Club 160s

Ugh, where is everybody's enthusiasm? Come on summers almost here... we dont wanna still be in the 160s as we put on that beachwear do we...!?
Yeah, Sprite, you're right!!
Hope everyone's getting on well!!

I've had a tough weekend---a 21st on Fri, a ball on Sat, then it's my birthday tomorrow so I've tried to be good---refused desserts etc but can't say I've stayed away from the wine...haha I'll be ok though, even I'm on a diet I've still got to have some fun!

I'll weigh in tomorrow to see how much I lost last week, I'll report back, hope you do the same, I wanna hear what I have to live up to!
I am still wofting at somewhere between 165 and 164 -weighing in at 164 and a 1/4 or a 1/2 lol.

Gonna crack down over the next few days and hopefully get it down to a proper, long-lasting 164.

Lets make it a good week. :D

(Oh and I know what you mean... I have to say the drink has been flowing for me too later... oh so many calories! ;))
Yeah, it's not good, is it?? You've really gotta stick with the Vodka and diet Coke if you want almost guilt free drinking!!

Did a 5 mile run bright and early this morning, it felt great!

My weighing scales have gone missing from my room (i.e. my Dad took them) so I'll find them and hopefully weigh in tomorrow...eek, fingers crossed now!
I've been away from scales and exercise for so long I don't know where I am, but tomorrow I'm going home, so I'll let you know! (firmly in the 170's though I fear) :(
Some great news..., scales say 166 yeyyyyyyy! I have no idea how it did it but hey, I'm happy :) come on 160's thread, where you at?

CONGRATS sponge. :) I am still hovering around there *sigh* you have shamed me into some excercise now lol.

I'd better have a quick half hour down the gym now before work!
just thought id pop in and say hello. weighed in at 169.8 yesterday. although not getting over excited yet as my weight does vary from day to day, and im still hovering near that 170 mark.slim
164 today, returning to the place where I put on all this weight in the first place for a few days though... hope it's not bad news!
My Diet is

1 cup non-fat milk + an apple

non-fat yogurt+ carrots

non-fat Cottage cheese

I run in the treadmill in speed of 7.5 km/h
for 75 minutes everyday

Hi sweetie! I think its so great that you are working to get your weight down. I hope I'm not bursting your bubble or telling you something you don't want to hear, but YOUR PLAN WILL BACKFIRE.

YOU ARE STARVING YOURSELF DEAR. Eating 500 calories per day, which is approximately what you're eating, is literally starving yourself. You need AT LEAST 1200 calories per day, and for your weight and height and activity level and age (you're still developing!), I would guess more like at least 1800 and still lose a reasonable 1 to 2 pounds per week.

The problem with your plan is the KEEPING OFF part. You can't starve forever; I PROMISE you the SECOND you start eating normally again (even if its healthy food and not as much as before), you will put it all back on (and more if you look at the pattern of people who follow your "diet").


No one can starve forever girl. Once you start eating again, and you will, trust me, your body will try to hold onto those calories so hard because it fears you will starve it again. You're teaching your body how to survive, and conserve fuel/calories, on such a small amount of calories. You're body is trying to save your life right now so its slowing down (and don't we all want a FASTER rather than slower metabolism?).

The sad thing is that I've read a lot about certain (not all obviously) obese people who've done these starvation diets on and off for years and by their 30's they end up in the high 200's.

And in the meantime, a person who does a healthy weight loss plan of eating not less than 1200-1800 calories per day, and actually gets to eat, will KEEP OFF that weight.

When you starve you lose way more than fat. You LOSE MUSCLE so you will end up flabby and not toned and tight like you want. Muscle helps burn fat, even when you're sitting on your butt watching TV. Fat does NOT burn calories just sitting around. So if we have more muscle we can eat more and not gain weight. Our metabolisms speed up with more muscle and slow down with less muscle.

See, the people who don't starve themselves (1) don't slow down their metabolisms for years to come (2) don't lose all their muscle so they burn more calories at rest and (3) most importantly, they learn how to eat healthy so they can keep the weight off FOREVER, not just for a summer.

Sorry if this message was a downer, but I'm concerned about you sweetie. :( If you would like some suggestions on a better way to lose all your weight, just get in touch.
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aaaaaaah, I'm actually scared to check the scales! I haven't looked in about a week... I'd guess I'm at 164 (hopefully!!) hmmmm we'll see.
Welcome to those of you news to the 160s, well done! Hopefully we won't be seeing each other here for much longer, haha ;)
Come on sponge... don't get despondent. :) Even if you don't feel up to excercise try and watch what you're eating. You've nearly reached the lower half of the 60s now, you can do it. :)
hi to all, i have weighed in at 167 (yeh less than 12 stone:D ) for the last few days so i guess im officially "in". slim
thanks for your welcome sprite.just been a pig and stuffed my face with a huge portion of homemade shepherds pie - smelled lovely and i couldnt resist. gotta stop or i`ll be moving back up and not down.slim (but stuffed).
Just don't have it for EVERY meal ;) Get some excercise in and I'm sure things will stay on track.