Need a mommy-weightloss buddy

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Cool - thanks. I'll let you know when it is delivered!

Finally some movement on the scale again - 204! Under that blasted 205! Still may make the personal goal I set for myself Jan1 of 10lbs this month. Down 6 so far. Was hoping to also shed 5", but I don't necessarily feel the clothes getting looser.

Will try to check in with you guys again soon.

Take care!

Hey Girls,

I was wondering, if many of us are trying Beach Body Videos, why don't we gather over there? I am using Hip Hop Abs but I also have Turbo Jam and Slim in 6, even Power 90 :) I know all the combo ;) well I just need to "use them"
If some of you are doing any of these we could stick together overthere. Everybody is so into fitness that we are going to be very motivated. the link is this:

I am doing ok with the exercise and my meal plan wasn't so good yesterday cause I had a party :( but we are getting back to road.

Hang in there,

HI girls, how you doing, i didn't do it so well on my diet this week, I ate too much carbs, but I'm gonna do my diet from now on
I'm doing 10 minutes sollution pilates, sometimes.
congratulations on your 1 pound lost, it's something, try eating small meal around the day, and if you eat carbs, eat whole grains, it helps a lot.
try walking in your house, make a few call while doing it.
good luck, see you soon.
Hey guys is it too late to be in the buddy group??? I have a 8 mo old and am back to my pre baby weight but I would like to still lose about ten pounds.
Slim in 6

Hey Moms

I am going to start the slim in 6 challenge, so my next 6 weeks will be full of workouts and healthy meal plans, hopefully I fall in love of this new change in my life. Any mom who wants to join, the site is at beachbody and the thread is "Fresh Mommies"

Hang in there.
i love love to be your support buddy


I have a 3m old baby and at least 30 extra pounds to lose :angel:
If you are also a new mom and need a buddy support to lose weight please be my buddy? We can do this together :smash:

Hope to find somebody :seeya:


Hi Charito

I have an 8 month year old baby girl and had to loss 45 Kg which is 90 pounds i have lost 50 of them but still have a long way to go i need to shed this extra weight asap my brother's wedding is on May 29 of this year!!!!! and i want to look not only my best but perfect!!!!!

but ever since the holidays i have gained 4 pounds and feel so bad about it.

i think we can support each other what do you think?

worth a try?!

Hi Guys,
Charito - I haven't forgotten about you. I'm STILL waiting for Turbo Jam to arrive. They screwed up my order (ordered on the 19th and it just got processed on the 27th! ARGH!! :cuss:).
Haven't posted in a while. No real excuses why - lazy I guess. I managed to lose a total of 5lbs in January and 3.5 inches. Not too bad. Not what I wanted. However I think I set my goals/expections too high sometimes.
I've been busy skiing - except I missed my regular Tues ski day, as I had my son in for his 4mth check up. He has more than doubled his birth weight (8lbs at birth, now 16lbs 12oz!!!). He's a good eater - breast fed. Too bad I'm not one of the lucky ones who can lose lots during breast feeding. If that was the case, I'd have lost all the pregnancy weight and then some by now!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Talk again soon,
J :seeya:

Hi Girls,

I am currently following the SLim in 6, 6 weeks challenge and my 1st week was successful :) I already feel my arms toned and my belly shrinking, but I have followed my meal plan real tight, using neg cal food and counting calories, max 1200 a day. I am not coming as often because I have a thread at Beachbody Community - Slim in 6 Photo Gallery Forum, if anybody is interested on joiing my challenge you can just start again, we just need to commit to the workout schedule and respect our meal plan.

This is the link:
Fresh Mommies - Losing the Baby Weight

You mommies are more than welcome, it's a free website with only one thing in common, we have at least one Beachbody Exercise DVD Program.
Hope to see you there girls, Phindi, 2phat4fun, come on girls let's do this :smash:

Well I finally got Turbo Jam. It came in the mail Wednesday. I haven't been able to post since then - internet was down. I did Learn & Burn Thursday, Burn Friday (plus skied with my son), Saturday was 20 min workout, Sunday did 20min again plus Ab Jam. Monday night I did 20min and only managed to get through half of Ab Jam as baby was fussy. This morning I was able to do 20 min, but am missing my regular ski day due to ice/freezing rain and no school buses running. I am enjoying the workouts. Haven't been able to commit to starting the diet yet. Maybe once the nursing slows down. The scale hasn't moved since starting the program. My husband and I looked at signing up at our local YMCA. Primarily to get our eldest into swimming lessons, but also to take advantage of the machines and classes. Will probabley be signing up the end of this month.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Chat soon.
Hey Girls,
Today I weighed myself and I am 153 Lbs :) I am so happy but ashamed at the same time cause I am not doing my very best, so if I do it even better I might melt it faster :) wooohoooo ;)

Hang in there mommies :)

Started: 160Lbs - 158 - 156 - 153 (from Jan 1 to now) going in the right direction ;)
I am glad there are mama's out there like me! I gained 60 lbs with my pregnancy and have not lost any of it. I am really determined this time to lose it this time around.

I just cannot believe how much weight we can gain with being pregnant.

We can help motivate each other!
If you wouldn't mind i'd like to join this mommies group.I am a mom of 3 who had all 3 of my kids close together there is 43 months between my youngest and oldest.I didn't get motivated to lose after my first 2 pregnancies because I just didn't see the point since I knew I would have more.My son is 5months and I am officialy off the baby train and ready to lose about 30 more kilos or so.
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I'm still hanging in. Haven't had a lot of time to do TJ - sick boys. Signed up for the local gym today. Looking forward to getting there soon with the kids - and on my own.
Talk soon
Now I've got the cold. Hopefully this is the last of it. Took the boys to the gym yesterday. Played floor hockey and basketball with my oldest, while baby slept. Managed to make it through 20min Turbo Jam. Was supposed to go skiing today, but still feel crappy and it's pretty cold out. Taking baby to swim instead - make sure he likes the water before I sign him and I up for the swimming classes. That's probabley all the exercise I can muster today. Scale is finally moving again. Pulled out my old Weight Watchers books - told myself I have to do it. Have lost 4lbs since last week. Hoping to be out of the 200s soon. Fingers crossed!

Hope everything is going well with the rest of you.

Take care,
Hope everyone is doing okay. I haven't had a good start to the month with my eating, but I am fighting to get back on track. Lost 6lbs in one week (a few weeks ago), but am now struggling to keep that off. Was down to 200, and am now bouncing between 201 & 202. Just need to stay focused. Also haven't made it to the gym yet, aside from swimming and playing with my boys. Trying to take advantage of the skiing while we still have snow. Had a great ski yesterday. Did 3 double black diamond runs - first time in almost 10 years! I feel great! Skied for 2.5hrs. Am going to try to get out at least twice next week.
Hope to hear from you guys soon!
Hello everybody this is my first post and i hope it will be helpful
there is an healthys aproach of loosing weight most of people don't know about it.
Why you can't lose weight, it is not related to your will-power, over-eating or diet, the fact you are fat and unhealthy because you have Disgusting plaque and horrible little Critters living in your guts.
But you can get ride of all of it so you can shed up to 100 lbs or more
Everybody has this harmful plaque but if you want to keep from getting sick and to be able to have a healthy body weight you must get ride of it now.
If you don't you won’t be able to lose weight (regardless of how you diet and exercise!) and eventually it will kill you.
You can get more info about this aproach in this website and even you can buy the book called Top secret of fat loss
Good Luck
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hmmmm, okay - sounds to me like an advertisement........... not the motivation I think we're looking for on the mommy page.

Anyhow to all the true mommy buddies - hope everybody is doing well. I finally got below 200. Was 198 two days ago. However have bounced back to 200. I hope to be under still for good soon. Heading to the gym today for a workout and a swim with the baby.

Hope to hear from you guys soon!
Kinda new mommy too!!

My daughter just turned 5 months monday!!! I had her in october and fell very sick after for two months, delaying my weight lose process!! Yuck! Well I'm back in the game and need some support also!! It's alot harder now to lose than when I was 21, but I'm here for ya!!!:hurray:
Hi Everyone. I'm new to this website and am looking for a weight loss buddy. I have a 10 month old little girl. She is my first and I have had no success with losing any of my pregnancy weight. Hopefully I can find some support on this thread. Hope you are all doing well with your diets!
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