Lisa's Journey

Breakfast: Two slices of whole wheat Toast with Nutella
Second Breakfast: Two slices of multigrain toast with Nutella
Guys is that too much????:confused:
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Sandwich and Baby Carrots with Ranch Dressing for dipping (the carrots:D)
Dessert: I finished all the cookies I had at work and the office kitchen is empty...sooooo no temptation, no dessert Yey:):):)
Snack: honeydew, orange and grapes
Dinner: meat patties, rice and red cabbage

:eek: forgot to mention the small bowl of ice-cream and the two chocolates I had....if I didn't add it, it would be cheating.....

Beverages: decaff and water
Exercise: in total 3 or 4 laps with the dogs (i think it was two in the morning and two at night).
Hi lisa
You may have gone a little over board with the extra breakfast, but it looks like you made up for it with a small healthy lunch. You seem to be going well so far.
If you need extra calcium, have you trying calcuim-fortified milk?
I'm not sure if you have it over there (I'm from New Zealand). We call it calci-trim, it has 74% more calcium than normal full-fat milk, + extra vitamin D and I thought it was 2%fat, but I just checked and its 99.9% fatfree!!
I drink it because I don't drink enough milk in general so this way I am getting enough calcium. Mr. Jennylee drinks it in his tea and coffee too, he just doesn't know it, he says he hates low fat milk but he's been drinking for about 3 months now and hasn't noticed anything different...... ;)
thanks for the comment Jennylee, I will try to find a different snack....I just felt like having those toasts with nutella, but they are not really filling....

As for the rest of today (Thursday)

Breakfast: Oatmeal with Protein Powder and Jam and 1.5 mugs of decaff
Snack: two toasts with nutella
Lunch: sandwich with meat and cheese and 10 baby carrots with ranch dressing
Snack: plain yoghurt
Dinner: leftovers from yesterday

Beverages: 3.5 mugs decaff and water
Exercise: two laps with the dog so far
I don't know if you've heard anything about it, but there have been ads all over tv lately about the 3 a day servings of milk, they say its supposed to help u loose weight faster than without milk...they say the same thing about apples too
thanks newbride...I know that I need to drink more milk...I am taking a calcium supplement, but still I should drink more. Yesterday I had fully planned on having a glass of milk before bed-time, but then DH called that he had to work late...he already had to work until 9.00PM...he wasn't home until almost midnight...and I went of to bed real quick cause I was so tired...and I forgot the milk. I remembered when I was in bed, but I was too tired to get up. I'll definitely try to remember tonight though.
Hello busy busy lady...just popping in to wish you a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours. :)
:eek: woops - it's been a while, since I updated my own diary.

Thanks ladies for all the good wishes...
I wish you and yours all happy holidays and a great start into the new year as well!!

My eating is still suffering through the Christmas season. I managed to destroy all the chocolate in my house - by way of eating them:eek: and now I am working on the cookies.....oh well - not even one more week and it is over...I hope I get through this without too much more damage.

I won't try and list all the past days....I was doing well yesterday - no cookies or chocolate, but today a colleague brought some more and they were yummy - I had to have six in total. One or two don't seem to be enough lately:confused: :mad:

k - here's the entire day

Breakfast: Slimfast and a mug of decaff
Snack: Toast with Nutella and two more mugs of decaff and two chocolates
Lunch: Melba Toast with meat salad, a bowl of salad and four chocolates

Beverages: 3 mugs of decaff
Exercise: one lap with puppy (yesterday I did better - I did almost 4 laps)
Hello everybody,

I survived the holidays - yey. Actually I had a lot of fun during my vacation...only draw back - I got sick and I still am.

Sorry for not posting in such a long time, but at home the computer stayed off and I just got back to work.

I will conveniently forget my diet over the holidays and concentrate on the New Year.

I didn't make any weight related New Years resolutions...I want to finish of the rest of the goodies that are left over - not all at once - and then try to eliminate the junk again from my diet.

I will try and add more veggies, don't forget the milk, eat enough fruit and try to have protein with every meal... I find that to be one of the hardest things to do. I don't like Cottage Cheese and I am constantly at a loss on what to eat for protein, when it comes to snacks. Does anybody have any great ideas - I'm all ears - seriously.

I will continue to write down what I eat and how much I move:D

I have signed up for two classes. They are both starting next week and I really look forward to it. For the past two days I have been taking the dogs for a trip around the field (three laps each day), so maybe this is a new beginning. I hope so.

Now for my eating today:

Breakfast: Slimfast and 3/4 mug of decaff
Snack: Brezel with Nutella
Lunch: Sandwich with ham and cheese, 4 mini carrots and an apple
Snack: Zone Bar
Dinner: don't know yet - DH is working late so I am on my own.

Beverages: 1.5 mugs of decaff, and approx. 3 l of water

Exercise: just the 3 laps with the dogs
How about one of those small snack sized cans of tuna as a protein snack. The ones with the ring pull lid. You can get them in all sorts of different healthy varieties. My fave is chili (mighty hot) or the lemon pepper. If you can get them in water instead of oil, even better. Over here you can, so I assume your should be able to where you are. They're handy if your on the run too, just keep a teaspoon in your handbag!
Glad to see you back by the way!
How 'bout peanut butter for a protein snack? A little on toast or between apple slices or in celery or dipped onto a pretzel rod...
Hello everybody - I didn't make it back until today. I had to stay home for a few days, still not quite over the cold, but I'll get there. No computer access at home either - that machine doesn't like us at all.

Thanks for all your input - I will look for the tuna cans. My problem with the peanutbutter is that I don't like the organic ones - I like the ones with added stuff and I don't know how good they are....there fat content is higher than the protein, so I am not sure if that would do the trick.

As for my diet in general - I am working on it....still have some left-over christmas chocolate and guess what - when I got back to work there was a whole pound of french truffels in the fridge for me....first ingredient 'vegetable oil':eek: . So far I have resisted, but I don't know for how much longer...I didn't take them home yet, because in the evening I am somehow more in snacking mood lately.