bluehats diary

Can I ask you what you chose for your Playlist?
Sure :) It will change, but this is my current playlist. I can have it playing & dance when I feel like it. I will learn the Nutbush dance though as I have always wanted to. It's an Australian thing, apparently.
Nutbush City Limits Ike & Tine Turner
Love Shach, the B-52's
Play that funky music, Wild Cherry
Let's Dance, David Bowie
Eagle Rock, Daddy Cool
My Sharona, The Knack
Hey Ya! Outkast
Honky Tonk Women, The Rolling Stones
Slice of Heaven, Dave Dobbins
Do Wah Diddy Diddy, Manfred Mann
Dancing in the street, The Mamas & the Papas
Happy, Pharrell Williams
Shake it off, Taylor Swift
Jamming, Bob Marley
Counting the beat, The Swingers
River Deep-Mountain High, Ike & Tina Turner
She's so fine, The Easybeats
In Hell I'll be in good company, The Dead South
Soul Kind of Feeling, Dynamic Hepnotics.
So it's back down the 2 pounds to what it was on Monday.
But at least it's on a downward trend.
So since the date we officially set as March 7 I've went from
262 to 255.
That's a nice drop Bluehat! Way to go!
OMAD is an extreme version of intermittent fasting. i have been intermittent fasting every day for about 4 months now. vs OMAD, intermittent fasting has an "eating window". the most popular seems to be 8/16, eight hours of eating followed by 16 hours of fasting every 24 hours. when i started, i went to 8/16 for the first 3-4 days, starting my eating window at ~10am and ending at 6pm. but within a week or two i gradually moved my stop time back to now where most days my eating window is only ~4 hours.

anything over 12-14 hours of fasting will get you on an effective eating schedule, so why not try to move more slowly toward your OMAD goal. a good start is merely to stop eating after dinner, say 6-7pm, then have no food (got that? .... NO FOOD) until ~9 or 10am the next morning.

i still miss eating at night some days. i'm a pretty good cook and i often have some leftovers from the day for a meal tomorrow, so cheating is a simple 1-2 minutes in the microwave. but then i think about how good i'll feel tomorrow, have a cup of black coffee and the feeling doesn't usually hang around long. i must be getting better, too.... a few days ago i baked some shortbread and there are a zillion very tasty calories in my kitchen right now. hard even for me to believe, but at the moment i have zero motivation to raid that stash.

this next point will be hard not to take the wrong way, but what you do eat seems to be horrible. corned beef? sausage? stop eating processed meats. learn to steam vegetables. what sort of grocery stores do you have locally. at mine even if i was lazy, i could still eat well as their deli dept has roast chicken and there is a salad bar (but limit your dressing to oil/ vinegar, no ranch/ 1000 island, etc.... even the good sounding ones are often loaded with sugar).

i've had to fight back a weight gain twice in my life now. the first time in my 40's was because i was convinced that i didn't want to turn into what some of my friends looked like. now i am 65 and this time it is because i want to live longer. i have already had two friends die because they ignored their health. last year i drove up to Wyoming to see the total eclipse... my first. already planning on seeing my 2nd in 2024. i'm feeling good about making that now.
Are you going to see the eclipse?
Hoping you have fun today.
Sure :) It will change, but this is my current playlist. I can have it playing & dance when I feel like it. I will learn the Nutbush dance though as I have always wanted to. It's an Australian thing, apparently.
Nutbush City Limits Ike & Tine Turner
Love Shach, the B-52's
Play that funky music, Wild Cherry
Let's Dance, David Bowie
Eagle Rock, Daddy Cool
My Sharona, The Knack
Hey Ya! Outkast
Honky Tonk Women, The Rolling Stones
Slice of Heaven, Dave Dobbins
Do Wah Diddy Diddy, Manfred Mann
Dancing in the street, The Mamas & the Papas
Happy, Pharrell Williams
Shake it off, Taylor Swift
Jamming, Bob Marley
Counting the beat, The Swingers
River Deep-Mountain High, Ike & Tina Turner
She's so fine, The Easybeats
In Hell I'll be in good company, The Dead South
Soul Kind of Feeling, Dynamic Hepnotics.
Really neat. Thanks for sharing.
Are you having fun?
Not really sure if I did lose any.
It fluctuates so much but it hasn't went up anyway.
Thinking of maybe extending the time between weigh days.
Still been trying to exercise.
Sometimes 4 Sometimes 5 songs. Legs pretty sore tho. It isn't getting easier at all.
Waiting to do weight on the 1st and 15th of the months. Then maybe see more of a difference.
Foods still soup, chili and sometimes some cottage cheese.
Hi, Blue. I haven't been dancing much as it was hurting my knees, but it's good to see you are. Good luck with the next weigh in xo
The food price increases have finally outdone me.
Forced to eat just once a day.
It was only a matter of time.
I'm OK with it I guess.
Still here.
Still trying to do 5 songs but not getting them in every day.
It's sore with a toe injury. Very dangerous with diabetes so I keep it covered most of the time. Hoping I can wear shoes next week.
Plus I'm on day 4 with food intolerance issues and very very tired. Trying to drink more liquid to replace the losses of liquid.
Weigh day on Tues.
Hoping everyone here is well.
I'm late to post a weight for the 1st.
Weirdly enough it shows its up by 2 pounds!
But I'm not doing anything new right now as I'm very tired still from the runs.
Been still doing 5 songs but missed a few days one for shopping and 1 for exhaustion.
I also have arthritis in my knees so it hurts.
Also I binged a few times. Likely why it went up a few pounds.
I stopped dancing every day because it hurt my knees. I think I was being a bit too vigorous. Keep trying, Blue. That's all we can do :grouphug:
Good for you keeping up with the songs. That's a shame about your knees hurting though!