Natasha's diary

I ate too much as well but got an amazing night's sleep in return so it was worth it. The lighter sleep is the biggest drawback to being in a deficit, for me.
Unfortunately I have light night sleep during the quarantine so I decided to take pills with herbals (pustirnik) which help me to sleep well, I'm sure you have something like this in your country. I don't do diet because it's temporaly but you need to lead a different life style which I'm building now for myself.
I had to look up pustirnik: it´s called leonurus in English, Hartgespann in German. I´ve seen the plant before but didn´t know it was good for sleep!
I don't do diet because it's temporaly but you need to lead a different life style which I'm building now for myself.
Very true. At the same time of course you need a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight. Doing it as slowly as I have has given me time to find healthy, low-cal meals I genuinely enjoy and want to eat for the rest of my life. The only difference in maintenance will probably be an extra snack once a day.
Thanks for the link! If my sleep doesn´t improve I´ll give it a go. Antihistamines and melatonin aren´t helpful, sadly.
Good morning :) yesterday I ate a bit more then I expected, but I decided don't buy yogurt with sugar and and make smuzzy instead, it worked!
very high in calories even if the use all natural ingredients.
you are right! It's a big puzzle for me now WHAT TO EAT :) by the way I saw a woman's diary (she lost 35 kilos) so she advised to eat a good dinner and light lunch to have a good sleep.
I usually have three meals a day, all around the same size, but everyone is different and has to find what works for them. Generally I start planning a meal by thinking what kind of protein I want, then what vegetables might go with that, and then I'll add some carbs if I need more calories.
Well done! Not eating sweets has made sticking to my calories and not binging a lot easier the past couple of months.
Good morning beautiful people :) Yesterday I was continued to build my new healthy lifestyle (another day without sweets))), did 30 minetes gimnastlic and zumba about the same. Today I made an omelet with carrot, it was surprisingly delicious. :) I ate too big portion of everything I shold fix it!
Well done on the sweets, the exercise, and the healthy food! If you aren't using a lot of fat you can eat a lot of omelette without going over calories, right?
What a lovely picture!
honestly most of the people I know like to fry everything
Do you mean deep-fat frying? Not doing THAT definitely isn't a sign of laziness! I have an airfryer and I love it for vegetables but that's the only frying that's happening here...