Fiera's Diary

It just hit me. What is missing is that I don't "miss" her yet. It will hit me the most when I walk alone...around the neighborhood or in the woods, in the campgrounds and along the river or the lakefront. She made it OK for me to do these things because I was not alone, and because she afforded me protection..whether from humans or creatures, as we ventured away from the safety of everyday life. She took such good care of me. She also comforted me. I truly don't think a better creature or companion could have existed. People are so flaky and complicated...generally. Dogs just want to be joyful and share that joy with you.

I really really need to take a trip somewhere by myself and rediscover my confidence in being alone.
Out making a few returns (a bag of dog food purchased 3 days ago, a pair of jeans to the wholesale club) I was doing OK and indeed feeling expansive about the freedom I was exploring. I had a few moments of feeling bad for not feeling worse. I told myself maybe because I had been anticipating this for some time now...just simply based on her age and recent osteo scares....declining mobility, building the ramp...and also release from the caretaking and experiencing release from this strong gravitational pull to the house, to her, ever present.

The delivery of her ashes though triggered breathtaking grief. I was OK taking receipt at my front door and carrying her into the den and setting the bag on the coffee table and sitting down on the couch. The service automatically engraved her name on the wood box, and upon taking it out of the delivery bag and unexpectedly seeing her name, it became real. Much more real. In a trance I flipped the box over and slid the panel up, vaguely investigating how it would work when I would go to spread her ashes...and it opened up to beige colored ash in the usual clear thick tagged plastic bag.

My fingers reached out and stroked the ash lightly and I cried out for her. Waterworks, sobbing, unable to breathe, wave of grief. I never expected to get her back this quickly. I wasn't ready. In less than 24 hours I went from holding her and stroking her beautiful thick fur, feeding her pup cups and peanut butter and singing her her special stroking her ashes in a box in the same room.

Now I'm Ok again. Grief works like that. It catches you at unexpected times and hits you like a truck. Then you are OK again. I'm grateful I seem to be grieving but not depressed, because I have been there and it isn't pretty.

I still can't seem to make myself take a walk without her just yet, but the weather has also been rainy and grey. After the trip to drive my Dad and Peaches to FL, I can consider walking dogs at the nearby rescue, or taking a short term foster. I need some time first though to focus on getting my life and house back in order.
I'm glad that you were able to let go, Fiera. Even when we are expecting the death of someone close to us, there is still a big gap left when they go. Be kind & gentle to yourself :grouphug:

Was up a couple of hours in the night. Up later than usual, around 8:30.

Proggy called me, last morning at his current job. Hopefully they will just let him go home. there is no work to do, and he is sitting alone in a quiet building. It has been this way all week, he just wants it to be over.

I don't think I noticed yesterday, but this morning when I put the tea kettle on it felt so empty. Usually I would bounce up at 6 and the very first thing was to give KDog her meds in peanut butter, then back to the kitchen to put on the kettle, make matcha, and prepare her breakfast bowl. Now, just go in and turn on the kettle. Usually Would sit down with my matcha and wait for her meds to kick in, pick up my journal, do some writing, and in 30-40 minutes she would sit up right in a way to tell me she was ready to go out for her morning potty walk. Now, nothing.

I had no idea how I was going to get her up and down that ramp once the ice and snow hit. We have had a warm winter so far with very little ice/snow, so that was helping, I figured once it got bad out she would have to stay in the house full time and just use the potty pads. We never got to that point. I'm happy that up until the last few days she was still able to go out and sniff and walk. Only two weeks ago or less she walked over a mile and spent time getting pets by the grade school at recess. Only a few days before she passed she walked around at the kennel and then made a trip up and down main street of the hometown, She loved being out and about. In a perfect world I would have carried her down to my car and driven to the forest preserve and opened the hatch and just sat there together on her last day. It sucked that I was not able to give her that. Her last time outside was that morning, when using the sling she went down the ramp to go potty, But she could not walk and headed right back into the house. It's so hard, I wish I could have done more for her. She was still so healthy and strong and interested in life.

I guess it is like how you have to put a horse down when it breaks a leg. When they cannot walk any more, there is not really any other humane choice. But it is just so heartbreaking when they are still full of life and vigor. I feel guilt and pain around having to do that. Of knowing that she still wanted to be here, that she was not done yet. I guess it's no use dwelling on it here, it's just a feeling that has emerged. If it doesn't fade then I will talk to a pet loss counselor.


In other topics, I am mostly ready for my trip. I have a list of tasks for the day, most of which I can knock out pretty quickly. I am dreading going up to the attic to check/empty the rainwater pans, but we have had a lot of rain yesterday and I don't need an overflow while I am away.

I think I am going to out my shoes on and take a memorial walk. It is just weird walking at a pace now instead of stopping and sniffing from tree to fence post slowly. It is just different. Empty. But as I know, emptiness creates the space in which other things will happen. The other thing is that I have firmly entered that life phase where store clerks and people on the street don't connect, you might as well not be there. With KDog, she was always great at gaining attention and helping me to connect with people who otherwise would not have any reason to stop and chat. Well, as I said, maybe something or someone will come along to fill the gap...maybe there is a morning walking partner or group...maybe the dog rescue...maybe an older neighbor who has a dog which could use a walk once in a while. Just remain open, Fiera. Just remain open and the Universe will fill you up.
I know what you mean about connecting with people much more when you are walking a dog. Remaining open to possibilities is a good attitude, Fiera. I don't think you'll be long without a dog.
Thanks again Cate and Vic for stopping by and lending your support.


Trip day 1. In a hotel off the highway in Bowling Green. Having a bit of post-driving motion sickness, faint but not great considering we have 2 more days on thre road.

I really took my time packing, as I had to conserve on space. So far it is working out fine. I was able to stage everything in the den before packing it up. I used to have to wait until KDog went to the sitter because she would get stressed from my packing.

I have been mostly too busy to dwell on KDog. The exception was when I took the train up my Dad's last night. Once I just sat still with my thoughs and the preparations were done, the grief emerged again. I am so grateful to be grieving but not feel depressed.

Guess I will keep it short because I am really tired and just going to watch tv.
Grieving is healthy.
Take care, Fiera & I hope 2024 (it's NYE here) will be a year of less stress for you (& more music & fun things) xo Cate
Nearly started a new diary. I just feel like I am in the middle of a chapter at the moment, and I don't really want to start the new one recapping where my life is at right now, because it is hard enough without explaining things over again.

Still in FL. Start up tasks are done, now a heavily raining day. Difficult to find serenity while in caretaking mode. Went to lunch, then a drive on the island. I expected to see it largely rebuilt, but hurricane destruction is still prevalent. That was depressing.

Life is a sequence of going out to eat, talking about the next meal while eating one, changing shorts and undergarments, arguing (sometimes deflected to playful, sometimes not, finding something on the tv, and my escape - walking the dog. I did get to the pool/hot tub for an hour yesterday in gorgeous weather. I don't know how Peaches is going to manage for the next 3 months.

The one thing I am doing reliably for myself every day is getting in the steps goal (10K+) recommended by my Garm. I take BDog at 9PM everynight for 30-60 minutes, talk to Proggy on phone and walk around the complex.
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Hit steps again today...Garm ups the number of steps daily. At some point I will just stop chasing the increased number as long as I get 10,000 reality I want 3 miles daily and not sure how many steps that is. Greater than 10,000 I am sure. 20,000 perhaps.

Snacking and smoking still...just getting thru the days if I am honest. Finally replied to a text from Jason received during the drive idea if he is moving back to my area but it seemed so the last time he mentioned it, I don't think we have anything in common any more and perhaps prefer to leave things as memories. Looked up W today, he has reached 5 years sober and also recently posted about his mom, who I am glad to hear is in robust health and looks great. I was fond of her.

I also briefly thought of AN...both in terms of beings I have a desire to nurture into my forward years, and as someone who enables my smoking, which I don't really wish to continue longer term. I know there is value in keeping my distance and seeing how life plays out.

Am finishing the last of the bottle of pinot grigio I bought the day we arrived. Waiting for Proggy to call, he is out with friends (yay).

I desperately need to do something about my hair. Will probably DIY color when I get home. The undercut needs to be cut out but it can wait. There is not a Floyd's type place down here and the hair stylists are booked out several weeks.

Peaches was supposed to go to casino tomorrow after her friend called off today due to vertigo. It turned out that the friend has COVID so now that trip is out. I feel sorry for her. My Dad is a magnet which keeps her close to the condo and I was hoping to facilitate her getting a day away. She has been pretty mentally distant the past few days, and we drove out to the island today in a rainstorm just to do something outside of the home. The next few months will be boring for her and if I can get her privately for a bit I hope to find out where her head is, really. With KDog gone there is not a better time for me to spend time helping out with my Dad, and frankly it is easier to be here in winter than home right now.

I just talked my dad into wearing his bipap so that is good. When he does not wear it he gets more fuzzy headed and argumentative. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
Peaches will be very grateful for any time you spend there I'm sure. Do you feel that you are closer to her than maybe a year ago? It seems like it to me. It must be so hard for her.
10,000 steps sounds pretty good to me. I would think that was more than 3 miles.
Home. Arrived last night. Have not had words lately, and have been pretty unemotional for the most part. Weather was rainy and overcast most of my time in FL, except the first couple of setup days. Still, I enjoyed wearing shorts. It was good to spend time with dad and Peaches, mostly.

Back home, I moved money around last night and paid taxes this morning. I did the dreaded turkey-pan check in the attic and need to put sealing tape on windows before a big snowstorm and huge polar vortex arrive tomorrow. The avoidance is (and was previously) palpable. My house anxiety got triggered.

Received an email regarding intentionality, and that seems like a good topic to start off the new year.

Being home and not having dog chores, dog walk, and just plain dog, along with the temporary absence of dad caretaking helps me to understand how full my life was of the musts. Talking with Proggy and Dad for up to an hour each per day. KDog walks of an hour. I was so hard on myself for not being able to handle everything but maybe it was just a lot for anyone. The house anxiety though is a real obstacle and I realized in dad's condo that the same anxieties are going to apply the minute it becomes my own. I didn't like that feeling.

How does this tie to intentionality? It means recognizing and making trade offs, making peace with the fact that there never will be enough bandwidth to experience or accomplish everything I might wish to in this life. Making choices, and releasing the rest. And once a choice is made, give it priority, and also be open to recognizing when then choices may need to shift. Dad, Proggy, house, travel, rescue, dog, friends, etc.

Choosing, decision making.


Interesting that CB also brought up intentionality this morning as I recounted feeling like I have more free time and breathing space at the moment.

We talked about my tendency to hold myself responsible (not just accountable) to certain other people (or dogs) for their well being. To a point that I ignore my own self wants and needs, I am not sure I understand how you could *not* hold yourself responsible for the emotional as well as physical well being of loved ones. But I think the point she was making was that there need to be boundaries and limits. And I tend to think there are none, where my closest people are involved.

I asked here whether she felt like my relationship with Proggy was co-dependent. She said she was thinking about it during our entire conversation, and she doesn't think so, but that she thinks it might be fear of abandonment which drives me to go to such lengths. That may have merit, but as I also said to her, what is the point of having those special close relationships if you are't willing to do almost anything for them..just as you would want them to show up for you? It's not like I bend over backwards for anyone who asks...but on the other hand, I let S take a huge toll, and at times AN or Proggy drain me. The advice is the same, regardless of the nuances behind it - making myself a priority and having healthy boundaries (and enforcing them) with people. And detaching with love from those who cannot respect them.
Lots of heavy wet snow overnight, pause, now rain. Hard freeze is coming. Shoveled the front earlier and the back/side a short while ago. Water everywhere. Except in the turkey pans, which I just checked.

I was doing OK most of the day but at the moment my unease is palpable. So taking a pause to reset. Today I roasted portobello caps and a poblano pepper in the oven. Listed some expensive medications for KDog looking to sell or give away before they age. Shoveled. Ran the dishwasher. Showered and shaved. Moved a step forward to getting broken fog lamp replaced. Talked to Proggy and kept it short. Exchanged messages with EF. Kept the house fairly picked up. Put dog beds out of the way. No TV, not much internet. And of course CB. I am actively choosing right now to recognize my house anxiety and invite it to sit quietly on the couch next to me. It can be present, but it doesn't get to interrupt my day or intrude upon my thoughts, feelings, and intentions. It needs a name. Larry is the name of my inner critic. What is the name of my house anxiety? Possibly Tina, I will see if it sticks.

After an hour of futzing with password generator settings and device names on my replacement IPad, I recognized that I was not approaching it intentionally and just futzing around. Definitely want my time on devices to be more intentional. Already told Tina to take a seat once this morning.

It snowed more and it is powder now, reflecting colder temps. The cold is just going to get far worse this evening and sticking around until Tuesday. Have been setting thermostat a bit lower and using space heaters to supplement whatever room I am in. This saved a lot of money last winter. I do need one additional radiator type heater for my bedroom though. Today I need to put the blanket across the basement exterior door and the front door, they both leak and it keeps the leak from penetrating deeper into the house.

Despite my reluctance to use password managers, seeing my Dad's in action gave me a push. It saves a lot of time, and I can still choose to not put my most sensitive signons in there til I get more comfortable. For example, the library or my hotel rewards website is not going to be a catastrophe if the password manager gets breached. Financial websites I might not be there just yet. Willing to try it out.

Proggy might be coming later today. If so will likely stay a couple of days due to the cold. That is fine I guess. My schedule is light until Tuesday and this sort of weather is good for movie watching, scrabble, hot chocolate etc. Intentionally relaxing and enjoying companionship is perfectly fine.

Strangely had a taste for oatmeal this morning so having that with bananas.

Intentionally closing this out, but not before mentioning that a ray of sun just peeked through the clouds. Yay.

Woke up to a frozen world. -8F, and somewhere along the line another couple of inches of powder arrived. Outdoors is quiet, with the exception of jets inbound to the airport, which have sound amplified in the coldness, probably some scientific explanation around cold thin air devoid of moisture. Skies were clear initially but a cloud layer seems to be materializing. Out of nowhere almost, as there is very little wind. Science would explain that too, if i could be bothered to investigate.

Instead, I will note that I slept 11 hours, passing out around 7 to episodes of Dead Loch. Woke long enough to say good night to Proggy past midnight, then conked back out. It is hibernating weather for sure, but perhaps my body was playing catch-up from the stress of KDog and the trip to FL.

I seem to be a bit more...present in my body this morning. Aware of my thoughts, but sitting back and observing them. Memories of KDog are more present. It is the regular things I did 1000 times that I don't do any more. I flip on the kettle and I no longer grab a bowl and toss in food and turkey from the fridge. I went the the grocery store and didn't need to buy turkey - always turkey - in the meat aisle. There are still containers of treats on the counter and a water bowl station...remnants I haven't put away entirely as I likely will foster or dog sit before too long. I can use the computer which runs the tv without straddling a dog bed with KDog on it. A million different ways that life has changed. Some ways it is easier. But I can no longer go over to that same bed and snuggle and sing her song to her and get kisses of appreciation and love. She was so smart, so empathic, so easy, so adored....such a beautiful creature. I feel a lump form in my throat, and tears well up into my eyes. I was so lucky. WE were so lucky and we both knew it.

One of the things KDog liked to do was explore. She would come to a side path off the main trail and pull down it...confident, inquisitive. She helped me have to confidence to go places I would not have gone alone. And yet, it is nothing I could have ever known or predicted when she was younger, She grew into it. In fact, she did not blossom until EDog was gone and she became the center of everything, She waited a long time for her turn, and she did not waste it. I am glad that last Saturday we went to the kennel with Proggy and then to the hometown to walk up and down main street. Her mind and spirit were entirely intact, though she was ready to rest much sooner. It was a last rally I suppose. The next day she only took a short walk around the block with Proggy and PAG. The following day, Christmas she was hesitating to go down the ramp and while she wanted to go for a walk, she only limped to the lot next door and then turned around and went back home. After that she only went out a couple of times, staring intently for a long while at a large brown dog across the street for quite a long time, then dragging herself across the street to where it had been to sniff. She wanted to keep living, her body just would not cooperate. It breaks my heart. Her spirit was still strong. Having to make the decision to say goodbye before she seemed mentally resigned was a blessing and a curse. She ate all the goodies the last couple of days...she got up and was demonstrably happy to see PAG that last day, dragging and limping and wagging her way over to the couch where he sat down. She needed help to get up from laying down. There was nowhere to go but down from there, and I hope I did the right thing. I felt like by then it was not an artificial timeline for the trip, but just a natural progression to a point where waiting longer would just see her suffer in addition to struggle. I know it was the right course, and she had a long full life, which does make it easier. But I'm still sad and a bit haunted...would she be reproving of me? Disappointed? Ugh I need to move on from a question which will never be answered. I did my best, and she loved me in spite of my many flaws. Maybe she knew and maybe she just decided that she was going to enjoy every last lick of ice cream, every bit of bacon, every bit of being waited on with food and water, every last cuddle, and every last minute of me singing to her. Maybe I gave her exactly what she could have wanted and that is why it was just such an uneventful ending.

Well, maybe I needed to get that out. Maybe this is the morning I will finally be distressed enough to get that good cry out. But I am not going to wallow. I am making chili and will color my hair today. I will shower and try to finish setting up my new IPad. Not planning to drive anywhere until Tuesday, due to cracked fog lamp and salt/snow, But sun is out and that will help keep me moving indoors.
Had my shower, waffling on coloring hair. Am feeling more grief today, perhaps finally rested and relaxed enough for emotions to come back.

Unrelatedly, I noticed the link Jason sent while I was in FL and clicked on his most recent album. The sample was in the middle, songs 6 and 7, and it is more of the same mournful angst which once stirred my compassion, support, and kinship. I guess I don't want that pervasive sadness any more, I have no use for it, I have outgrown it. I guess I thought he would have too.

But you know, maybe it is because I have let go of trying to have romantic relationships. Maybe it is because I let my heart become full with my pups, especially the relationship with KDog which blossomed so much before, during, and after the pandemic, and my retirement. Maybe I have healed - a lot - from the toxic work environment, of trying to thrive in a world which I never let dictate who I was. Maybe not having to fight that battle on a continuous basis has been restorative. Maybe I am ready now to start becoming the next version of myself. To laugh more, to enjoy life more, to have new experiences before I get much older. Maybe I can be more discerning about the people I let in my inner circle. Surely there is no longer room for a Jason or an S or an AN or a BG. Actually I don't really want *anyone* right now to want me or need me. I know that will change, I know I will get lonely. But I hope that be being alone for a while and focusing on myself, I will intuitively move towards what feels right and let go of fears and things holding me back.

Think I will move to the front of the house while the sun is out and read a bit. It has been a long time since I had the blissful quietness of spirit in which it is possible,
Situated in the front room with sun streaming in from the southwestern sky and the fireplace heater taking away the chill, I felt peaceful as I sat down with my selected tome, Pete Walker's book on complex PTSD. It opened to a flagged page in Chapter 6, CPTSD as an attachment disorder. I read with easy focus, which has not been possible in recent memory. I read through the descriptions of the 4F trauma response types and noted areas which resonated in flight, freeze, and fawn. I called Proggy and had a relaxed open chat with him, and thanked him for giving me space. Part of the conversation ranged to my brother and how his experience might have felt, and I articulated to Proggy that my Dad had been a bully. Everyone was afraid of him. No one stuck up for my brother because we were trying to keep the peace.

And then I went back to the beginning of the section and looked for the section about bullying....which I had always felt like I had encountered at [COMPANYNAME]. And then it clicked. I have sometimes said, most recently to Peaches, that my dad was a bully when I was growing up (and into adulthood). He is stubborn, and very "my way or the highway". But it wasn't until I recounted his treatment of my brother to Proggy today, along with the book that it really clicked in a clincal way. He was angry. All the time. He was rageful. We kept silent to keep the peace and to protect my mom, who was the most frequent target for his temper. My brother hid his orientation for many years. Mom should have left him and I think she was too afraid to do it...I think she stayed with him for the kids and for lack of knowing how to do it by herself....and the kids were afraid to call him out for her sake. It might have been different if there was physical abuse...the book addresses that it is still trauma. Anyway the book talks about narcissitic bullies being a "fight" response to trauma. I am sure that is what and who he was, based on his own developmental trauma. And for my brother and in that environment, it was only too predictable that we would end up developing our CPTSD responses. I think I have been characterizing my father as an absent father, which he was, in any sort of meaningful emotional engagement or support. But he was certainly there in terms of the periodic raging, drunk, or raging drunk.

It was the first moment I think that I realized that my response to the bullying at work mirrored the bullying at home. I couldn't flee, and when fighting back didn't work, I developed freeze and fawn coping habits. I didn't have the skill set to thrive and I felt like I could not leave. It also talks about how people who grew up with narcissistic bullies as parents often have very low self esteem and learn to pour all their efforts into monitoring and responding to the needs and signals from the other person.

Peaches has all along seen glimpses of this aspect of his personality, and while she defends him as "really a good guy" - which he generally is - the fact that it is becoming more pronounced and harsher with his loss of control I think is a shock to her and a flashback for me. I don't think I recounted here the details of one exchange between them but it was shocking and sad and it reminded me of what he was like when I was growing up. Emotionally abusive, mean, raging and not thinking about the recipient or the consequences. He never could relate to how it felt to be on the receiving end of his temper.

Anyway, it is all good, I love having this discovery which helps me put things into context, perhaps supplies a missing piece that will help me move forward.
Grateful to have nowhere to go on another frigid sub-zero morning. I am avoiding going anywhere due to the cracked fog light on my car, so as to not get water or salt into it. Tomorrow I have a mammogram and dentist appointment and with luck the replacement part will arrive at the dealer and I can go,straight there for the repair. I don't trust that the taping job I did will offer full protection.

Put off coloring hair as I am avoiding being wet and cold in the basement. Will try to do it today.

Have also been dealing with piriformis syndrome on my right side. Not bad mostly, and will hopefully resolve in a few days.

Last night was broken sleep. Hot at first, as I have been feeling (chili contributed perhaps) so around midnight I sought refuge in the frigid bedroom. Around 4 AM I woke up cold and could not warm up sufficiently and ended up moving back to the couch. The extended cold snap has penetrated a bit further into the bones of the house it would seem. Still, I am happy with my approach of keeping the thermostat down and using a space heater to supplement the room that I am in. Plus, there are no longer breezes in the house since I tape the old windows and blanket the doors. Now, with the sun streaming into the den it is quite cozy. I sometimes pause and think about the less fortunate, and remember how good that I have it.

I'm looking at my coffee table, where there is a very nice parchment card from Proggy. The headline says "I am so grateful to have you in my life." I was thinking yesterday, especially in the context of reading the CPTSD book, about how fortunate I am to have him in my life too. Someone who is patient and understanding (usually) about my anxieties. Who thinks that I am worth hanging on to with both hands. Who seeks to resolve conflict, communicate, listen. Who is in touch with his feelings? Why is it that I don't find him attractive as a life partner? Will that change? Why do I feel sometimes that this relationship holds me back from exploring my life, and is that mixed up with KDog's old limitations? For now anyway, I feel a need to explore my free time and freedom on my own terms. He has been giving me needed space lately, which has helped me to get some things in order and also get back in touch with myself. The talk we had yesterday was rewarding and one of the best conversations in a long time. Perhaps the space has helped. I know it has been challenging for him because of the time of year and losing his job. He is a good person, truly, and I really want to be as genuine and considerate in my dealings with him as possible. Whether or not anything romantic ever takes hold again, he is a friend more stable and reliable than the ones who have made themselves scarce.

Some of the little things I have been taking care of include: sourcing a replacement crisper drawer for my refrigerator; light bulbs for the hallway chandelier, purchasing and setting up a new IPad to replace one with a cracked screen. Am also trying to get more comfortable with a password manager; after seeing my Dad's in action it was really much faster than pulling out a handwritten list which is getting worn and tattered. Also, I closed out one of my dozen or so old email accounts and will continue to try to reduce. They were both for spam management and for hiding sensitive accounts/information. But I am older now and have less fear about my personal life being is nearly a decade now since I had any exploits worth speaking of, and I no longer have a professional persona to "hide" from. Wow, it feels good to say that. If I ever work again, or even as a volunteer, I know now to put myself in the way of environments which GROW me, and not require me to spend energy hiding parts of my identity.

Which, of course, is one of the big themes it seems important to tackle. Reflecting on who I am now, where do I want to go, what seems important? KDog was really a big factor shaping my life since fact I made the remark to EF the other day that now it actually feels like I am retired. I needed this break. Much as I miss her quiet companionship, there is more time and space now for me to focus on what *I* need. My dad, I am sure, is going to only need more and more help. His planned knee replacements this spring and summer will make it difficult to get away on vacation. But I need to get it planned and get going on a sojourn, especially to Ireland where I can visit with Irish friend.

With that, I am going to go look at the calendar.
Wow wow WOW!

I just colored my hair down in the basement. I can't really see while doing it, since I can't wear contacts any more...just get my nose touching the mirror while I do my eyebrows. Well...after I rinsed and came upstairs and toweled it and put my glasses on...the first thing I noticed - POP! - was my blue eyes looking back at me. My skin looks a little blotchy but is mostly pale which added to the effect. I look like ME! lol. It gave me such a feeling of connection to myself. I have not been keeping up with hair, nails, wardrobe, fitness...I really resembled a shell. This was a nice surprise! And really not very costly at all when I do it at home.

My eyes were always my best physical trait, and I guess I just sort of assumed it was the process of getting older that caused them to fade. I'll bet if I can get some mascara on it will make a big difference. I'm so stoked!
Yay to being happy with your hair colour & how you look! That's lovely :beating: