How does drinking more water help us to burn body fat?

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in my personal experience, when i dont drink enough water, im simply do not feel good... at all. i feel more tired, and just, not good really. can't explain it well. drinking more water helps me feel more energetic, and also a big thing like someone else mentioned, it definitely helps with mistaking thirst for hunger. there's definitely been a few times when i thought i was hungry... and ate something, but i really was just thirsty. sounds silly, but whatever. i think drinking lots of water is a definite must! :)
You don't need to read a long article to find the answer to this question. Allow me to explain, in layman's terms...

Drinking water helps you burn body fat because it makes you pee more. See, the more you have to pee, the more you get your ass off the sofa and sprint your way to the bathroom. The more you sprint to the bathroom, the more exercise you get. The more exercise you get, the more calories you burn. And, the more calories you burn...the more fat you lose. This is how drinking water helps you burn fat.

Where's my PhD?


But seriously... I drink 2-4 liters of water every day. I did when I was overweight, too. If drinking lots of water was a magic bullet, I'd have a body like a super model by now.

Not that I'm discounting the importance of giving your body the water it needs.
drinking COLD water (slightly) helps weight loss. your body uses more calories to heat the cold water to body temperature.
yeah...been through this before with cold water..the amount of calories burned this way is not much..REALLY not much so don't look at the temperature as a magic bullet
drinking COLD water (slightly) helps weight loss. your body uses more calories to heat the cold water to body temperature.

Hmm where did I hear that before?

rizwancy posts: drinking COLD water (slightly) helps weight loss. your body uses more calories to heat the cold water to body temperature.

ah how quickly we forget..
60% of your body weight is water. Your muscles consist of 75% water, the brain is 90% of water and your blood is over 80% water. It helps transports nutrients and oxygen into cells. Drinking alcoholic beverages dehydrates your body. Water does indeed help weight loss if we drink 2 cups before each meal.
60% of your body weight is water. Your muscles consist of 75% water, the brain is 90% of water and your blood is over 80% water. It helps transports nutrients and oxygen into cells. Drinking alcoholic beverages makes you poop a lot the next morning. Water does indeed help weight loss if we drink 2 cups before each meal.

There...I fixed it. :)
Well there is a notion that a sign of thirst can be protrayed as hunger. And water can have interactions with blood sugars and carbohydrates in general which could be important. BUT!
Sounds like a Dr Batman Job. Dr Batmanghelidj did bang on about water being a cure to obesity for reasons about a lot of pathological and otherological stuff. But then the man also did go on about a lot of other stuff to do with other diseases which started to sound wacky really. But on we shall go... our bodies are mainly water and it hasn't hurt me yet... erm I think :-S lol.

i have a problem?

When i drink 10 - 15 glass of water in a day my weight show increase in grams or kg too while when i drink 3 to 5 glass of water their is some reduction in weight.

shall i drink less water or what to do?

my job profile requires sitting.
I really like this article because this is very necessary that you need to brink as much you can. Drink a lot water can help you to burn your fat and help to maintain your body quality.
I believe that, although it has been simplified here, this research is interesting! Considering that our bodies are extremely complex, and theories on this subject are being created, modified or left per day!
As someone who has lost 48 Lbs of body fat over the course of a year, I drink a large glass of water every morning upon awakening. I don't try to figure out the medical reasons for why it has helped me, except that there seems to be an overwhelming amount of positive benefits to consuming more water everyday. I even went as far as to remove my coffee pot from the counter and now drink water in the am instead ( insert loud shrieking sound). I know it sounds radical, but working out early in the am without a bellyful of coffee helped my am workouts. I go harder and feel more energized afterward with water instead of coffee. I can't believe I am saying this ( since I drank coffe everyday for over 20 years), but in my case it is true!
The benefits of drinking lots of water when trying to lose weight is talked about a lot on this forum, so I think most people are aware, however it's good to hear from somebody who has seen a definate improvement as a result :) I for one dont drink as much as I could/should so seeing posts like this might help motivate me! x
i agree that drinking more water help us to lose fat because it can digest your food properely and burn your extra tissue.thats why it can help us to remain fit.
there are so many advantage of drinking water.Lack of water in the body tends to give rise to dehydration, thereby posing hurdles for the blood to circulate. The gravity of problem increases, as it causes the brain to become less active and your body feels tired and fatigued. Water keeps the digestive system in order and flushes out the waste products from your body.
Water is a natural source to hydrate and detoxify your body. Drinking plenty of water will keep your skin fresh and clean. It aids digestion and excretion thus keeping the body out of toxins. However excess water in human body may result in frequent urination, bloated feeling and swelling in fingers and legs.
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