bluehats diary

pea soup
2 pizza buns

i had planned on a high protein meal
but unexpected things happened
so i will try for tomorrow night

and another day with
no binge
pea soup
2 pizza buns

i had planned on a high protein meal
but unexpected things happened
so i will try for tomorrow night

and another day with
no binge

the problem with this much food
was that it was alot of cups (796ml soup)
and i got the bad stomach bloating
but just having the soup
or just the pizza buns would not have been
enough calories
its something i cant figure out yet
how to have the less cups but
enuf calories
thus avoiding the bloat and pain
I think it would be helpful to either raise the volume of your meals a little at a time so your body can get used to it again or to have two meals a couple of hours apart. Getting everything your body needs for 24 hours into only two cups worth of food is very hard.
At the same time: soup tends to fill me up quickly but not last very long because of the high water content and since I have difficulty eating large portions as well I've stopped adding (as much) water to my soups and just started calling them stew to make it easier to get all my nutrients in.
Hi bluehat I just wanted to say hello and keep it up . I'm not going to offer any major advice because I too have been dieting for 30 years . LaMa is giving great feedback to you .
The only thing I will advise and that's if you feel like a binge swap up your routine a little . Just go do something else for a few minutes like clean the bathroom or sort your sock drawer . Or phone someone . A little distract might help .
Best of luck . It's not easy
i finally gave up trying to lose weight
what would happen if i gave up trying
not to binge?
i dont really want to know
Try to concentrate more on eating healthily, worry less about losing weight & hopefully you might find a balance where you don't binge. Sending you a great big hug :grouphug:
ate earlier this evening
taking new meds causing nausea

2 cups soup
12 breakfast sausages

worried my stomach will actually rip
I don't think your stomach will rip . How is the nausea going ? I think you should follow cates advice .
There is no way I could not eat food I don't enjoy . If you did have a couple of meals a day and you enjoyed them would that be ok with you . If you knew you had a good meal to look forward too it might reduce the urge to binge .
I don't think your stomach will rip . How is the nausea going ? I think you should follow cates advice .
There is no way I could not eat food I don't enjoy . If you did have a couple of meals a day and you enjoyed them would that be ok with you . If you knew you had a good meal to look forward too it might reduce the urge to binge .

the nauseas better i stopped taking the pain meds
but the antibiotics kicked in so dont need the nausea causing
pain med now( i have an absess)

i am considering a different way of eating other
than the one meal a day
maybe 2 or 3 meals a day not sure yet
because i still binged even eating several meals
so im not sure how i will proceed
definetly food i like tho
this way isnt very tasty
OMAD is an extreme version of intermittent fasting. i have been intermittent fasting every day for about 4 months now. vs OMAD, intermittent fasting has an "eating window". the most popular seems to be 8/16, eight hours of eating followed by 16 hours of fasting every 24 hours. when i started, i went to 8/16 for the first 3-4 days, starting my eating window at ~10am and ending at 6pm. but within a week or two i gradually moved my stop time back to now where most days my eating window is only ~4 hours.

anything over 12-14 hours of fasting will get you on an effective eating schedule, so why not try to move more slowly toward your OMAD goal. a good start is merely to stop eating after dinner, say 6-7pm, then have no food (got that? .... NO FOOD) until ~9 or 10am the next morning.

i still miss eating at night some days. i'm a pretty good cook and i often have some leftovers from the day for a meal tomorrow, so cheating is a simple 1-2 minutes in the microwave. but then i think about how good i'll feel tomorrow, have a cup of black coffee and the feeling doesn't usually hang around long. i must be getting better, too.... a few days ago i baked some shortbread and there are a zillion very tasty calories in my kitchen right now. hard even for me to believe, but at the moment i have zero motivation to raid that stash.

this next point will be hard not to take the wrong way, but what you do eat seems to be horrible. corned beef? sausage? stop eating processed meats. learn to steam vegetables. what sort of grocery stores do you have locally. at mine even if i was lazy, i could still eat well as their deli dept has roast chicken and there is a salad bar (but limit your dressing to oil/ vinegar, no ranch/ 1000 island, etc.... even the good sounding ones are often loaded with sugar).

i've had to fight back a weight gain twice in my life now. the first time in my 40's was because i was convinced that i didn't want to turn into what some of my friends looked like. now i am 65 and this time it is because i want to live longer. i have already had two friends die because they ignored their health. last year i drove up to Wyoming to see the total eclipse... my first. already planning on seeing my 2nd in 2024. i'm feeling good about making that now.
im still here
could not get on- the site completely
things totally fell apart when i thought about
adding more meals

it gets out of control because
i think ok 3 times i can eat
but when?
so i eat and say this will be the first meal
and then the second meal
until it all runs in together
and am eating all day

going back to OMAD
its more defined and has
a beginning time and end time

i have not been able to have times for 3 meals
as the people i hang out with have no schedules
so they can say with no planning o lets go here or there
and if im cooking or eating they just go without me
but with the one meal i chose a time when they do
eat at the same time every day and are done the outings

ive pretty much been thru it all
the meal plans, the diets, the scheduled meals,
the low fat, high fat, low carb, high carb, low protein,
high protein, no exercise, yes exercise, low calories, high calories,
eating 6 times a day, eating every 2 hours

so as far as meals go this works the best

its just that nothing so far has helped prevent binging
yesterday was
sausages and soup
corn chips chocolates tuna

today was
corn chips chocolates
sausage soup cheese slices
OMAD is an extreme version of intermittent fasting. i have been intermittent fasting every day for about 4 months now. vs OMAD, intermittent fasting has an "eating window". the most popular seems to be 8/16, eight hours of eating followed by 16 hours of fasting every 24 hours. when i started, i went to 8/16 for the first 3-4 days, starting my eating window at ~10am and ending at 6pm. but within a week or two i gradually moved my stop time back to now where most days my eating window is only ~4 hours.

anything over 12-14 hours of fasting will get you on an effective eating schedule, so why not try to move more slowly toward your OMAD goal. a good start is merely to stop eating after dinner, say 6-7pm, then have no food (got that? .... NO FOOD) until ~9 or 10am the next morning.

i still miss eating at night some days. i'm a pretty good cook and i often have some leftovers from the day for a meal tomorrow, so cheating is a simple 1-2 minutes in the microwave. but then i think about how good i'll feel tomorrow, have a cup of black coffee and the feeling doesn't usually hang around long. i must be getting better, too.... a few days ago i baked some shortbread and there are a zillion very tasty calories in my kitchen right now. hard even for me to believe, but at the moment i have zero motivation to raid that stash.

this next point will be hard not to take the wrong way, but what you do eat seems to be horrible. corned beef? sausage? stop eating processed meats. learn to steam vegetables. what sort of grocery stores do you have locally. at mine even if i was lazy, i could still eat well as their deli dept has roast chicken and there is a salad bar (but limit your dressing to oil/ vinegar, no ranch/ 1000 island, etc.... even the good sounding ones are often loaded with sugar).

i've had to fight back a weight gain twice in my life now. the first time in my 40's was because i was convinced that i didn't want to turn into what some of my friends looked like. now i am 65 and this time it is because i want to live longer. i have already had two friends die because they ignored their health. last year i drove up to Wyoming to see the total eclipse... my first. already planning on seeing my 2nd in 2024. i'm feeling good about making that now.

your certainly right about some of my food choices being bad

i plan to work on better choices like fresh meats instead of processed/canned
and add vegetables

i have normal stores here

i wish you all the best getting to that second eclipse
I don´t want to be a downer but "real" binging (as opposed to eating a bar of chocolate in one sitting, which is what many people call a binge these days) is usually not a physiological need, so I don´t think there´s any schedule or food choice that is going to prevent you from binging. The only thing which might be able to do that is to find out more about how the process works for you and what purpose binging serves for you, specifically. Does it reduce stress, distract you, or dampen other negative emotions? How do you feel right before you put the first bite into you mouth? How long before can you feel yourself be drawn in toward a binge? Is it an instant thing or do you feel the first signs long before? Something in-between? At what point do you feel like you no longer have a choice in the matter and you have to binge? Could you get back into therapy to further work on your binging problems?
I don´t want to be a downer but "real" binging (as opposed to eating a bar of chocolate in one sitting, which is what many people call a binge these days) is usually not a physiological need, so I don´t think there´s any schedule or food choice that is going to prevent you from binging. The only thing which might be able to do that is to find out more about how the process works for you and what purpose binging serves for you, specifically. Does it reduce stress, distract you, or dampen other negative emotions? How do you feel right before you put the first bite into you mouth? How long before can you feel yourself be drawn in toward a binge? Is it an instant thing or do you feel the first signs long before? Something in-between? At what point do you feel like you no longer have a choice in the matter and you have to binge? Could you get back into therapy to further work on your binging problems?

i really wish i could see that dietician again
she is likely passed
but i have moved miles away since ( right in the middle
of the treatment from her)
she called the city i was moving to and it did not
have her video treatment program and it was just left
at that
and after that in any city i went to they told me to diet
where as she told me to stop dieting and eat 1600 calories
(at that time i was in my 30's) she said to eat the healthy 1600
and let my weight go where it went
but with life and its problems and my problems
i just didnt see the wisdom in what she advised
im not sure if now over 20 years later
would my body gain weight on the 1600
im actually afraid to try
but likely with the binges (of 2 pounds of chocolates or
400 grams chips or 2 pounds cookies) i would be eating
more than the 1600
and although she said 1600 at that time i did google
my calorie requirements for my age now and it 1600
even the most recent dietician that i saw for my diabetes
said to diet and gave me a diet

i cant seem to figure out the things around the binging
its going to take alot of work to figure out
mostly what i do now is try not to bring alot of food in
and keep a bit at a family members or just go out
and get one meal to eat at night
How about you write down what you eat and how many calories are in that food - including and especially binges - to get an idea of what´s happening right now? 1600 calories a day doesn´t sound like it would make you gain weight unless you´re either tiny or quite a bit older than you are.
What I really meant was psychotherapy though. I think you mentioned getting counseling for your bulimia in the past? If it´s stopped you purging (which is great progress and you should be very proud of it!) it might help you stop binging in the long run as well.
:iagree: with LaMa. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be so beneficial with processing & learning to deal with unhealthy thoughts towards food, body image & self-esteem. I know it has helped me in the past & I am getting further counselling in the new year.