
Home-made almost anything is nicer than bought. We have a shortage of potatoes in Australia at the moment & they are so expensive when you can get them.
Very true. And it isn't even that much work, really. It's interesting that potato prices would be so high when the difference between a very good potato year and a very bad year is maybe 20 cents a kilo for the farmer. And Australia produces so many potatoes. Maybe they're mostly under export contracts so when they don't have to harvest enough to fulfill the contracts the internal market has to make up the price difference? Or maybe it's just rich people speculating with badic food sources. It usually is.
I use similar storage for my miniatures and terrain building bits, I will take a look and see if there is a brand name on the ones I have with just the big drawers but I get mine from the hardware store.
Thank you!
I leave the house at 5:50. If I had to eat before that the time until lunch would be way too long, plus I'd have to get up even earlier. So I squeeze in half my breakfast between patients around 8 am and the other half generally happens somewhere between 9 and 10. It's not perfect but it works.
Yes great if you found something that works for you.
I made a solid start but it'll be a while until I have my whole collection sorted. It's so satisfying though!
Oh yes i can relate to that satisfying feeling of getting it all nice and organized!
Oh yes i can relate to that satisfying feeling of getting it all nice and organized!
I may or may not have spent more time sorting LEGO today than I did working the job that allows me to buy LEGO 🙈 But I was looting an Ancient City (Minecraft) and since I'm a scaredy cat that means regular downtime. And then I just got so caught up I didn't stop until I got everything done, except for the models that are currently on display. All the tiny stuff is neatly sorted and it feels so good! Next time the weather is horrible I'll pass over the big pile once more and figure out categories for the medium sized blocks, see how many I have of each, and decide what kind of storage system would make sense for them. I only got one shoe box and the lady at the store was super apologetic because she'd just got rid of her stash. Probably a good thing, because while it was helpful for sorting today it's an awkward size for actual storage.
Food was good: I had avocado and egg pitas for lunch and (storebought) goulash with spätzle for dinner, both with added lettuce. I may try my hand at making goulash myself one of these days and (psht, don't tell the Hungarians or they might kill me) veganize it. The important thing is the sauce anyway and I think brown lentils would go quite well with it. Also potatoes, of course. Here in Vienna we have Fiakergulasch, which is beef goulash with an added fried egg, a pickle, and some sausage*. I think brown lentil paprika stew** with a fried egg and a pickle has potential.

* Fiaker means both the little horse-drawn carriages tourists pay way too much money to be carted around in these days, and their drivers. Historically they were bog-standard cab drivers, and everything named after them suggests they had a big appetite (for everything) and... weren't particularly refined.
** Am I safe from assassins if I call it that instead of the g-word?
I think the majority of our potatoes are exported.
I can imagine spending hours & hours sorting Legos, but I don't think I'll bother with ours as I think very young kids(the twins) love rummaging around in the big bucket. I'll ask next time I see them.
Your food & food plans all sound delicious, Llama no matter what you call it :)
I know I preferred rummaging when I was a kid!

I just had a dream in which I'd had a nervous breakdown and was supposed to recover under professional supervision. Don't know if I was human because for some reason we were in water the whole time and I had to keep my stuff together without being able to use my hands (I think there were 7 small floating objects and one of them was a dead cockroach, so...). Which wasn't too bad, it just took some concentration and our nurses, or caretakers, or whatever they were, kept prattling like I was either two years old or a pet and it made me livid. After a while I gave one and only one mildly sarcastic response and the male nurse reacted as if I'd just about physically attacked him. No dude, this is not me lashing out. This is me holding back as much as humanly possible. My lord I hope I don't come across like that for my patients! :eek: So now I'm annoyed with someone who doesn't even exist for something my own brain made up :rotflmao:
:D Träume sind Schäume. I wonder what Jung would say about me either not having or not being able to use my arms. Maybe I was a dolphin or something? I didn't miss having arms/hands, whatever was going on.

Edit: apparently I really want a hug and someone to take care of me but I won't admit it so I'm focusing of external trivialities (don't tell me my dream genie compared LEGO to a dead cockroach! :rotflmao: 'tWas a good roach though...) and lashing out at whatever part of my brain is trying to get me to be a grown-up.

On a less depressing note: the scale was nice to me despite it being an industrial strength tampon day and I'm 1.8 kg down from January 16th! :party:
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Dreams are often so crazy...I often wonder how the mind comes up with them! So creative!
the scale was nice to me despite it being an industrial strength tampon day and I'm 1.8 kg down from January 16th! :party:
Oh very nice!! Good work!
Had a pretty good day, given the circumstances. I don't know if I planned my food for today but what I had was two avocado and egg pitas for breakfast, three chocolate toffees, three blood oranges, more goulash with spätzle for lunch, 150 ml of semolina pudding, and chicken nuggets with a side salad for dinner.
Tomorrow... I don't have any prepped food left (except some airfried bell pepper) so I'd better make something for the week ahead at least. I have mushrooms, carrots, onions, and a little celery left, so a stew of some sort would make sense. And I have a block of feta in the fridge, maybe I can do something with that? Gah, I'm not inspired to plan my food. I can have cevapcici with either airfryer fries or spätzle and cabbage or Brussels' sprouts for one meal. Boring, but quick and simple. Oh, I have eggs I need to use up so let's say I make another cabbage casserole. Boring. Something tomato-heavy? I don't know if I have even a can of them. Ok: I'll decide tomorrow because I'm just annoying myself.
Thanks Cate ❤️

Made an onion/mushroom/lentil stew for breakfast and shoved it into the oven topped with crumbled feta (the stew was topped with feta, not the oven). Very satisfying. Still no idea for lunch but fried potatoes are starting to sound most excellent so maybe I'll make airfryer fries with chicken nuggets and some kind of veg. That still leaves me with dinner... I do indeed have a can of polpa in the cupboard so maybe I can maaake... a halfway decent tomato sauce for... or try a new red lentil stew recipe... or... I should get outside because the sun is shining and I've been lacking Sunday walking motivation but I need the daylight.
should get outside because the sun is shining and I've been lacking Sunday walking motivation but I need the daylight.
Getting some nice sunshine on a good walk sounds nice.
Your food planning always impresses me...i need to do more of that...i forgot that was one of my goals for a new recipe each week...ah how quickly good intentions can be forgotten! Thanks for the reminder!
Thanks Liza. Planning really helps for me even though I really don't enjoy it 🙈
Ended up having crackers for dinner and now I want to keep eating. The washer's about done and after that I'm playing Minecraft with the boys so distraction is coming but right now I feel empty and exhausted and just... ugh.
- Lentil stew
- Salami and cheese wraps
- Bean wraps
- Yogurt with baked apple and speculoos for a snack

Weekdays are simpler and I don't feel like I have to do interesting things.
Your life is interesting to me, Llama. It's very different to mine, but some people might find my life boring. I'm happy with it. I get out of sorts & some days are better than others, but that's life. When I worked full-time I was too busy & work was just about all I did. You seem to have a balance.
Thanks Cate :) I meant foodwise, but I suppose it's true for other activities as well? Trying to push through some procrastinated chores this morning and the first is proving unnecessarily complicated. Why are large companies so bad at communicating even at the stage where we want to give them money? So I'm currently on a bus, trying to deal with things in person :rolleyes:
Got two biggish things done and tried with the third. I'm totally awarding myself a Euro for my frivolities fund just for the attempt, even if it didn't work out and I'll have to try again later. Gotta wear down the resistance to doing this stuff somehow.
Got two biggish things done and tried with the third. I'm totally awarding myself a Euro for my frivolities fund just for the attempt, even if it didn't work out and I'll have to try again later. Gotta wear down the resistance to doing this stuff somehow.
Good for you getting those things done. Glad you are rewarding yourself!
Thanks Liza! I'm definitely trying. Very tired but I had fun patients today and I both remade my bed and prepped breakfast so I'm happy with myself.

Ham and cheese wraps
Mango and grape yogurt with two chocolate toffees
Lentil stew with feta
Something tomato-y. No idea what. Maybe soup.
Good question. They are terrible mostly.
Guess it means they make plenty of money and needn't care. Oh well: I got it done in the end.
It was below freezing when I walked home from work last night so I put thermal leggings under my jeans this morning (yay for them being loose enough for that to work!) and of course I was far too warm. Of course it's my torso that always gets too warm while my extremities may still be a little chilly. Cold thighs, too warm feet. Cold throat, too warm back of my neck... It's hard to get the balance right. But hey: winter only lasts about a week these days so I shouldn't grumble.