Club 160s

weighed in at 160 this morning. So excited to almost be in the 150's. By next week I should be in the 150's club woohoo. See you all there!!! We can do it!!
Kgirl - good luck for leaving this club and getting into the 150s very very soon. Hopefully I can see you there before too long...
Can I join the 160's club? I've been in this weight range since August and I'm still trying to break the 159 barrier :)

God Bless,
MIK - I have only just joined too. With luck Kgirl is going to teach us how to get to the 150s. I cant wait until we can all be there together.
We will do this!!

Wow, Omega, you have done GREAT! I can see you and I have similar weight goals but you have come so much farther than I :)

As for what I've done ...

I think my biggest problem last summer and fall was trying to push my calories too low (under 1500/day) and I was doing a lot of hiking up and down the hills near my home (west virginia hills - 300 feet high and steep). I was trying to get my body to drop the pounds by dropping the calories and I was ignoring the fact I had great success with a higher calorie range.

So, I've come to the conclusion that I am just very sensitive to starvation mode and will go into it very quickly if I don't keep the calories up. Now I eat between 1500 and 1750 calories a day (mostly clean - lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, good fats etc.). I also try to get at least 20 minutes of cardio a day, though I struggle with getting motivated to do any strength training. I've seen a 1 pound loss from my previous low this week after returning to a higher calorie range, so that makes me hopeful :)My goal is to drop 40 to 45 pounds by August so I can wow everyone at the reunion I'm attending at the end of that month :)

God Bless,
Hi Mik

Thanks. I am sure that you will look great at the reunion. I went to a school reunion back in October. I was 30 pounds heavier than I am now - but I had dropped about a hundred (I probably wouldnt have gone had I been still up around my start weight). I used to have a really horrible double chin which disappeared four days before my school reunion. I could not believe it when I looked into the mirror.

I keep my calories high - but I do not count them - I just eat a very repetitive diet - but I also make sure that it is very healthy. I also walk a lot. I wear a pedometer all the time and try to do something like 11 or 12 miles every day. I do my walking in the area near where I live in the suburbs to the west of London. I am lucky in that I do not go to work so I am able to devote a lot of time to my weight loss project. I also do not like strength training much. I like walking if the weather is nice (but hate it if I get drenched!) and also like aerobics which helps.

I weigh every day and had a low on 27th January which had me at 11st8.6 (162.6 pounds) - but have been gaining water retention weight ever since then and am up 2.2 pounds from there today. I just hope that it starts going back down in a couple of days time.

Take care
Hey all, I just got into the 160's yesterday, down 5 pounds from 173. My intermediate goal is 148 by the end of June, so I hope to be moving on into the 150s within a couple months. I was at 149 a couple years ago, but that weight was lost mostly during and after a hospital stay - not the most recommended way to lose! And obviously the weight came back. But this time I hope to get past it.

Nice to meet you all!
Serena - congratulations on entering the 160s. :party: Every milestone feels brilliant doesnt it. I entered the 160s between Christmas and New Year. I never expected to hit any milestones that week!
Welcome Serena!!

Margaret - I've been wondering about this since I occaisionally watch "You Are What You Eat" . What is a Stone? Weight wise, that is?

God Bless,
Hi Mik

In England we normally weigh ourselves and think of our weight in stones and pounds. I always convert it as I know that so many of my forum friends always weigh and think of weight in pounds alone. I also like to keep my ticker up to date.

1 stone = 14 pounds
This means that 11 stone = (11 * 14) = 154 pounds, and therefore 11 stone 10.8 pounds = 154 + 10.8 = 164.8 pounds.

This is probably why you will notice that some English people come up with what you will think of as an odd goal weight. My goal weight for instance is currently eight and a half stone which converts to 119 pounds. I imagine that many people would think "why did she pick that instead of going for 120 pounds?".

Take care
Ok :) I knew it was some conversion or other, I just didn't know the conversion factor. So my goal is 8 stone 6 pounds :D

Thank you for the explanation :)

God Bless,
Hey all, the 170's club is pretty lonely so thought i'd visit you here. I'm around 175 and hope to be hear in a couple weeks. Cant wait to meet you all..but im sure most of you will be out of here by that time. Goodluck and keep up the good work!
Thanks Angelica. Visit any time! You will be a member here before you know it.

I think that is the thing with these clubs. No sooner do you qualify to join one than you are impatient to leave it out the other side. We are all like that.
Well everyone it seems that I am out of here. I weighed in at 159 this morning. Hope to see you all in the 150's club really soon!
Woot Kgirl!!!

I'm hoping that I'll be joining you in Club 150's within the next 3 weeks :D

God Bless,
Tyly - you will be here in no time.