One Step at a Time

Little update. I'm currently weigh about 206 lbs so I've lost a bit more again :D
However, I am headed out for today and tomorrow as I'm heading off to go to a horse auction for the first time. I'll be traveling a few hours away and staying with my family for the night so I won't be able to keto while that's going on, but I'm going to do my best to still stay within proper portions so that hopefully I won't gain some weight back.

Also, yesterday my little filly came to live with me. Melody settled in nicely with Chester and the two seem to be getting along fairly well. Super excited to get back and start working with her too.

She's gorgeous! Also: don't be despondent when your weight goes back up while you're not doing keto. You're going to retain water and the scale will show it. But once you're back on keto the water weight will drop again very quickly.
Great work on the continued weight loss and sticking to your plan Ann. And exciting to have your new filly! Beautiful pictures with the fall colors in the background!
Hey guys, so I'm back from going to the horse auction. I wasn't able to stay on keto like I figured but I did do my best to stay in a calorie deficit and it seems it worked. At the start of the week I was 208 lbs and through the week my weight fluctuated which is normal and today it averaged out at 207 lbs. So I still lost a pound which is great.

The auction was a lot of fun to go to. I wasn't planning on getting anything but during the run through, the meat buyers were buying majority of the horses because they were bidding way higher than normal. Most horses sold for $600 - $1,300 and these were the good, trained, young and so on kind of horses. But near the end, there was a mare who came through and I decided I wanted to save at least one from the meat buyer and I ended up bidding against them. Thankfully she's not an overly big horse so they didn't bid too high, but I still went $75 over my limit. Either way, I'm just happy I was able to save one.

Also, she's a total mystery as all I know is that she's 4-5 years old and a mare. But the little time I spent with her after the auction yesterday I found out she's used to being handled and she trailered very well. So she's had some sort of handling before arriving at the auction. Can't wait to hang out with her today and figure out what all she knows or doesn't know. I'll add pics later since you're not allowed to take pictures at the auction yard or else you get kicked out.
Heartbreaking to think of those nice horses going to meat sellers.
I was surprised to hear of you getting a new horse! Looking forward to hearing more about her and seeing pictures.
And good job on a loss of a pound over the week!
That's really interesting, about the meat-buyers bidding higher than usual - I wonder why? And of course a miserable thing, to think of horses which have clearly shown their personality through relationship with previous owners ending up that way - it's easy to understand the killing of animals which aren't seen in that way but... ah well. Charlotte's Web shows the problem!

What's the rationale behind the photo-banning? Is it a new thing, or always been that way as far as you know?
I surprised myself as well when I started bidding on a new horse lol Original plan was just to go for the experience, not get a horse. And yet I left with one haha.

It's probably because auctions were shut down for a while due to covid. So now they're in a bit of a panic to fill their quotas so they're willing to pay a bit more for horses in order to get them on their truck and fill their quota.

As for the photo-banning, that's because in the past there have been people who took pictures and then activists would attack the people who worked there quite horribly. So to prevent future attacks on the employees, they just banned taking pictures. And the thing is, the conditions the horses are in aren't the fault of the people working there, it's the fault of the owner who sent them there like that.
Mini Update.

I'm down .5 lbs currently. I also went to get chiro work done but turns out the lady actually did deep tissue massage lol. I asked my grandma who she recommended as a chiropractor and she recommended this lady. So I thought I was going just for regular chiro work. Turns out it was actually the massage but I figured it'd do me good anyway. It was my first so it felt kinda strange at first. But I'm glad I went cause I have a lot of muscles that are tense and have lots knots. My right side was especially bad but that's also the side that got hurt when I fell off Jack. So ya, that was an interesting experience.

So now today I won't be doing much since I don't want to undo what was done. I'll probably just go for a walk with the horses to get some exercise in that way. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm going to name my new girl Callie. It means "beautiful" which she is. She's super sweet and as soon as I pull up, she's already come over to the fence waiting for me to get out of my car lol. I'm super excited to start working with her.


Plus a cute pic of Chester and Melody together.
What beautiful pictures again. So funny that you ended up with another unplanned horse! She looks lovely and it sounds like she has a lovely personality too! :)
Good to hear of the massage loosening up some tight areas.
And great about the continued weight drop--you back onto keto now you're back home?
Callie is indeed lovely! It seems extraordinary that such a fine-looking - and trained! - animal can be sold for so little.
Thanks for answering those questions, too! :)
Yup, or at least easing back into it. I'm not really doing strict keto, but more so focusing on doing low carb and calorie deficit. By doing this, I also am able to have little chocolate such as chocolate chips or something else in very small quantities. This way I don't feel like I'm cheating or such since I'm still losing weight and it lowers my cravings for all the junk food.
Well I'm continuing to loose weight. I'm down to 206 lbs now. My days are also getting progressively busier as well. I'm getting up at 6 in the morning which is probably going to change to 5:30 am pretty soon so that I can squeeze in a workout in the morning. Anyway, in the mornings I have to go feed and tend to the horses before work, then I got and work a 7.5 hour day, then I go to the horses again and train Callie, then go to work with Chester. By the time I'm done, I don't get home until around 9 pm. So life is feeling pretty busy lately but I'm also enjoying it.
Also have to squeeze in cooking in all that too and figuring out new ways to make things. So ya, things are a little hectic sometimes.

Some more pics, plus ones where Callie is wearing a saddle for the first time ever.

That's for sure!

She did really good actually! She was skittish at first with the saddle pad but once she realized that wasn't going to hurt her, it was no problem to toss the saddle on. She was a little jumpy when it came to the cinch but again, after a bit of work, she realized that wasn't so bad. And when I got her to move around with it, she acted totally fine. A few times she sped up cause the stirrups would tap against her but otherwise she was fine. No bucks, nothing which was a bit surprising, but I'm also glad to see she takes new things fairly well.
Love that photo of your and Callie's faces together--you both look so happy!
very nice to hear the saddle went well.
Your life sounds insanely busy but excellent that you are enjoying that :)
Well, life continues to be busy. I had 2 days where I ate fast food and general junk. It was mostly because we've had construction along the highway to where I live and people would often get stuck waiting in line (single lane traffic) for an hour to an hour and a half. So there were times I'd buy some food so I would have something to eat for supper while waiting to get through.

I've also been keeping track of my steps and there was a day that I made it over 13,000. Other days I made close to 10,000, and yesterday, I made it to 11,000. So I've been getting in quite a few steps. When I work with the horses, I definitely get a lot of steps in there.

Yesterday I weighed myself when I got home and the scale went to 198 which was really cool to see. This morning I weighed myself and I'm at 204.5. Regardless, I'm happy to be in that range since it's below the 206 and means I'm still on track with weight loss. My main goal is to make it under 200 by the end of December and with the way things are going, I'm pretty sure it's going to happen.

Yay for peeking into Onederland! May you become a permanent resident soon.
lol, thanks :D