
So good to have a day to yourself after the friend visit! Nice to hear it went well and that you guys had lots of fun!
Thanks Liza. I did end up going out for a pizza lunch with a friend I hadn't seen in a while and it just knocked me out. I was thinking of going to mediation class tonight instead of tomorrow to save time on a work day but I really need an early night.

While out shopping on Saturday I noticed a tiny windowsill greenhouse that would be so much fun as a dust free home for some crocheted succulents so I might go pick that up after collecting my new ID tomorrow afternoon. Or maybe I should look for a... bell jar? Cheese cover? Glass cloche? I don't know the English term, but something like this Amazon suggestion:
Screenshot_20240401-181533_Samsung Internet.jpg

Something like that, filled with a community of little crocheted plants, would be so much fun! Bit of a steep price though, and honestly a sleeker version would probably be better anyway.
I had a glass cake dome like that, but gave it away when we moved. I wish I had kept it for making little worlds. I like putting lots of found objects together to make little landscapes and haven't done that in ages. I hope I stumble on another inexpensive one like that again. Ikea had some little things like that at one point. I hope the chanting gets less cringe-y. I get what you are saying!
The miniature windowsill greenhouse sounds perfect for your crochet plants, LLama. I hope you got that early night & recharged your batteries :)
I had a glass cake dome like that, but gave it away when we moved. I wish I had kept it for making little worlds. I like putting lots of found objects together to make little landscapes and haven't done that in ages. I hope I stumble on another inexpensive one like that again. Ikea had some little things like that at one point. I hope the chanting gets less cringe-y. I get what you are saying!
I had the same thought about Ikea and found one for €8. It's quite small but it should do for proof of concept. I hope you start making little worlds again!
The miniature windowsill greenhouse sounds perfect for your crochet plants, LLama. I hope you got that early night & recharged your batteries :)
I may or may not intend to get the greenhouse as well 🙈 I slept like a log but I was still exhausted when I woke up. Part of that is the time change and the rest is probably my period.
It is! There are just so many options ❤

Wasn't sure whether or not to go to meditation class today as I was feeling like crap. Wasn't sure if it was the right idea when I got there because there wax hardly anyone there. But the very first exercise hit me like a bomb and I feel so much better - even though I came home late again. No fireworks in my brain today so I hope I'll get some solid sleep, even if it doesn't last as long as most other nights
Yay for miniature whatevers for crochet!
That's great that you are getting so much from the meditation class, Llama.
We'll be going back to Eastern standard time on Saturday night. It usually takes me a week or so of feeling discombobulated before I adjust. Our days seem to be drawing in so fast & we have the fire going this morning. I will try hard to not get gloomy over Winter. Enjoy Spring, Llama xoxo
I agree - so nice you are getting a lot out of meditation class! I looked up a little terrarium I got from Ikea that would have been nice for crochet worlds, too, but now they have different things - maybe those were the little greenhouses you mentioned. They are cute! It's going to be so nice to unpack and get to do fun projects like little worlds again! I hope you slept well and are nice and rested now!
Yay for miniature whatevers for crochet!
That's great that you are getting so much from the meditation class, Llama.
We'll be going back to Eastern standard time on Saturday night. It usually takes me a week or so of feeling discombobulated before I adjust. Our days seem to be drawing in so fast & we have the fire going this morning. I will try hard to not get gloomy over Winter. Enjoy Spring, Llama xoxo
It generally takes a while for me as well, but we'll see. Should we remind you of the season when you seem blue and don't know why?
I agree - so nice you are getting a lot out of meditation class! I looked up a little terrarium I got from Ikea that would have been nice for crochet worlds, too, but now they have different things - maybe those were the little greenhouses you mentioned. They are cute! It's going to be so nice to unpack and get to do fun projects like little worlds again! I hope you slept well and are nice and rested now!
The little greenhouses were at another store: similar things I've seen in other stores had an open side somewhere which would defeat the purpose of keeping things free of dust. The thing I got at Ikea is more like a bell jar.
But the very first exercise hit me like a bomb and I feel so much better - even though I came home late again. No fireworks in my brain today so I hope I'll get some solid sleep, even if it doesn't last as long as most other nights
How did your sleep go? It's so great that you've found such a good fit with this meditation class!
I slept a lot better than after the previous meditation classes at least. Fingers crossed it was just my brain getting used to things and now I can roll into bed and sleep right after class. We may be starting half an hour earlier once a week as well (or else we'll be losing one of three weekly class a week, one of which is during work hours for me) since the groups have shrunk a good bit since the introduction week. I hope this week is just slow because of Easter break (a lot of the participants are in college) and I can keep going twice a week.
You can remind me, Llama if I feel blue for no reason in Winter, but I'm usually aware of the reason. I often feel blue the day after golf too. I hope the classes stick too. I'm glad your brain let you get to sleep quicker after this class.
Good to hear you slept better. Yes--hopefully all the classes can keep going. Although I wouldn't be surprised if a number of people don't return...I remember that used to happen with yoga classes--it would start off all crowded and then the numbers would start dwindling as time went on.
Oh, it's 100% normal for the crowds to thin out a bit - especially this is free and not something we paid for up front. But I would like to be able to keep going twice a week and there's just no way I can nake Monday night work. I left early again tonight and didn't message Lector about it because I don't want to be that annoying woman who needs a lot of attention. I hope that's ok.

Prepped breakfast and lunch for tomorrow but then realized I wanted to go hiking after work so maybe lunch will become dinner. Or maybe I'll pack up both and heat up lunch in the microwave at work. We'll see: I'm just glad I did some prep.
Yes I think the lector would be totally fine with you doing what works for you especially now you've already talked with him. I went on one meditation retreat where they were really strict on not leaving the room during a sit, and making sure you always showed up for every sit no matter how you felt. That seems weird to me. I left that retreat early. Later I found a much more suitable place for me where the teacher was fine with people doing what they felt was healthy for them in terms of showing up for the meditation sits and leaving when they wanted to. It's more just not being disruptive to the other people in the room I think. So you choosing a spot where you can quietly step away sounds great.
Prepped breakfast and lunch for tomorrow but then realized I wanted to go hiking after work so maybe lunch will become dinner. Or maybe I'll pack up both and heat up lunch in the microwave at work. We'll see: I'm just glad I did some prep.
That all sounds like a great plan. Good job on meal prep!
Thanks for the support guys. I do feel like a weirdo for not being able to hack it but then the exercises really are that much more intense in a group setting and forcing myself (while losing sleep) isn't helpful.

I binged like a total garbage can today, probably because I've been thinking about long-term improvements to my diet. I hope that gets it out of my system but I also know that realistically I just want to binge more once I start so I'll have to give myself a firm no (plus enough calories from better food) for a couple of days.

When I got home today I couldn't even believe there wasn't anything I had to do. I was going to drop by some friends tomorrow and on Sunday but I changed my mind: I need to not see anyone and not have to do anything for a bit. I'll spend some extra time cooking instead. I'm kind of excited about making some proper meals for myself. Maybe I should soak some chickpeas over night so I can make hypo-allergenic falafel for dinner tomorrow. And some kind of sloppy rice for lunch. Definitely not risotto, because risotto has rules and I think cottage cheese would be a great way to add some protein.
I'm so glad you're taking care of yourself and doing what is healthy in meditation class. It's deceptively hard to meditate, and so I think there are a lot of exercises for all sorts of different thinkers, people who are primarily feelers, devotional people, etc., and these rituals are hard for people who do not automatically work this way. (Many are for me, anyway!). Trying to drop one's conditioning and be in the moment is darn hard at times, and I hope you don't feel funny about this. I think it's called a practice because it takes so much practice to do on any kind of consistent basis.

I hope you have a nice time cooking. Falafels sound so good!