot to deal with.
Have the yellow crazy ants reached your area, Tru? They were on the news the other night & are in Townsville now apparently.
I think you would know if they have reached there. Check out a video of them sometime. I hope you manage to get rid of the wasps!
Made it through my presentation, stumbled a few words in the middle, just glad it is over. being back at uni today has left me very drained with fatigue and brain fog but home early, rest and recover as best I can, just have to remember slow and steady recovery is needed.
I have been twitchy and irritable today, always seems to happen during my period.

Little miss desperately wanted to go to Kindy today (Saturday) insisting she was getting married lol she was very disappointed she could not go on the weekend. There is a little boy in her class group she has been spending a lot of time holding hands with.
Uploaded an assignment today, good to have it out of the way rather than waiting for the last minute.
Face to face uni today. I have just taken a chace by eating between tutorials, the cheff confirmed the eggplant and chickpea curry as being wheat free.

There is supposed to be a week long rain bomb moving in that is predicted to dump more rain than the last one that caused the flooding not long ago. People in town were already seeking sandbags this morning and it is pissing down rain outside now.
my marks have been posted for the group assessment 88% the stumble in the presentation cost a few marks bringing that section down to a credit but feedback was that I had a strong speaking voice with good pace and clarity. Overall for the subject I am still sitting at 93% with 1 assessment to go for the subject.

the final task is self reflection on culture and developing understanding of other cultures.
Well done, Tru! 👏