
Nice you could connect with your dad and share meditation experiences. Does he still meditate? It's such an interesting adventure to go on with so many possibilities available!
So glad you are finally done with the neighbor. No need for any guilt there--you should be patting yourself on the back for offering all that help in the first place!
Very cool about the dream of reducing and getting comfortable! Love it.
Wow, so nice your dreams are helping you see that you are on track! I love that feeling of elation when you are done with an obligation that felt too heavy. I hope you have a lovely light day!
Dad does still meditate, and enjoys it. He never normally talks about it though, so I'm glad I brought it up.

Thanks for the affirmations, guys.

Period almost 4 days early this time :flame: Nuisance.
Periods are so inconvenient in their unpredictability!
Very cool that you and your dad now have meditation to discuss together.
They really are. And mine used to function like clockwork so I'm a bit spoiled.
I don't want to start packing - because evening inertia - so I think I'll brush my teeth, meditate, go to bed early, and set my alarm for tomorrow 15 minutes early so I can do it before work.
Thanks guys :grouphug: It's been lovely but today is the last day. Then again: on Tuesday Sis2 will arrive in Vienna with her husband and kid :party: Not yet sure where I'll find the energy for more socializing but we'll get there when we get there. I learned this week that my mom needs alone time as well: she either used to hide that from us or she never realized herself until after we all left home. Growing up in a giant family and then having kids right after moving out could have that effect.

Foodwise I've done ok. Overate at brunch on Sunday and had a few too many sweets on Tuesday but nothing too crazy and I moved plenty every day. Don't know if I lost weight but I definitely debloated. Bought a nice t-shirt in faded dark gray with a blue and green butterfly.

Liza, I made a vegan chocolate cake on day one, tear & share pizza bread on day two, and apple pie on day 4. It was my mom's birthday on Tuesday and we had so many aunts and uncles over :eek: The weather suddenly turned wonderful after a couple of weeks of cold dampness so we sat outside and everyone stayed forever. Then the next day Sis2 and I visited an aunt's art exhibition (for which I actually drove one way because this sister hates driving as much as me) which was interesting. On Friday I went rock climbing with the boys and yesterday was zoo day. The other days were shopping (once with a friend and once with a sister) and walks. Oh, I also finished Sis3's dream catcher. Well, it's even less of one than the first because I made leaves to hang off it instead of feathers. Here's a pic of the hoop part.
It's a tree of life and I really like how it came out. Not my pattern, of course.

I'll catch up on diaries at the airport later. For now I need to shower, pack, scrounge up some breakfast, and then it's off for one more walk&lunch with the family.
That tree of life is beautiful, wonderfully detailed work!
Your time at your parents sounds so wonderful and perfectly balanced with all the lovely connecting time, and movement, and good food (that baking sounds amazing) So fun that your sister, husband and kid will be coming for a visit too. I'm sure you'll be ready for some alone time when it's all over, but do you ever wish you lived closer to the family so you could have more of that on an on-going basis? Or do you like that space you have by living elsewhere?
Both, really. I don't want to leave my friends behind, I love Austria, and given our undeniable differences I think it's healthy to have enough space between us all but at the same time my parents are getting older and I feel like we're all growing to be more alike and more tolerant of our differences. The question is moot though: I no longer have a licence to practice in my native country and finding an equivalent job would be hard.

I'm safely back in AT, waiting to leave the plane. Should be home at a reasonable time too.