"I have no idea if I'm doing this right" Club


New member

I have been trying to lose weight all of my life, and I am still vague as hell as to what exactly I am supposed to be doing.

However, I am losing weight so I'm not panicking, but this is a club for those who're just starting out with a lifestyle change and are trying to weed out the myths and learn how to live healthy.

So maybe each time we make a change in our diet that works for us, or we tweak a recipe so it has less calories but is still just as tasty, or we learn something new that we aren't sure about, we can collaborate here.

Hope somebody else joins me, or I'm gonna feel like a total loser. :nopity:
ahah yeh i dont really know if i`m doin it right, i eat a bowl of cereal and a sandwich everyday which seems to be something no1 else is doing. 3rd meal of the day is varied but everyone seems to be eating somthing different for breakfast and lunch everyday i cant be doing with that.

my exercise varies to how many times i do it a week but it always involves a run, but when i go once or twice a week i wonder if its helping atall.

ahah could be a fun club:waving:
I would love to start running. I am rubbish at it, and I live in Alaska. I was thinking I'll just fight through the next few months with some indoor stuff until summer rolls round.

My plan is to work on the running in the summer, and learn how to cross country ski in the winter, since winter is when I get depressed and gain the most weight.

My exercise routine is something I've been worried about a lot though. I absolutely despise the lunging and squating and push ups and sit ups...D: Everyone says to do something you enjoy for exercise, but I don't really know a lot of active things I enjoy. Except biking and walking. So I hope I can figure that out.

Woe is me.

I took my before picture, which is something I've never done before. It was kind of empowering, but now I am just nervous that I'll fail again. Oh well, I just have to try.
runnings a blast i`ve been running for 4 months at the gym and at christmas i bought a expensive gps watch to run outside but only used it twice untill this week.

the best thing i`ve found with dieting is just dont worry about it, if you start worrying you just give up. 1 or 2 even 3 weeks that have gone wrong for me now due to being busy at weekends i just brush aside, mainly becuase i know now what i`m putting in my body each day and a evening meal at over 500 cals is no skin off my nose if i miss and go for like a healthy stew or somthing.

do you know what i cant get my head around, people holding there wee. since i met my gf i relised they were all holdin there wee for like the hole day where as me was drinkin 7 cups of tea and goin for a wee 7 times a day. now when i hold my wee at home i seem to put on weight or dont lose any like normal.

tonight was a big lift tho even tho i`ve had 4 big cans of beer i weighed myself naked and i was 2lbs down from yesterday. so i`m hopein for a big loss tomorrow for my official morning weigh in. see drinking 4 cans of beer at 200 cals a pop i just dont feel like i`m on a diet.
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Haha, I have to pee all the time. x.x

On my successful 'diets' where I've lost twenty to twenty lbs I didn't count in beer, I just didn't drink beer on the week days, and I let myself go crazy one day on the weekends. That probably isn't healthy.

I have decided to stop drinking diet soda all the time. I usually have two cans a day but I think it would be beneficial to cut back to one every other day, and eventually not at all. I'll see if that makes a difference. It has no calories, but it has sodium and aspartame which is terrible I've been told.

I suppose I have my whole life to figure all this health stuff out. I won't lie about some of it not being about looks. I am a twenty year old girl, it's kind of inevitable. I just can't be rushing things. I am looking for full time work at the moment, so I have a lot of time on my hands, but I think once I start working I'll have something to occupy myself with.
I know how you feel, I always wonder if I'm doing it right or not as well. Everyone else is like working out for half an hour to an hour a day and I can only usually pull off 15 minutes before I get bored. Does this mean I won't lose weight at all? Or does this mean that I'll just lose it slower? =/
Kisses - I think studies have shown that 3 10-minute intervals a day has the same effect as working out 1 30-minute interval. If I had to guess, I'd say you working out 15min a day should show some result 'cus you're going to be burning calories. The only bad thing is you won't be getting your HR up nice & high so you'll lose a lot slower. But you will lose if you keep at it :)
I've decided to start exercising because diet alone isn't doing it for me.
So at least I know I'm NOT doing it right :p
Monday is a new week and almost a new month too so I'm going all out so to speak. Diet AND exercise. Probably try for at least 30 minutes a day as my boyfriend has promised me a gym membership if I can keep up with exercise at home for a few weeks :p
Anyone still having the odd takeaway? I get one a week at most but split it over two days, like half a pizza one day, the other half the next, rather than a whole pizza one day, plus a whol other meal the next.
Anyone also struggling not to weigh every day?
My scales have been fluctuating between 204.5 and 207.5 all week, so weighing every day depresses me usually but I still can't stop!!

I did the 1 pizza over 2 days last weekend! The calories aren't so bad 'cus it's only about 1600-1700 cal each day but it's all that fat that's the problem :S

Goodluck getting the gym membership. Exercising should definitely make a huge difference : )
i weigh myself twice a day red piggy lol i cant help it just when your bored you think why not.

i wouldnt eat pizza 2 days in a row tho, i try and keep my meals at 500 cals so 2 days at 1500 would get me down because i like to have a healthy meal the day after i`ve binged. so the hole pizza or nothin for me lol

well i thought i was gona lose some today but put on half a pound so that was a bit of a bummer. i had beer yesterday tho and a big bag of sweets friday, i actually got 2 big bags of sweets on special offer but after eating one i threw the other one away not that i didnt enjoy them.
new recipe tonight sausage caserole and i dont have a clue if it`ll make me put on weight.

couple of days ago i was calling for a rest from the diet but after not loseing for a few days i`m desperate to lose a bit :nopity:
I weigh myself everyday. It's habit and I can't help the curiosity. I don't usually gain. I lose a lot when I start dieting because I'm so overweight. I don't know, it's just my body. I've dropped five lbs this week. =) There's also that 'water weight' stuff that I don't understand.

I have been avoiding the junk food, trying to replace things with healthier alternatives. Yesterday my sister got taco bell so I stole some of her sauces and made a bean burrito with a wheat tortilla and used the sauce. It's not as tasty as whatever they're using, but satisfying and a lot less guilt inducing. ^.^

I have dieted and lost weight a hundred times, but never kept it off. I also am well aware that in the long run eating 1,200 calories of fast food and processed meals full of sodium isn't going to get me to my goal of 135 lbs. I am really trying to make it a lifestyle thing. When I eat pizza I just let myself have one slice and I try to make it a slice with some veggies on it.

Anyways, the excercise thing is killing me too. I used to work out an hour a day, except weekends. Now I too can only muster up about 15-20 mins. x.x'

I am just looking at it this way, from all the weight loss success stories I've read and heard people usually started by changing their diet first, lost some weight, and then got into the exercise. I think the initial weight loss is what motivates people to get moving. Nutrition is the biggest part of it I think. I lose weight without exercising at all, just eating right.

Anyways, that's my opinion. I am excited to start running though. It's less about the weight loss and more about me looking for an outlet. Stress is a bad thing you know.