Club 160s

Gained 5 lbs due to vacation (lack of exercise and yummy eats) but still in the 160's.

Back on track!!! :D

Work hard everybody!
Argggg. Still in the 160's I'm stuck, help me. Maybe by the end of August I will be in the 150s'.
Thanks Hajni, I hope your not here too long either! Yes our current weight and goal weights are very similar. Out of curiousity, how tall are you?? I am 5'5.5. Congrats on the 37.5 lbs lost by the way:)
Nicole, you are almost there!! Just a little bit to go!!

Angelica: I am 5'4". 145 lbs would be the high end of "normal weight" for me. I think it will be good weight and I will re-evalute once I get there. The smallest I ever been was 150 and I was wearing size 6. If I could go back to that, I will be happy. :)

It took me exactly two years to lose this weight, but most of it was in the last year or so.
Hi everyone!!
I think I was here before but I can't remember. I know I was in the 150s group for a little while... and well I couldn't get into this group because I *gulp* went up to 175.
But... this morning I weighed in and was at 168.6! YAY!!

So I figure I should do something to celebrate... and here I am, writing in the 160s group. Seemed like a good thing to do to keep myself motivated and talk with those who have similar goals.

I'm terrified that I'll go up to 170s again. I'm also frusterated that I was in the 160s and just went up. I had a trip to Vegas in the spring and that definitely hurt me. We walked EVERYWHERE, but apparently that didn't make up for the bad eating I was doing. I went from 162 up to 168 and well, since then have sneaked up a few pounds.

I've done some things which I'm proud of though. After reading a bit of a book about artificial sweeteners I gave up diet pop. I also rarely drink juices, but will have a glass of juice if we splurge on pizza or pop some airpopped popcorn to watch a movie.
I definitely drink lots of water... so much that I actually think I need to cut back. As an example, yesterday I had 9 glasses and was soooooo bloated. I was too uncomfortable to walk in the evening and just felt awful. I keep trying to just sip my water, but when I'm at work I find I keep sipping it and drink my 8 cups during my work day. Anyone else have this problem?

What else, well, that's about all I'll bore you with. Just wanted to introduce myself in this group and would love to talk to others with similar weight loss goals and such.
Good to have to here PaintedDaisy! As for me, I've been maintaining at around weight just doesn't seem to want to get below that and I am getting really frustrated at this point. I think I need to stop weighing myself so often and do it just once a week so I'll try that and hopefully get better results.
HI , I am still here. Hoping to break 160 by this Thursday.
Angelica: I had a month of yo-yoing between 166-165. That was the weight I was for the longest time before i got pregnant with my daughter. I guess our bodies just have a "comfort zone" and does not want to budge from there easily.
Good luck on getting closer to the 160 and then move to the 150's.
Hopefully we all be there soon!!!
Angelica- I hear ya- I was stuck at that weight for awhile too. Though instead of going down I just went up. But now I'm stuck at 168-171.
I too want to not weigh myself so often and just do it once a week. I often wonder if the more I worry about my weight the more I just gain.
Thanks Hajni and PaintedDaisy! I guess I should just stick to this rather than getting discouraged..although it sortof is my fault that the weight isnt dropping since I still eat ALOT..its just been maintaing there because I exercise every single day for an I should be thankful I havent gained. Ugh why does food have to be soo good:rolleyes:
I am not officially out of here till SAt. but I have been seeing 159 and 158's now for about a week. Weigh in is on Saturday and I am off to 150's!! YAY
Good luck to all and see you there soon!!
Hajni, I see that you have reached your goal of 158 from the Halloween Challenge, way to go!!! Hopefully I can join you in the 150's thread in a couple weeks:)
Hajni Congrats on getting to the 150's!! Yeah for you.

I've been in the 160's for 9 weeks. A nice plateau thing going on for awhile. But the last 2 weeks there has been a nice loss.....hope to be out of this 10# stretch soon.....
I'm at 165 and hopefully be able to join the 150s club before my birthday (doubtful) on the 2nd of October. It's so annoying having to delay clothes-buying! Oh well. It'll all happen soon enough.
Amazingly I'm still floating around between 161 and 159. I'm not loosing weight anymore but I'm still loosing inches..., when I started loosing weight I didn't go on any diet or anything I just changed my lifestyle and it was amazingly easy. Now I've stopped, so maybe I should start putting in some extra effort to loose the next 30lbs. I'm already going to the gym every other day which is why i'm still loosing inches I think. Damn.
I'm still here... Gained some weight, not extremely happy about that. But anyways, back on track somewhat (although school + work is killing me).

I really wanna be in the 150's!!! :boxing:

Work hard gals.
Hi all can I join the 160's club too?

I'm currently weighing in at 167.5 (76kgs - I'm an aussie girl so we go by the metric system :) )

My first mini goal is to reach 70kgs (154)

A few months ago a was weighing in at 70kgs but I've been having a really hard year and because I'm an emotional eater, I burry my emotions in food than actually face and deal with the real isseu at hand. I am trying to deal with my emotional eating and looking very forward to get to the 150's and 140's mark.

I am eating 1400 cal a day and doing 30 minutes to an hour of exercise a day

Hi Guys,

I am a newbie. I started at 166 and now down to 163 (after a week of exercising and planned meals). I would like to be 120-125 lbs. Nice to meet you all!

I have been here for several months again. I am hoping that maybe by the end of the year I will be in the 150's. I'm no longer planning it to happen soon. The lbs just are staying around even with lots of exercise and calorie counting....:beatdeadhorse5: That is what the 160's are feeling like, or like this :banghead:
I made it!!!! I made into the 160's!
It has been years since I have been at this level, and can not even remember seeing the 150's any of my adult life. NO offense, but I
don't intend to be here as a final destination, but hope to enjoy meeting others in thir 160's and offer support as I can.
I'll probably be here a while, as I'm a slow loser, but that's ok- as long
as it's coming off and coming off PERMANENTLY!
